Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 712: The villain’s little wife is not quite right (14)

Su Xuan came here for a real business, and it was an accident to meet Hua Wu.

It was even more surprising that she dared to stop her car.

From time to time, Su Xuan glanced at the people on the co-pilot from the corner of her eye. She was fiddling with the box in her hand, which contained a necklace.

“Who sent you?”

“Mrs. Yin.”

“…like it very much?”

Hua Wu closed the box with a ‘snap’: “How can I change it into money without being discovered?” After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Su Xuan: “Do you have any ideas?”

Su Xuan: “…”

Of course Su Xuan has a way, but why did he help her?

“Aren’t we brother and sister?”

Su Xuan chuckled, “Su Zi doesn’t even dare to say that.”

Su Zi and he are still the same father, she dare not.

She is a foster daughter with no relatives and no reason, where does she have the courage.

Hua Wu thought for a while, and said, “I will teach her next time, why is she so disrespectful to her brother!”

Su Xuan: “…” Did he mean that?

“I will trouble you, brother.” Hua Wu put the box directly in the armrest box, and wrote a card number, “Call me directly in this card.”

Su Xuan: “…”

He didn’t agree!

Su Xuan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: “Ning Ning, you are different from before.”

“What was I like before?”

The girl didn’t show nervousness or other emotions because of this question, but rather curious.

Su Xuan talked about Ning Ning in his impression: “Timid, cowardly, inferior, don’t know how to resist…”

“Well, I think so too, so after I thought hard, I abandoned these bad qualities.” Hua Wu clenched her fists, “If you want to stand up, you have to rely on yourself! The respect that others don’t give you must be won by yourself. Come back!”

After Huawu finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Su Xuan, showing a shy smile: “Can I change it?”

Su Xuan: “…”

Although Su Xuan felt that something was wrong with Ning Ning, he grew up in a scientific environment and didn’t think about other aspects.

I just feel that something is wrong with her mind…

Su Xuan still had something to do, so he sent Hua Wu to the door.

It happened that Su Zi came out from inside, Hua Wu held her down and forced her to bend down and bow, “Call me big brother.”

Su Xuan: “…” Sure enough, there is something wrong with his brain.

Su Zi: “???” What’s going on with her?

Su Zi didn’t know where Hua Wu was so strong, she couldn’t break free, and under Hua Wu’s pressure, she called out aggrievedly, “Brother”.

Maybe Su Xuan was afraid of her, so he drove away directly.

Hua Wu waved from behind: “Brother, go slowly.”

When Su Xuan’s car was gone, Hua Wu let go of Su Zi.

Su Zi raised her head, her eyes almost burst into flames.

Hua Wu didn’t care, and patted her on the shoulder with a smile, “When you see big brother, remember to call someone, don’t be rude.”


It is because Su Xuan lacks the care of his family that he became like that.

These family members should give him more care!

Hua Wu walked slowly inside, Su Zi suddenly turned around and followed her: “When did you have such a good relationship with him?”

Su Xuan actually drove her back! !

Is Su Xuan’s brain abnormal, or is her brain abnormal?

“Not good.”

“Not good, why did he send you back?” Su Zi didn’t believe Hua Wu’s words.

“Everyone is a family, shouldn’t we help each other?”


Su Zi felt that asking her was a waste of time.

Remembering that she still had something to do, she turned around and wanted to run, but Hua Wu grabbed her by the collar, “Where are you going?”

“I have a date…”

“Male and female?”

“It’s none of your business!”

“As a family member, it is necessary to take care of your friendship status.” Hua Wu said seriously: “You don’t want to play with those cronies anymore, what if they spoil you?”


Su Zi still remembers what happened to those little sisters last time.

But what position does she have to say such a thing?

“I’ll discuss something with you.” Hua Wu dragged Su Zi into the room.

Su Zi grabbed the door frame, not wanting to go in.

Hua Wu snapped off her fingers one by one: “It’s not a big deal, don’t be nervous, I won’t eat you.”

Ten minutes later.

Su Zi roared in disbelief: “You want me to approach Li Enning?”

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like making friends?” Hua Wu cupped her face and said, “Isn’t this difficult for you?”


Who likes to make friends! !

“Look, you hate me, and she hates me too. You two must have something in common. It’s definitely not difficult to make friends.”

“You still know that I hate you!!” Su Zi collapsed.

“But our relationship is different, we are a family, you will definitely not betray me.”


Can’t she?

She dare not! !

Why is murder a crime?

The gloom in Su Zi’s heart surged upwards, and the anger in her almond eyes rolled, wishing that Hua Wu would be drowned in her anger.

The two of them stared at each other silently for two minutes. In the end, Su Zi was as discouraged as she sat back, gritted her teeth, “What do you want me to do near her?”

“Don’t do anything.” Hua Wu said: “You just need to show that you hate me and want to teach me a lesson, and she will give you advice.”


“You want to marry Yin Bei that much?”

Su Zi doesn’t like Yin Bei, so it’s because Yin Bei doesn’t like everything.

“I don’t think it’s any use, I just want to fulfill the entrustment of my uncle and aunt.” Hua Wu smiled, “Now Li Enning is the biggest obstacle, I can’t let her hinder me. I also want to repay The kindness of the Su family for raising me all these years.”

Hua Wu’s words paused slightly, and said quietly:

“All the sacrifices I make are for your happiness.”

“It’s none of my business…” Su Zi subconsciously said, “You have eaten and used my family’s food all these years. Isn’t it right for you to do this?”

“These things can be measured in money, and I can return them to you in the future. But marriage is different. This is a transaction of my life’s happiness. Do you think it can be compared?”

Hua Wu sighed: “If I don’t go, you will be the one to go.”

Su Zi shivered.

She doesn’t want to marry into the Yin family.

In the past, it was because Mrs. Yin was difficult to get along with, but now that she knows that Yin Bei still has a sweetheart, she doesn’t want to.

Who wants to marry someone who doesn’t like themselves?

Hua Wu: “So, should you respect me?”

Su Zi: “…”

I always feel that something is wrong.


Li Enning found out that Yin Bei didn’t say much after he came today, his face was gloomy and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

She tentatively asked: “Are you worried?”

Yin Bei looked up at her, hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head.

Did Ning Ning push her on purpose, or to protect his mother…

“I feel much better already~IndoMTL.com~ Should I be discharged from the hospital?” Li Enning said softly.

Yin Bei came back to his senses: “The doctor said that your injury needs to be taken care of, and it’s fine if you stay for a few more days.”

“But I don’t want you running around like this. Your company still has so many things to do, and it’s too much trouble to come to the hospital every day.” Li Enning seemed to be thinking of him.

Yin Bei’s filter for Li Enning is obviously extremely strong.

After several times of persuasion by Li Enning, he agreed that Li Enning should be discharged from the hospital, but he hired a nanny for Li Enning to take care of her.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

It’s the end of the month, babies, vote for the monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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