Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years Chapter 93: This is all a conspiracy of the 1st house of Dao

“Hahaha! Prefect Ren agrees!” Wei Xiong laughed heartily, and took the initiative to raise his glass, “Come on, this old man respects you.”

“Okay!” Ren Yuankui nodded heavily, raised his wine glass and said, “From now on, I will ask Wei Biejia to take care of me, and I will say a few kind words in front of Shen Zhoumu.”

“Of course there is no problem.” Wei Xiong drank the wine in one gulp, smiling very comfortably.

After all, as the prime minister and state shepherd of state affairs, Youzhou’s receipt of Fengzhou’s tax is almost equivalent to him. It is self-evident how many resources can be deployed at will.

This is a great gift!

“Then please don’t drive away.” Ren Yuankui toasted Wei Xiong again, pretending to be bitter, “I’m really poor this time, so I have to tighten my belt.”

“Hehe, are you still singing with me?” Wei Xiong scolded with a smile, “You will lose money? Why don’t you simply raise the people’s taxes? As long as there is no Hongwu Heavenly King in Fengzhou under your rule, it will be impossible. Lose.”

“Hahaha.” Ren Yuankui laughed loudly and stopped talking.

Actually, for him, this deal is still very cost-effective.

As long as the location of Fengzhou Mu can be summoned.

It’s all worth it.

All the efforts you have made now can be paid back even more!

And even if Xu gave Youzhou benefits, it was not his own money.

In the end, ordinary people are squeezed out, and the interests of family sects and even merchants are not affected.

This will not really affect his rule of Fengzhou.

Even if the rebels really broke out, it doesn’t matter.

At that time, he can easily mobilize the forces of the family, sect, and merchants to suppress the rebel army.

After all, these ordinary people “carry” the foundation of them. If the foundation collapses, the foundation will also collapse, and they will definitely join hands to suppress it.

“It’s just a bunch of mud legs. Without a strong backstage support, even if you want to rebel, it’s impossible.” Ren Yuankui looked outside and sneered, “Now there is no Hongwu Heavenly King.”

Since ancient times, there have been countless princes and generals, but the one who has swept the world since the beginning of commoner is only the Hongwu Heavenly King more than two hundred years ago.

Even after so long, the word Hong Wu is still the nightmare of all “superior people” in the world.

Unfortunately, there is only one Hongwu Heavenly King.

There will never be another, and there will never be another.

This is the common cognition of all those in power in the world.

“Yeah, there is no Hong Wu now, and there will never be any in the future!” Wei Xiong nodded his head deeply, but he seemed to have thought of something again. He looked in the direction of Lu Jun and frowned, “Yes. Now, how much do you know about the prefect of Lu County?”

“Why, don’t you want to find him?” Ren Yuankui immediately became vigilant when he heard this, “We have already agreed.”

“Haha, where are you thinking?” Wei Xiong waved his hands and smiled, “I just talked about Hong Wu just now, and I feel that this Cui Heng’s behavior is somewhat similar to that one, don’t you think so?”

“Well, the local tyrants were divided to divide the land, the properties of the major families and sects were confiscated, and the people’s livelihood was in their hands…” Ren Yuankui nodded, and suddenly said in shock, “Yes, it is indeed very similar, but he It is in the way of implementing the new decree, and then governing the counties to conduct experiments, it does not attract too much attention, and if you think about it carefully, this is a complete copy of Hongwu Tianwang!”

“Actually, just now I said that Shen Zhoumu asked me to go to Cui Heng to cooperate with him just as a radical method.” Wei Xiong suddenly smiled and said, “Actually, after Shen Zhoumu heard about Cui Heng’s actions in the counties of Lu County, he asked me to cooperate with him.” By the way, go check out the reality, how much do you know about him?”

“Hahaha, Mr. Don’t drive, you really scared me just now.” Ren Yuankui heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and said with a smile, “As for Cui Heng, I have indeed known it. It suddenly appeared in half a year.”

