Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 735: The Ruins of the Day (8)

Latest URL: Hua Wu understands the truth that only a heroine who knows how to assess the situation can live a long life.

If it is really a wave of zombies, it is impossible for her alone to stop it.

So it’s better to avoid it first.

They’re just passing by anyway.

As for farming…

The life is gone, who cares about whether to farm or not.

Hua Wu didn’t go too far, she was watching from a high place with Yun.

There were indeed zombies coming from a distance, at first they were just sporadic, but soon there were more and more.

They don’t move very slowly either.

The direction that the large army was walking happened to be the direction of the village.

If they are still in the village, they will definitely collide with the large army, and they will not be able to run away even if they really want to.

Yuntong is glad that Huawu decided to run…

“They didn’t come to us…” Yuntong observed for a while, and said to Huawu: “This side should be safe.”

Even if there are sporadic zombies who have escaped from the main force, they can handle it.

Hua Wu put her hands behind her back, looked into the distance, but didn’t answer Yun Tong’s words.

It’s not good for Yun Tong to continue to make noise, and continue to observe the situation over there.

Hua Wu stood for a while, but thought it was too hot, so she went directly to the shade to rest.

Yun Tong was worried about the zombies, but he wasn’t so big-hearted. He would check the zombie’s route after a while.

“It’s strange… why did they suddenly turn a corner.” Yun Tong turned to look for Hua Wu: “Miss Ye, those zombies suddenly turned a corner.”


Yun Tong nodded, the zombie’s previous route was a straight line, but now it suddenly deviates.

Hua Wu raised an eyebrow: “The navigation is not working?”

She got up and looked over with the binoculars. The zombies did turn around, but not towards them, but…

The ravine!

Hua Wu’s eyebrows twitched, the future villain is still sleeping in the ravine!


The crows were restless and kept circling in the sky.

The red-eyed crow stood on the boy’s chest, constantly pecking at the boy’s hand, as if trying to wake him up, but unfortunately the boy didn’t show any signs of waking up.

Boom boom——

The ground shook slightly.

The red-eyed crow looked up at the monster running over. It ran too fast and fell directly from the mountain wall.

The monster fell to the ground with its head in its arms, quickly got up and ran to the boy.

“Ho Ho!”

The monster hooted twice at the red-eyed crow, looking anxious and at a loss.

“Quack quack—”

The sky crows collectively make a sound.

Almost at the same time, zombies appeared on the cliff.

These zombies jumped down from above without any pause.

The first few smashed into a puddle of mud, but as more and more zombies fell down, they formed a corpse mat.


The red-eyed crow screamed into the sky, and the circling crows swooped down quickly, covering the zombie that ran in the front.

When the crows dispersed, the zombie had already turned into a bone, scattered on the ground with a clatter.

The crows immediately rushed to the zombies behind.

The black crowd of crows formed a wall, blocking the zombies.

However, when the zombies were falling down like dumplings, the crows couldn’t stop them.

They approached the sleeping boy from every corner.

The red-eyed crow “quacked” a few times at the monster.

The monster seemed unable to understand the meaning of the red-eyed crow. It looked at the approaching zombies and then at the sleeping boy. With a low growl, it rushed towards the group of zombies.

“Quack, quack, quack!!” The red-eyed crow seemed to be in a hurry, flapping its wings on the spot, as if jumping its feet in anger.

The monster grabbed a zombie and tore it in half with its bare hands.

The power of the monster is not something that ordinary zombies can contend with. It rampages through the crowd of zombies, and soon tears up all the zombies at the front, leaving broken limbs all over the ground.

Hua Wu took a detour, and when he arrived from the other side, the monster was already surrounded by zombies.

It roared angrily and swung away the zombie that crawled on him, and smashed it **** the ground.

But soon the zombies would swarm up, pounce on him and bite him.

More are flocking to the black protective wall formed by the crows.

They slammed into the protective wall frantically, trying to break through this barrier.

The protective wall formed by the crows was finally knocked out a gap.

There are no more Ravens to fill that void.

Zombies crawled over from the gap, and the gap in the protective wall was getting bigger and bigger due to the collision of zombies.

There are corpses of zombies all over the ground, mixed with bones, and there are crow corpses and black feathers all over the sky.

It’s an absurd picture.

Hua Wu suddenly appeared, and finally the group of crows surrounding the boy turned their heads to look at her at the same time.

One of the red-eyed crows flapped its wings and flew up.

Seeing its posture, Hua Wu thought it was going to attack her, so she pointed her gun at it immediately.

However, the red-eyed crow didn’t approach her, but landed on the dead branch next to it. It made a low ‘quack’ sound, and the crows surrounding the young man dispersed.

“I’ll take him away.” Seeing that the red-eyed crow didn’t intend to attack her, Hua Wu didn’t dare to relax her vigilance: “Don’t attack me.”


The red-eyed crow seemed to understand her.

The zombies over there are already very close, Hua Wu immediately took a gun and swept over there, “Yun Tong!”

Yun Tong emerged from behind a rock, swallowed, rushed over and pulled the person on the ground onto his back, and then ran towards the other side of the ravine.

The red-eyed crow flew into the air and followed Yun Tong.

The rest of the crows continued to stop the zombies.

Hua Wu and Yun Tong had already run away, so they began to retreat.

When Huawu finally left, he saw that monster was overwhelmed by zombies, forming a small hill…

Yun Tong put the person on his back in the back seat, and he climbed into the driver’s seat panting heavily, his throat and lungs seemed to be on fire, and he felt uncomfortable.

Yuntong stared at the side, waited for Huawu to appear, and immediately started the car.

Hua Wu rushed over in a few steps and jumped into the car. Before the door was closed, Yun Tong had already driven the car out.

The zombies behind roared and chased after them.

The dense quantity makes one’s scalp tingle.

Yun Tong stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, displaying the best drag racing skills in his life.

Gradually, the zombies got farther and farther away from them.

Totally invisible until the end.

But Yun Tong didn’t dare to stop.

“You can stop.”

“You can stop now.”

“Yuntong, stop!”

Yun Tong’s tense nerves broke with a ‘click’, and he slammed on the brakes.

“Scared… scared me to death.” Yun Tong slumped in the chair, heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling like he was alive.

There were so many zombies just now~IndoMTL.com~Where did he get the courage to run over…

Yun Tong himself admires himself.

“Look at your talent.”


Just because you are courageous, does not mean that others are also courageous!

Hua Wu did not continue to dislike him, but got out of the car and opened the rear door.

Yun Tong also got out of the car, but as soon as he got off, he saw a red-eyed crow standing on the roof of the car.


It’s actually on the roof! !

The red-eyed crow walked over to Huawu, staring at her intently.

(End of this chapter)

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