Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years Chapter 419: The law celebrates the cloud, time scours

Remember [New] in one second! The cyan light that was enough to illuminate most of the star field bloomed, and the laws of the great way in this star field trembled.

Under the entanglement of the blue light, two incomparably bright silver beams of light were condensed and burst out from Wang Daoyi’s fists, with shocking power.

If someone can look at the scene here in the cosmic starry sky. You can see two torrents of starlight wrapped in blue light across the void.

They shine with billions of brilliance, illuminating this dark and deep universe.

This is no longer a power that normal creatures can understand. Even the strong who have surpassed the twelve gates of the Tianmen and reached the broken state cannot understand this method.

Too powerful.

Moreover, at the same time as these two torrents of starlight erupted, countless stars were forcibly photographed from infinitely far away.

Stars, planets, interstellar dust… and even those decaying and aging stars were all directly broken through the void by the power of these two torrents of starlight, and were pulled here regardless of the distance.

Then, the two torrents of starlight will devour and refine all the captured stars, making their own power stronger.

This also made the two torrents of starlight greatly strengthened when they reached Cui Heng.

Compared to the time when Wang Daoyi’s fist broke out just now, it is already more than ten times stronger.

At the moment when these two torrents of starlight erupted, the starry sky around Wang Daoyi also underwent earth-shaking changes.

With his position as the core, spreading out for a distance of more than ten light years, the void has been eroded and broken.

Now, this area is full of terrifying void storms, each of which has the powerful power to instantly annihilate stars and destroy galaxies.

For the strong who have not crossed the third ladder, as long as they approach here, they may die suddenly on the spot.

In fact, in this vast area with a radius of more than ten light years, there were still some galaxies originally.

But after Wang Daoyi made his attack just now, all these galaxies were refined and absorbed by him, and all of them were transformed into the power contained in his attack.

From this we can see how powerful the two torrents of starlight created by Wang Daoyi are.

This is the divine art of the holy land, the unique art of the king, and the real martial art he said.

Xinghai Torrent Fist!

If you can cultivate this boxing technique to the peak, you will have the terrifying power to stir up the entire star sea, and you will have unparalleled strength.

That is the state that Wang Daoyi has reached now.

“Although your strength is indeed higher than mine, there is no essential difference in realm. You simply don’t understand the strength increase that the king’s unique skills can bring.”

Wang Daoyi raised his chin slightly, looked at Cui Heng’s direction arrogantly, and said with a chuckle, “You have an immortal aura, so I can’t kill you, but I have countless ways to suppress you and make your life worse.” die.

“This is the gap. It is the gap between your uninherited wild road and my holy land inheritance. You think that the path of cultivation is unique, but in fact it just deviates from the true meaning of martial arts and goes astray.”

He seemed to have decided that Cui Heng would not be able to catch these two torrents of starlight, so he raised his posture to preach to Cui Heng.

But the next moment, the situation changed.

Just when the two torrents of starlight came in front of Cui Heng, Cui Heng suddenly moved.

He raised his hand and pushed forward lightly, and the two torrents of starlight unexpectedly stopped in place immediately, as if they were frozen, unable to move forward any more.

Immediately, Cui Heng shook this hand lightly, and his mana, which was infinitely close to that of the middle stage of transformation, burst out suddenly.

These two extremely powerful torrents of starlight were like fragile ice cubes, instantly scattered into countless streamers of light, flying away in all directions.

There are no spells, and no supernatural powers.

Just pure mana.

Although Wang Daoyi’s cultivation level is equivalent to that of Cui Heng’s at the early stage of transforming gods, there is still a huge gap in the size and height of his cultivation base.

What really made Cui Heng afraid of him was the bronze mirror.

Now that bronze mirror has been suppressed by Sheqi Town’s military techniques, Wang Daoyi can only use his own strength to attack.

There is no threat to Cui Heng.

Even if Wang Daoyi performed some holy land magic skills, the king’s unique skills, in Cui Heng’s eyes, it was nothing more than a special way of using the law of the starry sky.

