Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil: 128|12.6

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Both Mo Yu and Zou Yiming are true legendary disciples of Chixiao, and they are also the genius of Shan Linggen. Their strength is naturally extraordinary. In the first few games, the opponents were hit hard without any effort, and they were extremely fierce. If those disciples did not give up in time, I fear they would die directly on the platform.

The disciples who stood and watched on the stage showed an expression of anger and intimidation, and even a few of the peak masters also criticized.

“Zong Men Da Bi has always been alive or dead. He and the two did not make mistakes, and there is no need for persuasion and punishment. If non-Zong Men Da is so harsh, how can he improve the disciples’ cultivation so that they will not fall when they travel abroad In the hands of others. “Chixiao real smiled slightly.

Several peaks are obstructed by the door gauge and can only remain silent.

Song Yufei is the late Jin Dan. It is the highest cultivation in this group of disciples, so he won very easily. Because of his shallow foundation and his disapproval by Master, he did not dare to act arrogantly. He only forced his opponents to step down. Many people changed him a lot.

Zhou Yunsheng was taking turns, only standing beside the elder Tai Shang to watch a show, it seemed to be waiting for the final battle. His behavior of being at ease caused many disciples to criticize him.

“It’s a real advantage to have a good teacher. You and I have fought to the end, and standing there comfortably can enter the last ten people contest.” A disciple sneered.

“If he doesn’t act like this, how can he be better than others. He wears a magic weapon covering cultivation. Although he can’t see the depth, but only ten years later, the sky is the early stage of Jindan, and the medicine is still up Yes, the foundation is very unstable. Even if ten people are involved, I am afraid that it will be for others to deliver food. The elder too much loves him so much, not to help him, but to harm him. “Another disciple shook his head and sighed.

Song Yufei, Mo Yu, and Zou Yiming listened and laughed in their hearts.

This comparison took seven days and seven nights to select the last nine people. The new match was played out, and all the previous gossips disappeared. Ten people should have made the top five in pairs, and then made the top three in pairs, which means that they only need to play two games at most. Those who can make it into the top ten are extremely powerful disciples, who have to do their best in one match, but have to fight each other in two matches.

However, Fang Xinghai, who has never shot before, has to play three games in a row. The opponents are Mo Yu, Zou Yiming and Song Yufei who have the most potential to enter the top three. Where is cheating on the power of the elder elder, but it is trying to die!

The eyes of Jin Danqi’s disciples have all changed. Fang Xinghai ’s eyes have changed. What is the strength of the elders of Taishang, they look forward to it.

In the spotlight, Mo Yu leapt up to the platform, raised the streamer in his hand, and pointed directly at the man in black standing beside the elder Tai Shang.

Zhou Yunsheng flashed and appeared opposite Mo Yu in a blink of an eye.

“Please invite me first.” He reached out and invited, with a gentle manner.

Mo Yu is also not polite, he smirks and sends out a cold sword light. Her actions were so fast that Zhou Yunsheng was split in two without even having time to react.

Seeing the man in black who slowly slid down, the disciples under the stage all showed an incredible expression. Is this over? Is the disciple too close to elders?

Mo Yu was ecstatic. He was about to chop a few swords to smash the opponent’s Jin Dan, but saw that the corpse that had broken into two suddenly burst into a thick gray and black fog, but blinked, and compared the fight The stage is completely shrouded.

Chixiao’s relaxed look turned gloomy immediately. Zou Yiming and Song Yufei couldn’t help but frown.

In the thick fog, Mo Yu can’t see anything, he can only block by instinctively waving his sword. After a while, she finally adjusted to the dim environment and looked around. A figure slowly emerged from the thick fog, but it was Fang Wenguang who had been dead for a long time. He attacked without saying a word. .

Mo Yu was terrified but he did not dare to think deeply, and immediately greeted him with a sword.

Zhou Yunsheng stood over the dense fog, arms around his chest, watching Mo Yu fighting with his imaginary enemy leisurely. This is one of his own moves-misty fantasy. The mist that he refined was attached to Spirit Qi and entered the practitioner ’s body, refracting the most unbearable secrets hidden in the consciousness in reality.

