Realms In The Firmament Chapter 16: **** dream

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Ye Xiao at home.

Three playboys are drinking.

The table is full of wines, mountains and sea, with everything from General’s Residence. Of course, such a banquet is usually effortless. Ye Xiao talked about it with great interest. As for the blood ginseng, in fact, it became a dried radish ; the most powerful medicine in the box. It has entered the mysterious bead space and is digesting.

The housekeeper walked in quietly and stood.

“What is it?” Ye Xiao asked kindly.

“Yes, son … After you left Wang Family, Wang Danian immediately left home.” The steward carefully considered the words and said, “Go to Crown Prince East Palace.”

“Eh?” Ye Xiao frowned slightly, raised his head, and looked at the housekeeper.

The follow-up movement of Wang Danian, he was expecting ;. This is actually the ; that he set out to lead the snake out of the hole. So it is not surprised that ; really surprised him but the housekeeper.

Even these things come to mind, and they are all prepared in advance …

This is not something that ordinary people can think of and do.

The steward … not ordinary people!

Ye Xiao thought so.

The steward faced Ye Xiao‘s gaze, his look remained unchanged, and he calmly said, “The villain retired.” Turning out, he was as humble as ever, and as honest as ever.

But at this moment, Ye Xiao is no longer known.

Ye Nantian is a perennial foreign war. Can he let him stay at home to take care of his family business and manage things, how can he be an ordinary character?

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, with the strength of the wine, Ye Xiao asked: “Yes, you said the three of us, just hang around every day to die … I do n’t know about you two, for the future Do you have any plans? “

“Future? Plan?” Zuo Wuji hēi hēi smiled, a bit miserable, and said, “I have any future in my life? What else can I plan for? I have been born since my childhood. It is difficult for me to have such a disability. The privacy of the opening tooth, when people looked down on ;, they were blasted out by others, so that the entire Capital City is unknown, and the second son of the Minister Zuo family is an inhumane! I can still raise my head there ?? Can you have any plans? Like a product like me, is there any future? Pass and pass! “

While talking and drinking, there are three cups in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Wuji was drinking very quickly, and Jun Xiu’s face showed an unspeakable misery: “Do you know, now in the blue building, those who claim to be show-offs are not for sale? They are most welcome to me, because even they know that even if they know It ’s because they’re naked and stand in front of me, and I can’t do anything … Ye Xiao, people like me, do you think I have any plans? “

Ye Xiao sighed softly. To be honest, he really feels sorry for the second left son, who is also a man, how can he not understand the pain of a man who can’t do it.

Between my mind and my mind, I instantly remembered that a type of Spirit Pill, called Lock Yang Rejuvenation Pill, was circulating in Heaven Realm. The reason why the word “circulation” was used, except that because of the low level of this Spirit Pill, it was only level 5. Dan’s effectiveness is also relatively single. It does not promote cultivation level. It only increases Yuanyang and supplements the effect of Essence Yuan. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of High level tonic holy medicine.

This type of Medicine Pill is certainly not in the eyes of Smiling Monarch, but for ordinary cultivator, especially those who like beauty, it is a peerless medicine.

Especially for the nature condition of Zuo Wuji, it is even more difficult to heal. Only one can be cured.

It’s not just a cure. In terms of Master Zuo’s own quality, if he can really take a Lock Yang Rejuvenation Pill, it will not only heal the sickness quickly, but also form a great help for the body.

After all, Heaven Realm‘s level 5 Medicine Pill, for this mortal world, is directly legendary, Heavens has the underground gem divine medicine!

After a moment of groaning, Ye Xiao‘s eyes flickered: “You don’t have to be so desperate. You may not have the symptom of a symptom like Zuo Shaoyou … if you can really cure it, what do you want to do?”

Zuo Wuji took a deep breath and said lonely, “I know that you are comforting me. This kind of cricket symptom can’t be resolved and there is no cure for it. However, it can be regarded as an extravagant hope … if it is My disease can be cured, then I hope … “

His eyes suddenly flashed with light, saying: “I hope that I can achieve a generation of famous ministers ; assisted King, and flatten the world, under one person, more than 10,000 people, Qingshi left name, Bandai Liufang! And , And also rectify the world officials. “

“I study the way of governing the country and the world painstakingly, day and night, and painstakingly learn every experience I can see and learn from ;. Then I think about how to change, how to unify, how to govern , How can I make it the best … “

His miserable Xiao Xiao: “Or it’s ironic, every day, playing with you, it seems heartless and heartless, but when you’re sleeping with a beauty, I can’t help but choose to sneak back … myself Do these things to calm down your mind, because once I have nothing to do, I worry that I will commit suicide at any time, and ask for a break … “

Ye Xiao and Lan Langlang are silent for a while.

Neither of them thought that as the Zuo Wuji of Capital City No.1 black sheep, they had such ambitions and such courage!

“It’s just that I know how to study it, but it’s just a mere blame … because my natural reputation has long been spread out … no matter whether the talent is outstanding, whether ability is extraordinary, in the eyes of King, at best It is that a candidate who has been accepted as the **** in the harem is not ;. It is not a shame and a smile on the court! “

Zuo Wuji is three consecutive glasses of wine, and laughed at himself: “You see, besides peeing, this thing can’t do anything …”

On this joke, Ye Xiao and Lan Langlang only felt heavy.