In the eyes of immortal cultivators at the transformation stage, even though similar methods are very powerful, they are full of flaws.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi’s own powerful martial art is actually not too strong a means for Cui Heng.

In addition, Wang Daoyi’s cultivation level was originally weaker than Cui Heng’s, so such an attack would naturally be deciphered in an instant, and would not have the slightest effect at all.

“What?!” Wang Dao’s eyes widened when he saw this scene, with an expression of disbelief on his face. What he used was the divine power of the Holy Land, the king’s unique skill, how could it be possible…

However, before he could react, Cui Heng had already launched a counterattack.

In the face of an enemy who is only slightly weaker than himself, Cui Heng has already raised his vigilance to 120,000. He is determined to do his best and will never give the opponent a chance to breathe.

Therefore, after breaking through the two torrents of starlight, he rushed towards Wang Daoyi without a moment’s rest, and at the same time, he created countless formulas with his hands in an instant.

For a moment, all kinds of power, such as thunder, fire, magnetism, law, etc., all appeared in Cui Heng’s palm, and then attacked Wang Daoyi.

Even, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, he even used the Heavenly Demon Cracking Technique to maximize his own strength and use the stronger strength to cast these spells.

The power of the spell cast under such circumstances is too powerful, directly affecting the Dao law of the entire star field.

As a result, every star and even every corner of this star field can feel the power of these spells, and they may even directly see the special visions formed by these spells.

If a genius with a high understanding of martial arts sees this vision, he can immediately comprehend a martial art that directly points to the peak of the 21 realms of the immortal and mortal realms.

Facing such a powerful and intensive magical attack, it is only equivalent to the fact that the king who has just entered the early stage of Huashen cannot resist it, and there is a high probability that he will be killed on the spot.

But just as these spells were about to bombard him, two treasures with extremely powerful aura flew out from the cuffs of his arms.

This golden tripod and a shield.

Their essence is actually the level of the early stage of transformation.

Although it is not as powerful as the previous bronze mirror and does not have many magical functions, its effect is very clear, very clear, and it is for defense!

Therefore, these two treasures burst out with seemingly endless rays of light immediately afterwards, unexpectedly directly resisting all the series of spells cast by Cui Heng, preventing these spells from harming Wang Dao in the slightest.

But these two treasures also paid a very painful price.

The aura is lost!

Become scrap iron!

The two pieces were equivalent to the peerless treasures in the early stage of transforming gods, but they were destroyed by Cui Heng’s series of spells on the spot.

However, even such a result bought Wang Daoyi time to escape or prepare.

Therefore, he obviously won’t run away.

Taking advantage of the timing when Cui Heng’s spell collided with two treasures, Wang Daoyi took out another treasure from his waist.

This bronze sword with a length of more than three feet is shining brightly, and countless kinds of laws of the great way are wrapped around it, which contains incredible powerful power.

It turned out to be another treasure not weaker than that bronze mirror!


Wang Dao yelled loudly with a long sword in his hand, which made his voice resound in the cosmic starry sky, and it was also heard by countless creatures in this star field.


A series of sword cries sounded, like a crane chirping at the sky, and it was very real. It was also a sound at the level of law, and it was reflected in the ears of every creature.

At this moment, countless creatures in the star field felt an incomparably bright blue sword light appear in front of their eyes.

It will destroy everything and destroy everything.

This is the sword light that Wang Daoyi cut out with the ancient bronze sword. It is not as mighty as the two torrents of starlight ahead, but just a pure sword light.

But this sword light has condensed Wang Daoyi’s lifelong practice, condensed all his strength, and is also the strongest method he can display in his current state.

Thus, after the sword light passed by, the avenue collapsed, the void shattered, and all things on the material level dissipated under the sword light and ceased to exist.

This kind of sword light has never appeared in this star field, and no one has ever used such a powerful sword light.


Wang Daoyi shouted angrily.

