Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years Chapter 88: The army is coming

Liu Zhizhen came to Lujun City with Zhou Hongyi.

He also wanted to meet the prefect of Lu County, what kind of person was it that a peerless genius like Zhou Hongyi would regard him as an opportunity to understand the truth of the Dao.

It is even believed that it can help teach real people to enlightenment.

Does such a person really exist in the world?

In the minds of the disciples of Dao Yigong, Zhang Shuming, the real person in charge of teaching, is like a fairy god. people.

Could it be that the prefect of Lu County is a fairy?

“Uncle Zhou, aren’t we going to visit that Governor Cui?” Liu Zhizhen looked at Zhou Hongyi with some doubts, why did he bring himself to the inn?

“You and I have been traveling all the way, how can we go to see you directly.” Zhou Hongyi shook his head lightly and smiled, “And even if you and I are clean and tidy, we can’t go directly.

“This prefect Cui is very likely to be an expert who has deeply understood the truth of the Dao. We must respect him enough to meet him. First stay in this inn, burn incense and bathe, and fast for three days before going to see him. .”

“Huh?” Liu Zhizhen was shocked when he heard this.

This kind of etiquette is like preparing to meet the gods. Is the prefect of Lu County really so powerful?

The next morning.

The inner hall of the county government office.

Cui Heng is looking at the map of the entire Fengzhou thirteen counties.

He was thinking about the order in which the executive order should be implemented after taking over as the state pastor, so as to achieve the best effect of collecting emotions.

At the same time, he also noticed that Yunshu County in the north of Fengzhou bordered the grassland outside Dajin.

This can be said to be Fengzhou’s first line of defense against the invasion of grassland barbarians.

If he takes over Fengzhou Mu, he will definitely have to consider how to deal with the barbarians on the grassland outside the Great Wall.

“My lord!” At this moment, Xu Feng’an’s voice came from outside.

A few days ago, he went back to Yuhua Jiange to help Huishi implement the executive order, and he just came back yesterday.

“Come in.” Cui Heng put away the map and said with a smile, “Mr. Xu came so early, what’s the matter?”

“My lord, I saw Zhou Hongyi just now.” Xu Feng’an said solemnly, “I heard from Huishi that he wrote to say that he wanted to come to see you?”

“So he’s already here.” Cui Heng nodded lightly, “Why didn’t you see him coming?”

“I asked someone to inquire about it. He bought some incense and kitchen utensils to cook vegetarian dishes himself.” Xu Fengan sighed and said, “It seems that he wants to come to see you after burning incense and fasting.”

“Oh? That’s interesting.” Cui Heng was also a little surprised when he heard this. No matter what Zhou Hongyi thought, this courtesy was definitely the ultimate. More like a scholar.”

“My lord’s eyes are as bright as a torch. In fact, Zhou Hongyi was really a scholar.” Xu Feng’an explained, “He was born in the Zhou family of Yuping County, Yongzhou.

“However, although Zhou Hongyi’s father is the head of the Zhou family, his biological mother is just a concubine. Died in depression, but couldn’t even bury the ancestral grave.

“Therefore, Zhou Hongyi studied hard since he was a child, and wanted to use this to justify his mother’s name. Later, he came into contact with martial arts by chance, and made rapid progress. He had a fierce conflict with his father, almost a sword fight.

“Fortunately, the headmaster of Dao Yigong passed by and accepted him as a disciple, so that the tragedy of father and son not killing each other did not happen.”

“He’s a legendary figure.” Cui Heng was a little bit emotional, and said, “Since he has done enough courtesy, we shouldn’t neglect him.”

Speaking, he took out the rice paper with Zhou Hongyi’s name written on it.

Then with a light shake, the paper instantly ignited and turned into a talisman with complex runes written on it.

“When he comes to visit, you can give him this talisman.”

Cui Heng handed this talisman to Xu Feng’an, “This talisman can enhance his spiritual perception, help him understand the laws and principles of the world faster, and speed up the speed of entering the divine realm.”

“Yes! My lord!” Xu Feng’an took this talisman, and immediately felt that his perception had been strengthened, and the dharma rhyme that could only be vaguely sensed in the past became extremely clear in an instant.

This even gave him a feeling that he had begun to touch the threshold of the divine realm.

Of course, he also knows that this is just an illusion, he has no way to break through to the divine realm, and even holding this talisman in his hand is useless.

However, for those who have mastered how to break through the divine realm, this talisman is a priceless treasure, it can be called a direct train to the divine realm!

“Is your lord really just an immortal from the upper realm?”

There was a storm in Xu Feng’an’s heart. Now Cui Heng’s various means are much higher than what he imagined at first.

“By the way, this one is for you.” Cui Heng took out another pamphlet.

“This is it?” Xu Feng’an took the booklet doubtfully, only glanced at it twice, then his body was shocked, and he knelt down on the ground, very respectful and grateful, “Thank you for the grace of the gods. !”