Speaking of this, he paused, recalling and said: “A few months ago, he appeared in Juhe County, Lu County, and served as the county magistrate. He won the hearts of the people and was loved by the method of beating local tyrants and dividing the land. .

“Later, he accepted the assignment of Liu Litao, the former prefect of Lu County, and became the new prefect of Lu County. As soon as he took office, he fought a food and salt war with the merchants controlled by the Langya Wang family and the Taichong faction.

“After fighting for a month, they won the hearts of the people in the county and the city, and then launched a blatant attack, ransacking the homes of those merchants, even arresting Wang Jinsheng, the eldest son of the Langya Wang family’s second house owner, and Wang Qingquan, the fourth house owner. Bold.

“Afterwards, he began to send one of his subordinate officials to the counties under his rule to implement the new decree. It was still the same way of beating the local tyrants and dividing the land. To this day, he has offended almost all the powerful forces in the county.

“The last is the big event that happened recently. Langya Wang Clan and Pingshan Xie Clan teamed up with the powerful forces in Lu County’s counties to attack Lu County City with tens of thousands of troops. Annihilation… I can honestly say that this guy is indeed a character!”

“Is it really a trap?” Wei Xiong stroked his beard and frowned, “How did I hear that the prefect of Lu County has great supernatural powers and the ability to call wind and rain?

“When I was in Juhe County, I used to attract floods to submerge the Yan thief army. This time, the Wang Xie coalition army was defeated and failed to attack Lu County City. There are also reports that the prefect of Nalu County displayed great magic power.

“It is said that at that time, the land under the feet of Wang Xie’s coalition army collapsed directly, and tens of thousands of troops were buried in the deep pit in an instant, and then the deep pit connected with the Hong River, leaving behind a large lake and a large river. Ren Taishou felt that this was meaningful. How credible is it?” spanstyle valley/spanstyle

“Impossible.” Ren Yuankui shook his head and frowned, “I’ve heard the rumors about Cui Heng’s supernatural powers, but the rumors are too exaggerated. How could there be such a person in the world? Can’t do it.”

“Has Eunuch Ren ever sent someone to look at it?” Wei Xiong thought for a while and said, “It’s the big river and the big lake. The first time may be luck, but the second time is just too coincidental. Already.”

According to the vast majority of cognitions, the saying that Cui Heng has great supernatural powers is only the two times that Juhe County called the wind and rain, and Lujun City destroyed the Wang Xie coalition army.

After all, both times happened in full view.

As for the matter in Xiling County, since no one saw that it was Cui Heng who cast the spell, few people would link this with Cui Heng.

Only a part of the people who migrated from Juhe County to Xiling County guessed that Cui Heng might have done it, but it was just a guess. Most still thought that the army of swallow thieves had committed many unrighteous actions and was punished by heaven.

In this ancient society, feudal superstition was the mainstream value.

“Of course I went to check it out, seeing is believing.” Ren Yuankui smiled and said, “The river is surging, and the mist in the lake is really astonishing, it’s simply a miracle of nature!

“If this is really the result of one person’s efforts, then the prefect of Lu County is an immortal saint walking in the world, an unrivaled **** and Buddha, what a pity… Humph!”

“Oh?” Seeing this, Wei Xiong asked hastily, “Does Eunuch Ren have any clues to the truth?”

“Hey, it’s not really a clue. Many spies from the county guard should have found it.” Ren Yuankui smiled and said, “Guess who our spies saw in Lujun City?”

“Who?” Wei Xiong asked doubtfully.

“Zhou Hongyi!” Ren Yuankui clapped his hands and smiled, “Even when the so-called Honghe runs through the deep pit and gathers the river water to form a lake, that’s what Zhou Hongyi did.”

