Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 96: Prince Princess she quit (end)

Chapter 97 The Crown Princess She Quit (End)

In the dirty dungeon, a child in sackcloth and linen squatted in front of the unkempt woman, trying to feed the porridge as thin as water into the woman’s mouth.

“Mother, have some porridge.”

“Mother is not thirsty.” The woman’s voice was weak, “Wu’er eats by herself.”

The child shook his head: “Wu’er is not hungry either.”

“Then let’s keep it, okay?”


Children hide some broken ceramic bowls behind dead grass.

The child curled up beside the woman, “Mom, when will father come to rescue us?”

“Soon, soon…” The woman held him in her arms and murmured in a low voice, “Father will come to rescue us soon.”

The woman hummed softly.

However, a scolding quickly came from outside the prison door: “Sing what you want to sing, shut up for Lao Tzu!”

The child shivered with fright and shrank into the woman’s arms.

The woman patted him on the back: “Don’t be afraid, my mother is here…”



Zongwu’s mother family was a famous and famous family in the previous dynasty.

People begging to marry his mother, not to mention outside the city, but there is an endless stream of people begging for marriage.

But his mother has high eyes and no one looks down on him.


His father appears.

His father’s family used to be prosperous, but then fell into disrepair.

I managed to get good grades in the imperial examinations, but it was of no use.

The former dynasty at that time was already corrupt.

He was able to get a ranking, but he didn’t know what kind of immortal ‘grace’ made him slip through the net.

Later, his father’s family relied on the previous relationship to establish a relationship with his mother’s family and wanted to ask to marry his mother.

Of course my mother’s family agreed.

His father didn’t want anything at the time.

But for some reason, my mother fell in love with him, saying that he was different from other people and had to marry him.

The mother’s family had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

My father always felt that his family forced him to marry his mother, and he never cared about his mother.

Later, his grandfather figured out a way for him to get promoted, manage relationships, and make him a lot better off in the officialdom.

After this, the father treated his mother a lot better.

Not long after, he was born.

After he was born, his father seemed to be very lucky, and he was promoted one level after another.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long.

Three years later, my father was framed and sent to prison.

His grandfather rescued him with great effort, and later sold the property to support his uprising.

Father’s work quickly fell apart, and grandfather and his mother were arrested for not being able to leave in time.

He and his mother survived because his father’s team already had some reputation at the time, but his grandfather didn’t.

For the next two years, he and his mother were imprisoned and bullied…

Finally escaped, but it wasn’t his father who came to save them, but another insurgent army who came to save the people, and saved them by the way.

Zong Wu and his mother were taken to Yuanzhou by the rebel army.

The mother wanted to find the father, but it was a mess, and he would die if he wasn’t careful, and they didn’t know where his father was.

My mother followed the rebel army all the way south, and finally settled in the ancestral home of my mother’s family.

The ancestral home had been in disrepair for a long time, and they lived in it very badly.

There were famines and plagues in those days…

The army of the imperial court only knew how to squeeze the common people, forcing countless people to become pirates.

Zong Wu followed his mother, starved, froze, and even killed people to protect himself and his mother.

But what is his father doing at this time?

He composes love in troubled times with a medical woman he met during the war.

Seeing that the situation will be settled, it is unknown who leaked their identities and whereabouts, and they were captured and used to threaten his father.

Although both he and his mother were rescued in the end, the mother suffered a lot.

Zong Wu didn’t know what his father and mother talked about, but after his father ascended the throne, he named him the crown prince and his mother the queen.

When his father succeeded in the uprising, it was all thanks to his grandfather who introduced him to him.

Those people are still there today, the new dynasty has just been established, and he needs those people to work for him.

He dared not do anything.

He must make his mother the queen and him the crown prince to win people’s hearts.



Zong Wu thought that after all the hardships, his mother would have a good life.


My mother’s body has long since died due to overwork in the past few years.

My father was always busy with government affairs and refused to come to see my mother.

Even if they met, they ended up breaking up.

The emperor always said that his mother was selfish and calculating… He didn’t have the slightest guilt, and he didn’t remember who gave him everything he has today.

In my father’s heart, his mother was a miserable person.

I don’t want to give her a second look.

Because of his attitude, my mother’s body collapsed even more.

While his mother was seriously ill, his father was looking for the doctor girl.

The mother died of illness, and he traveled thousands of miles to pick up the doctor girl and her son.

Maybe her mother was heartbroken. When she was dying, she held his hand, and let him meet the girl he liked in the future. >

At the time of his mother’s burial, the doctor girl and his son were taken back to the palace by the scenery.

By the time he has finished guarding his life, the doctor girl has been named a noble concubine.

If it weren’t for the fact that the queen had just died at that time~IndoMTL.com~ I’m afraid, this queen would have to be the doctor girl.


She didn’t live well, and she didn’t live in the palace for two years.

The death of the doctor girl, his father actually suspected him.

He thought about letting her be buried with his mother.

But where is the harem?

His father’s women are getting more and more every year, without his hands, how can an ordinary person’s daughter fight those who grew up in calculations.

She may have obtained the ‘love’ of her father, but this ‘love’ has a time limit.

After her death, his father’s harem was not the same, and new people entered every year.



Zong Wu had no obsession with the crown prince and the throne at first.

He knew his father didn’t like him.

I don’t want him to be a prince either.

Therefore, the more the father does not want him to be the prince, the more he wants to be the prince, and it is absolutely impossible for him to make way for Zong Qi.

The royal father soon realized his malice towards Zong Qi.

After Zong Qi had several ‘accidents’, he quickly alienated Zong Qi on the surface.

But Zong Wu knew that his father was just doing it for him to see, and let people temper Zong Qi behind the scenes.

The court gradually stabilized, so his father emperor wanted to get rid of all the old people before he grew up, and let him become the unsupported prince.

But from the time his mother died, he knew that everything would depend on himself.

What he tried to fight for was always unable to match his father’s partiality and secret help.

He was pushed forward by hatred and ascended to the supreme throne.

But he forgot to ask himself what he wanted most.

He wants to leave the Imperial City.

Return to the ancestral house of my grandfather’s home.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

The third plane is over, sprinkle flowers~

(End of this chapter)

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