This booklet is nothing else, it is Cui Heng’s martial arts of the gods compiled based on the existing martial arts of the Yuhua Jiange after learning that the gods are far away, which perfectly fits what Xu Fengan has learned.

Since Zhou Hongyi obtained a talisman that could assist in cultivation, he would naturally not treat Xu Fengan badly who followed him.

Moreover, Xu Feng’an also personally made Yuhua Jiange cooperate with the implementation of the decree.

Cui Heng will not treat those who are by his side and do their best.

“Go.” Cui Heng said with a smile, “It’s good to study.”

“Thank you, Shangxian!” Xu Feng’an thanked again, and left ecstatically.

After a while, Captain Chen Tong came again.

“My lord, there are news from various counties that there are infantrymen suspected to be of the Langya Wang family marching, and they should be coming towards us.” Chen Tong explained the situation concisely.

“It’s finally here.” Cui Heng clapped his palms and smiled, “It’s not in vain that I waited so long, you go to the dungeon, bring Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan out, and hang them on the flagpole of the gate tower. “

“Hang it up, hang it on the flagpole of the city gate?” Chen Tong’s eyes widened when he heard this.

However, to do such a thing to the world’s most prominent family, he also felt an indescribable excitement, and he couldn’t wait.

If you put it in the past, you wouldn’t even dare to think about this kind of thing!

In the death row dungeon in Lujun City.

Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan are both still alive, and their spirits are very weak.

Actually, it just looks like that.

Both of them have martial arts, and their bodies are extremely strong. Even if they are locked in this dark dungeon, their bodies are still in very good health.

The main reason is the mental damage caused by the repeated public trials, which almost crushed their personalities.

If it were someone with a stronger temperament, or a person who was completely desperate, he would have committed suicide by now.

Such as Sun Panshi.

After discovering that Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan had been arrested, he crashed directly against the wall of the dungeon to death.

But neither Wang Jinsheng nor Wang Qingquan had such courage.

Perhaps it was also because they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, hoping that Langya Wang would come and rescue them.

Wang Jinsheng was in the corner of the dungeon, and the air was full of stench and pungent smell. He looked at Wang Qingquan beside him, and asked in a low voice, “Uncle, do you think someone will come to rescue us?”

“Yes, definitely!” Wang Qingquan’s mental state has recovered a lot now. Although he is still unable to perform martial arts, he can already communicate normally. , even if it’s just for face, he will definitely save us.”

“Yes, but…can it be successful?” Wang Jinsheng asked with some uncertainty.

“This…” Wang Qingquan fell silent when he heard the words, and said bitterly, “It should be possible, even if Cui Heng’s strength is extremely strong and his methods are unimaginable, but he won’t dare to talk to Wang. Shi completely tore his face.”

“That’s right, no matter how powerful he is, he definitely wouldn’t choose to go head-to-head with Wang!” Wang Jinsheng seemed to have found confidence from this, and he even laughed, “He hasn’t killed us until now, it should be in Be afraid of me, Mrs. Wang.”

Although both of them have seen Cui Heng’s bizarre methods, they don’t know about Huishi massacring thousands of elite soldiers.

Sun Panshi committed suicide before telling them the situation.

Boom! !

Suddenly, there was the clatter of chains on the dungeon door.

Wang Jinsheng locked it up in a panic, and looked outside with fear on his face, seeing a few jailers undoing the chains, “Several officials, again, are you going to a public trial again?”

Wang Qingquan’s face was also a little really knows what it feels like to be tried by a public trial, it is simply a double torture of body and spirit, life is worse than death!

Although Wang Qingquan did not personally oppress the people of Lu Juncheng, he is Wang Jinsheng’s backer, and he will also be dragged into Wang Jinsheng’s public trial.

“It’s not a fair trial.” Several jailers didn’t say any more, and left after opening the cell door.

Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan looked at each other in surprise.

Could it be that you are saved? !

“Both, long time no see.” Chen Tong walked in slowly, and said with a light smile, “Come with me, you don’t have to come here anymore.”

This made the two of them even more joyful, and their bodies were trembling with excitement.

Finally you can leave this ghost place!

Saved at last!

The long-term “ideological education” has even made them subconsciously stop thinking about other possibilities, and only think that they are saved.

However, when Wang Jinsheng and Wang Qingquan followed Chen Tong to the gate tower of Lu County, they were all dumbfounded.

“You, what do you want to do?!”

“Don’t, don’t, you can’t do this!”

Wang Qingquan and Wang Jinsheng exclaimed, but they had no room to resist at this moment, they could only watch helplessly as the soldiers clasped their hands behind their backs and tied them to the rope used for raising the flag.

“Get up!” Chen Tong sneered.

The soldiers immediately turned the winch, and the ropes binding Wang Qingquan and Wang Jinsheng rose rapidly, and soon hung them on the top of the flagpole.

Now, these two people were hung in the air with their hands tied like this.

It has become the most beautiful scenery on the city wall of Lu County.

“Ahhh!” Wang Jinsheng roared non-stop, such shame and humiliation drove him almost crazy, “Wait, wait, wait until my father comes, you will all die!”

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