Illusions created by other illusions can only be seen by the parties, and no one else can know. However, the mist illusion is very different. Just as the mirage reflected by the mist can be seen by everyone, Zhou Yunsheng can also see the secrets of the practitioners trapped in his field.

It’s as if they are making a movie. What they think about, the fog can illusion, and the plot responds according to their own judgment. It can be false.

Mo Yu quickly killed Fang Wenguang, but saw Zou Yiming coming out of the thick fog. She sneered and greeted with a sword. Zou Yiming, refracted according to her imagination, quickly countered.

Zhou Yunsheng standing in the sky raised her eyebrows and gained a new understanding of Mo Yu’s jealousy. It turned out that she was not only jealous of Fang Wenguang, but even Zou Yiming was very disgusted.

Mo Yu spent nine cattle and two tigers to kill Zou Yiming, but found that Fang Xinghai stepped out of the dense fog.

“Very well, do you all have to fight against me, right? Let’s die!” The demon lurking in the bottom of my heart broke out completely, Mo Yu already got red eyes, she threw the streamer sword into the air and turned it into Limitless Eight Wild Swords array, killing Fang Xinghai in the past, others only saw the sword light flashing in the thick fog, Spirit Qi surge, they thought that the battle was very fierce, but where did they know that this was just Mo Yu singing a monologue.

She beheaded and killed imaginary enemies one after another. When she saw the elder Tai Shang coming out of the thick fog, she finally showed a look of despair. Even if she was controlled by the demon, she knew that she was by no means an opponent of the elders.

Zhou Yunsheng, who has been smiling all the time, looks cold and cold. Good guts, even Zong Yi wants to kill!

Mo Yu tied his hands with the sword and held the streamer sword in the air, which made Limitless the most powerful Ten Swords of the Fairy Sword Sect. However, her Spirit Qi has already bottomed out, and where can she play the Sword Sect? After a few waves of Jianguang stroked through the thick fog, she finally couldn’t support her kneeling on the ground.

But the elder Tai Shang swept away the sword light just by waving his sleeves, and walked to her step by step.

“You are a woman with a lot of emotions inside, which opens my eyes.” The elder Tai Shang stretched out his hand and pinched Mo’s jaw. Mo Yu wanted to resist, but couldn’t even move a finger because of his exhausted spirit. She looked back with humiliation, and suddenly found that the elder’s face turned into Fang Xinghai’s soft and seductive face after a circle of ripples.

“Why are you?” Mo Yu was flawed.

“Don’t forget who you are fighting with.” Zhou Yunsheng smiled, and at the same time elegantly and calmly extracted-the roots of Mo Yu’s white as jade, causing Mo Yu miserable.

However, the mist absorbed her voice, leaving no one outside.

In a more horrible misery, Zhou Yunsheng took out Mo Yu’s entire root and bone, pinched it into powder in front of her face, and inserted her fingers into her claws-into her dantian, dim the golden Jindan Take it out.

For the first time, Mo Yu realized what it means to die. But what makes her more unbearable than pain is her inner despair. The root bones, Dantian and Jindan were all damaged, and she would become a complete mortal. Mortals have to go through five cycles of birth, illness, and death. They are existence like ants! How can that be!

“Please let me go! My father has a lot of treasures, he will give you whatever you want, as long as you are willing to let me go!” Now Mo Yu is stained with blood, tears flowing. As the lord’s daughter, she has always been high above her.

How did this match lose? She has never tasted it until now.

“I confess! I confess!” She yelled hard, hoping that the elders and Lord Feng could hear her and take her in time. But the dense fog absorbed her voice.

“My master is the Supreme Elder of Limitless Xianzong, with countless treasures in my hands, how can I take care of you? Why didn’t you let me go? Let my brother go? I already said, how do you treat me , I will apply it to you thousands of times. This evil is the result of you, and it should be swallowed by yourself. “Zhou Yunsheng pinched Jin Dan in Mo Yu’s desperate eyes, throwing his sleeves and recovering the dense fog.