“Zhou Hongyi, isn’t he the direct disciple of Zhang Shuming, the head teacher of Dao Yigong?” Wei Xiong was startled when he heard this, and many thoughts flashed through his mind, and his whole body suddenly trembled, as if thinking suddenly What did you understand, “You mean, all of this is actually a palace of Taoism…”

“That’s right!” Ren Yuankui nodded, and said solemnly, “If I’m not wrong, this Cui Heng has been a **** in the Taoist Palace from the very beginning, a **** to intervene in this century-old fairy fate.” , and even pawns for human interests!

“Perhaps you don’t know, just a few days ago, the prefect of Nalu County has started to distribute letters to all the prefects, blatantly declaring that he is going to be the state shepherd, and he hopes that we will be more peaceful.”

“Yes, then everything can be explained!” Wei Xiong felt that everything suddenly became clear, and smiled, “A person with no background has achieved the position of prefect in just a few months. To do something earth-shattering, but also to compete for the position of state shepherd.

“This is obviously impossible to do with the power of one person. There must be an extremely powerful force secretly fueling the flames, and the power that can forge the wind and rain, and even the collapse of the earth, and the power that penetrates the rivers and rivers is none other than the Taoist Palace!

“Daoyi Palace claims to have been passed down for thousands of years, with extremely profound foundations, and they have hidden countless immortal artifacts. Their martial arts are also close to nature, and they are very likely to have immortal artifacts that can affect the sky in a short time!

“If you have the power of a fairy weapon and a shot from the divine realm, it is not impossible to dig a huge hole in the ground as a trap in advance, which is enough to fake an earth-shattering supernatural power!

“Using two so-called ‘great supernatural powers’ to strengthen Cui Heng’s power, and then taking advantage of the strongest power, he sent letters to the prefects of the counties to demonstrate, intending to surrender without fighting!

“Okay, it’s really a good plan. Dao Yigong is worthy of being the leader of the Taoist sect. He is really good at calculating, which is no small matter.”

After some review, the two of them clearly dissected Cui Heng’s “true face”. Since Cui Heng’s appearance, every major event he did can point to the conspiracy of Dao Yigong!

“That’s right, the First Palace of Dao is no small matter.” Ren Yuankui smiled wryly, “Then Cui Heng is at best just a **** in the First Palace of Taoism, it’s nothing, but the First Palace of Taoism behind him is extremely troublesome~IndoMTL. com~ Don’t drive, I’m not going to hide it from you, if I hadn’t handed over 40% of the tax to win the support of Ye Jiang’s family, I really don’t really want to fight for the position of state shepherd, now I’m riding a tiger, I have no other choice.”

“Hehe, it’s impossible for you to give up the state shepherd position to Cui Heng.” Wei Xiong saw through his thoughts and sneered, “Don’t try to bargain, even if you don’t fight for the state shepherd, let Cui Heng If you do it, according to the direction of his government order, you will also be hanged by the flagpole.”

“Hahaha, let Master Biejia see this, then I won’t bargain.” Ren Yuankui laughed again and said, “Actually, I have discussed with several other county guards before, I finally thought of a way.

“Since Cui Heng has the support of the First Dao Palace, why don’t we directly find the opponent of the First Dao Palace?”

“You mean… Baolin Temple?” Wei Xiong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed, “Haha, that’s true, those monks and the Taoist priests in the first palace are indeed deadly enemies!

“In this way, Cui Heng is just a meatloaf sandwiched between the two behemoths of Daoyi Palace and Baolin Temple. Under the pull of the two parties, it is impossible for him to sit in the position of State Shepherd.

“In the end, you, the prefect of Luo’an County, must have completed all the normal procedures and sit on it.”


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the outside rumors, as if the door was being opened, and then two figures were thrown in with a buzz.

“Who!” Ren Yuankui shouted sharply, “Come on, there are assassins!”

“Anyone who dares to approach will be killed on the spot!” Hui Shi drew out the steel knife at his waist, and with a single knife, he directly chopped out a three-foot sword light, blocking all the soldiers, and then looked at Ren Yuankui.

“You are the governor of Luo’an? I am the emissary of the prefect of Lu County. I have a letter for you. Come and receive it!”

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