His current mood fluctuates greatly, far from the calm and calm at the beginning.

Obviously because Cui Heng’s attacks were cracked one after another, the treasures were destroyed, and the suppressed were suppressed. It was already difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.

I can’t wait to tear Cui Heng’s body into thousands of pieces!

Actually, the sword light cut by Wang Daoyi already possessed this level of power.

In the face of such a sword light, even a strong man who is infinitely close to the middle stage of transforming gods is very likely to be cut off.

Although the true spirit is immortal during the transformation stage, it is impossible to be truly killed, but the experience of being beheaded by someone is not a very good memory.

But that kind of situation is only for the normal initial stage of transformation.

Cui Heng is different.

When the blue sword light was about to approach Cui Heng, he suddenly pushed the jade crown on his head lightly, and immediately saw a ball of extremely pure fresh air emerge from the top of his head.

This group of clean energy seems to be the aggregate of all laws and dao rhymes, as if it is the origin of these laws and dao rhymes, which makes people feel extremely mysterious.

After Qingqi emerged above Cui Heng’s head, it didn’t fly to other places, but stayed three feet above his head.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a golden cloud with the size of a hundred acres.

This is the spell “Law Qingyun”.

I saw countless lights shining brightly in this celebration cloud, and strands of chaotic light hung down, enveloping Cui Heng’s whole body like a wreath.

At this time, Cui Heng’s head was filled with clouds, the light of chaos surrounded his body, and countless lights were also emitting light, making his whole body feel like a fairyland, and he himself seemed like a sacred fairy descended into the starry sky. middle.

Jingle bell!

Suddenly, a sound similar to a bell resounded in the cosmic starry sky that should have no sound, but the lights of countless stations above Qingyun shook at the same time, releasing a sound on the level of law.

At the same time, one vision after another began to appear in the light released by these lights, all of which floated and sank on the hundred mu celebration cloud.

There are chaotic air currents, gloomy flames, five-color thunder lights, magnetic fairy light, shining stars, nine fire dragons flying, and huge phantoms walking…

The manifestations of various spells are all displayed on this Qingyun.

These are all spells cultivated by Cui Heng.

Of course, there is also the most core “Law Qingyun”, which is the main body of the spell he is casting now.

Although this kind of spell itself does not have any power and can only be used to integrate its own power and means, but now this Qingyun has gathered all the spells Cui Heng has cultivated, and its power has reached an extremely high level. The level of horror.

Under the vision displayed by Qingyun, the sword light that seemed to kill everything suddenly became dim, and disintegrated as soon as it flew into the range covered by Qingyun. re-exist.

“There are so many treasures on you.” Cui Heng stared at Wang Daoyi with some admiration in his eyes, and said with a chuckle, “It’s a pity.”

At the same time, behind him rose a bright silver illusory long river, which seemed to contain endless mysteries of time, the mystery of life, death, prosperity, and the flow of time.

It’s as if the legendary river of time has come to reality.

Of course this is not the real river of time, not even a It’s just a “river of time” formed by Cui Heng’s condensed thousands of sword lights of time.

In this long river of time, every drop of “river water” is the blade of time, which can kill millions of years of life!

In the next moment, following Cui Heng’s urging, this long river of time also began to flow, across the dark and deep cosmic starry sky, and rushed towards Wang Daoyi.

This time, let alone a million years of life, even a few hundred million years of life is not enough.

Wang Daoyi is already in a doomsday situation.

And Wang Daoyi himself seems to understand this.

However, he didn’t mean to beg for mercy at all, nor did he show panic or fear, nor did he say anything.

Just slowly closed his eyes, gave up all resistance, and prepared to die there.

This situation did not cause Cui Heng’s heart to fluctuate in the slightest, and it still urged the long river of time to rush towards Wang Daoyi.

It’s just that, at the same time as washing away, he also cast the immortal spell of moving the heavens, and brought Wang Daoyi to Dao Zhou’s outer space.

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