The disciples in the audience first felt the Aura of the Limitless Eight Wild Swords array, and then felt the power of the Ten Swords Fairy Swords array, all sighing for Fang Xinghai in their hearts. That’s the most powerful sword formation of Limitless Xianzong. One is hard to bear on already, not to mention two rounds.

Fang Xinghai also has a little ability to push Mo Yushi to this. However, when the two swords come out, he is afraid that he is more fierce and less fortunate.

The dense fog suddenly appears, and it disappears very strangely. But in the blink of an eye, the stage was clear and clear, a slender figure walking slowly, holding a ball of golden light spots that gradually dissipated in his hand. The other figure was lying on the ground, except that his head was intact.

Everyone takes a closer look and can’t help but take a breath. The golden light spot was a crushed golden dan, and the person lying on the ground was the sister Mo Yu who had his roots taken away.

The root bones, Dantian, and Jindan were all destroyed. Unless you get another one to win the sky, Sister Mo Yu ’s career in spiritual cultivation is at an end.

Looking at the man in black again, after experiencing such a fierce fight, let’s say he was injured, even his hair was not messy, his strength is really unfathomable, and his methods are insidious.

The indifferent expression of Chixiao Real was replaced by fury. His instincts twitched, the Yuan Shen was restless, and the thick murderous flowed from his eyes.

However, a more powerful Yuan Shen will be shrouded in layers than the platform, and the thin and thin students will be wrapped in layers, and the drip will not leak. Zong Yi tilted his head and looked at the real person in Chixiao, and said slowly, “Ten years ago, your daughter destroyed my disciples, Dantian, and shot him down to the abyss, intending to kill her. After that, my apprentice signed a life and death letter with her, saying On equal terms, I also reported that your father and daughter have not forgotten? “

The voice of the elder Taishang was Limitless Xianzong, which also made all the disciples suddenly realized. It turns out that there is this inside story, no wonder Fang Xinghai is so heavy, and Mo Yu deserves it!

Due to the selfishness of Chixiao, he only announced the cause of Fang Wenguang’s death, and concealed his daughter’s murder of Fang Xinghai. Zong Yi did not care about him, and waited for this day.

Feng Feng’s frowns were loosened, and the other’s Xinghai’s resentment and Mo Yu’s pity disappeared. Cultivators are most afraid of cause and effect. The bad results of Mo language should be reported today.

The other elders who were too senior had intended to take the lead in Mo language, and they were silent after hearing this.

The expression of Chixiao’s real man changed a few moments, and finally he calmed down after a moment. He smiled bitterly, “The junior has never forgotten. Today, my child was convinced by the defeat of World War I.” Seeing the elder Taishang take back Yuanshen, he immediately waved his hand to let the The daughter carried away.

Tabit continued. Zou Yiming, standing behind the real person in Chixiao, gnashed his teeth and whispered, “Master is not upset, and the apprentice will avenge his sister later.”

The real eyes closed doesn’t answer, it seems that already is settled.

After Song Yufei retreated to the crowd, he asked in horror, “Fairy, can you see what is happening in the fog?” His consciousness was so impenetrable that even a thin layer of fog was impenetrable. Strange.

Zong Yi once warned the stunning woman not to use her sense to spy on Fang Xinghai, otherwise she would let her soul fly. This statement was by no means alarmist. The woman knew that Zong Yi had that strength, so she kept hiding in Yuhuan quietly. When she heard Song Yufei asking, he said in a cold voice, “But I am not interested in the battle of Jin Danqi.”

The woman is a magnificent fairy. cultivation does not know how much higher than the people in this world. Naturally, she will not put a few Jindan period children in her eyes. Song Yufei believed that it was true, and no longer asked, the fear of the other party Xinghai deepened a bit.

I thought that after the battle, Mo would be hurt if he did anything, but he just saw that his appearance was unscathed, and he did n’t even consume his spiritual power. What magic weapon did he use?

Song Yufei sneered immediately. When it comes to magic weapon, he is not lacking.