“Qiniang, I was wrong.” Lan Langlang said with guilt: “I will never call you Qiniang again …”

“You!” Zuo Wuji‘s eyes glared, apparently intent on getting angry. ; then sighed, and said, “I often fantasize that if I get better one day, I must have three wives and four concubines, be sure The beauties around me are the most popular ministers, and then they have to be a generation of loyal ministers! Haha, how about my ideal? Is n’t it funny? I dare to think about it, too much hope! “

Ye Xiao sighed and patted his shoulder: “could it be that, you have never thought about it, practice mystical art, Eternal Life is not old, ; is vertical and horizontal, no one can rival?”

Zuo Wuji shook his head and said, “I really have no interest in those things! No matter how strong martial artist is, it’s just a life-and-death fight. The interests of the ; and the literati can be in the curtain.” It ’s better than thousands of miles away. In the whole world, there are no hundreds of people, and he will benefit at the same time because of a word or a decision! “

“A hundred years of life is enough,” said Zuo Wuji.

Ye Xiao can’t help but feel confused. In the exchanges just now, he found another advantage of Zuo Wuji, that is, toughness. In fact, the advantage of Zuo Wuji has already been revealed, but no one has ever faced it.

A natural person can face his own defects, and endure countless ridiculing eyes and satire words every day. He can stand upright and keep his heart. Ye Xiao asks himself, if it is a place of change, he will take it seriously. It may not be able to do better than Zuo Wuji. As Zuo Wuji said, maybe suicide has long since ended!

“Things in the world have never been thought of, and the resolution has never been done. As long as you dare to think, you may not be able to succeed.” Ye Xiao nodded, his voice solemn: “In the history of history, the first one is also the only one of one by one. Merry, under one person, over ten thousand people … Merry and elegant golden guns will not fall clean, honest, upright, and arrogant! “

Zuo Wuji is going to get angry subconsciously, but raising his eyes to see the solemn look of Ye Xiao, can’t help but wonder: “Are you serious?”

“I do have a way to cure your chronic illness.” Ye Xiao said word by word.

Although a person’s toughness is always strong, there is always a limit. Now he has to give Zuo Wuji a reassurance pill now, because if it is in accordance with the current mentally status of Zuo Wuji, I am afraid that it will not be able to support Core Completion that day. One step collapsed.

“You?” Zuo Wuji‘s eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and his breathing suddenly became heavy, such as pulling a bellows.

“I can cure your illness, really.” Ye Xiao said seriously: “But … I can’t do it now. Your ill, non-faltering medicine can be saved. The refining of this medicine takes time. Zuo Wuji, if you believe me, wait for me for one year! At the latest one year, I can guarantee that you will restore your male power! “

Zuo Wuji looked at him seriously and smiled softly: “Okay! As long as I say, I’ll wait for you one year ; I’ve been here for eighteen years, how much longer?”

Lan Langlang ridiculously smiles: “Eighteen years … You’re pretty good. You came out of your mother’s womb and thought about it? It’s amazing.”

The three laughed together.

“How about Double Lang?” Zuo Wuji may be because of pouring out the pain that has been accumulated in my heart for a long time, and I feel a lot more relaxed. Even Lan Langlang‘s most offensive nickname was called out to make fun of him.

Zuo Wuji!” Lan Langlang really exploded: “I solemnly warn you again today, don’t call me Double Lang! Otherwise, you call me Brother Lan ; or you will call me waves! In my life, although all waves Yes, but there are no two! I hate this two! “

“Wave!” Ye Xiao and Zuo Wuji suddenly turned upside down.

“Hurry up, Lang! You talk about, what do you want to do?” Zuo Wuji is so good that it has been called “Wave” since then.

Lan Langlang scratched his head and felt that the word was exaggerated, but it was even more unpleasant, but it was proposed by himself, and he had to hold his nose to recognize it.

“I have ten wishes.”

The opening of Lan Langlang directly frightened Ye Xiao and Zuo Wuji.

“First wish, cure my hoe.” Lan Langlang scratched his head.

“Oh!” Ye Xiao spit out the wine first. Zuo Wuji is also laughing.

“The second wish is that no one cares about me, and is free.” Lan Langlang said irrespective of the feelings of the two people, “The third wish, I want to make a lot of money, many, many, many The fourth wish is to be unofficial, unwilling to study literature, and unwilling to practice martial arts, but hope that regardless of military and military, you can’t control me! Fifth wish, to find a beautiful wife, do not need three wives and four wives So many, one intimate is just the sixth wish of ;, the family is peaceful, and all live a long life of the ; seventh wish … ‘

Lan Langlang kept talking about his wishes, and he actually made up ten. But the last wish is: “… The tenth wish is that our brothers are good, and it is best … when we are seventy and eighty, we can still play together. For the last meal, there are better brothers to eat together. , After eating, let ’s kick and breathe … “

After speaking, Lan Langlang pouted, with some fascination: “It’s so cool to think about such a bright future …”

Ye Xiao and Zuo Wuji are speechless.

Although clearly knows is a ; person who values ​​the feelings of brothers, what did he say from his mouth? What’s called “After eating and kicking your breath”?

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