Afterwards, I went up to two groups of disciples. The battle scene was very fierce, much better than Fang Xinghai’s unbreakable thick fog. Zou Yiming carefully wiped his own spirit sword, while sweeping Fang Xinghai with his eye knife, his whole body was full of war.

Zhou Yunsheng didn’t even give him the light from the corner of his eye, staring at Zong Yi with a black line staring at his fingertips without wiping his handkerchief.

“What are you doing?” he asked, lowering his voice.

“Dirty.” Zong Yi spread his palm and burned the handkerchief.

Zhou Yunsheng thought for a moment and understood, and pinched Mo’s chin before cooperating with this hand. How many times of reincarnation, possessiveness is still so strong. He sighed inside, but the corner of his mouth rose quietly.

After two rounds of competition, Zou Yiming flew up to the stage waiting for his opponent.

Zhou Yunsheng also flew up and made a ‘please first’ gesture.

Zou Yiming and Mo Yu are indeed brothers and sisters of the same school. Zhou Yunsheng’s figure changed from real to virtual, and instantly disappeared into the dense fog burst.

That’s the trick again, endlessly? Why is Fang Xinghai always hiding his head? The disciples in the audience sighed. However, if they knew that Fang Xinghai was the root of Wuling, they would no longer complain. Brother Wulingen doesn’t use fog as a weapon, what does he use?

Zou Yiming is extremely firm and not as aggressive as Mo Yu. He stands in the dense fog and feels the surrounding Aura quietly. A figure emerged, which was Fang Wenguang, who had already died. He only realized that this was a fantasy, with no sword wasted.

“Fang Xinghai, if you have the ability to come out and fight with me, don’t use these ghost tricks.” He sneered towards the void.

“That’s what you wish.” The man’s cold voice suddenly appeared behind him, prompting Zou Yiming to spin and attack.

Fang Xinghai’s body suddenly turned into mist when he swept by Jianguang, and even a trace of Aura was not left. Zou Yiming frowned and began to realize that the other’s exercises were not simple.

“Continue.” Zhou Yunsheng appeared on the side of Zou Yiming with a dagger in his hand. He easily cut his arm through a bloodstream and disappeared. The Wuling root practitioners are best at hiding, which destined that their attack methods were more inclined to covert attacks than face-to-face fighting.

Zou Yiming stabbed with a sword, only stabbing a mist. He began to understand why Shimei had to use two sword arrays. When no opponent was found, only a group attack could work, but it cost Spirit Qi extremely.

Fang Xinghai is ready to work, and naturally wins easily.

Zou Yiming has repeatedly told himself that he must not be fooled, but he always cannot find out where Fang Xinghai is. He seemed to merge with the mist.

Zhou Yunsheng played Zou Yiming very patiently. He made a wound on the neck, Dan Tian, ​​heart and other vital points, but it was not shallow enough to be fatal.

For Zou Yiming’s fierce sword Xiu, the most annoying thing is not his poor strength, but that he can’t find his opponent anywhere. He gradually lost his way like Mo Yu, and successively used several powerful sword arrays.

The disciples under the Doudou stage saw Yi Yi Jianguang burst out of the dense fog, and they could only make up for the wonderful fighting scenes by themselves. But in fact, Zou Yiming is at the end of his crossbow. His mental strength was gradually exhausted, and his body was scarred, but Fang Xinghai’s hair was never touched.

“You come out! Fang Xinghai, you have the ability to come out to me!” Zou Yiming wielded spirit sword frantically chopping down a cloud of fog, bloodshot eyes.

Zhou Yunsheng lost his interest, condensed the atomized body, and appeared silently behind Zou Yiming. With five fingers in his claws, he penetrated Zou Yiming’s Dan Tian and pinched his Jin Dan instantly. When making this series of actions, let alone the air float, and even the spiritual power has not been lost in half, as long as he is in the dense fog, he can come and go freely and silently.

Zou Yiming sprayed blood on his knees, struggling to support his body with his spirit sword. He will never collapse in front of the eyes. He turned back and wanted to ask where Fang Xinghai was hiding, but his **** throat only murmured.

The former genius monk has now become a wasteful person, and even if he re-cultivates he will never reach the height he should have reached.

Zhou Yunsheng shook off the blood on his hand and sighed, “You watched my brother was killed, but I only ruined your Jin Dan. You should thank my kindness. The cause and effect between us are understood.”

He raised his hand, inhaled the mist as much as he could, and flew to Master to stand beside him, smiling at Song Yufei hidden in the crowd.

To tell the truth, his looks are very beautiful, so beautiful to the extent that he is so strange, he can almost hook people’s three souls and seven souls with a smile. But Song Yufei’s eyes weren’t stunning.

The disciples discerning Zou Yiming’s tragic situation were another uproar, and then they were silent when they thought of Fang Wenguang’s death. Cultivators are most afraid of involving cause and effect. This is a living example.

The real Xiaoxiao secretly suppressed her anger and ordered Zou Yiming to be carried away. Today he had lost his daughter and his first disciple, and even lost his face. He might become the laughingstock of the doormen in the future. But what about that, as long as the elder too does not fall for a day, he will have nothing to do with Fang Xinghai.

Several peak masters have a new understanding of the strength of Xinghai. It is indeed a close disciple of the elder elder.

“He is Wu Linggen. When fighting against him, he must avoid his fog. Without fog, he has no means to rely on. Wu Linggen has very few practitioners, and I do n’t know this practice either. Familiar, you can only mention it here, you must pay more attention. “The stunning woman in the jade ring suddenly spoke.

Song Yufei’s eyes brightened and he nodded secretly.

Another group of Jin Danqi disciples came to the stage to fight, and the real peace person called Song Yufei to his side. Xu Fang said, “Fang Xinghai should be the root of Wu Ling. He just ca n’t help you if you leave the mist. But I have a sentence I need to remind you that you can’t go too far. “At this point, he raised his eyes and glanced at the elder.

The elder Tai Shang is currently holding a handkerchief, and carefully wipe the blood between his fingers for his disciples. It is clear that only a dust removal formula can solve it, but he prefers to do it by himself. . Offending Fang Xinghai, it is inevitable to offend too much elders. The most feared in the cultivation world is to hit the young and the old, and that old is the first person in the world of Haotian, and no one can afford it.

Song Yufei nodded obediently, but his heart became increasingly unconvinced. He had thought that it was very remarkable that he had the Xuanxian protector, but it was really useless to think that this Xuanxian was not even able to defeat the Mahayana practitioners!

Here, relying on people is worse than relying on oneself. One day, sooner or later, he will let all the practitioners, including the Emperor Xianxun of Paradise, be at their feet.

“After the two matches, you can see your spiritual roots with a little vision, you have to be careful.” Zong Yi burned a handkerchief and said softly, holding his slender fingertips.

“Well. I haven’t used many methods yet. Song Yufei can’t help me.” Zhou Yunsheng said lightly.

Zong Yi changed his kneading and changed his hands, and inserted his fingers into his fingers, tightly intertwined.

Zhou Yunsheng gave him a stern glance and glanced around. Fortunately, everyone was watching the match, and the wide sleeves covered his hands, so people didn’t notice it. Now he doesn’t want to expose his relationship with Zong Yi.

After a few matches, Song Yufei took Leiguang to the platform and looked away from the main position.

Zong Yi just let go of the disciple, patted him on the back and said, “Go, don’t be playful, come back soon.”

Zhou Yunsheng promised, jumped on the high platform and rushed to Song Yufei, “You please first.”

“Master and ancestors please.” Song Yufei bent down politely, and when he looked up again, he was already shrouded in the thick black fog.

Here it is again! The disciples in the audience mourned in unison, and for a long time, some people speculated, “It’s all dense fog back, isn’t Uncle Master the foggy root?” But it is the waste spirit root in the single spirit root. I heard that it can only cultivate to gold. Dan period, but Brother Song seems to be in the late Jin Dan period, and is still the most powerful Lei Linggen, uncle ancestors are afraid to plant.

Song Yufei stood in the fog, without any panic.

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