Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 689: Professional transfer to the heir of the evil **** (26)

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Bu Zuo put aside the matter of putting wine in the teapot for now, and said, “I came here to ask you something.”

Hua Wu sat a little more upright, very cooperative: “You ask.”

Bu Zuo considered the sentence: “A few days ago when you were dealing with that evil god, I discovered that the magic you used contained dark elements.”

He has been busy cleaning up this mess these days, so he has no time to ask her.

It’s only now that I find time to find her.

Hua Wu blinked, “Dark element? Why is there dark element in my magic?”

Bu Zuo: “…”

That’s exactly what he wanted to ask.

“Great magister, don’t scare me.” Hua Wu suddenly became nervous: “I’m not a lightning magician? How could there be dark elements?”

“Don’t be nervous.” Bu Zuo hurriedly comforted her, “I just found something abnormal, and the specific situation will only be known after careful investigation.”

“How to check? Check it now?” Hua Wu got up, “Great Magister, please help me find out.”


Seeing her like this, Bu Zuo probably doesn’t know why there are dark elements in her body.

Bu Zuobang Huawu did a simple inspection first, but found no dark elements.

He asked Huawu to use magic again, but at this moment there was no dark element.

Is he wrong?

But he is a great magister, how could he be wrong?

Moreover, she can even deal with evil gods, isn’t this ability a bit too heaven-defying?

Even if she is a genius with god-level talent, she can’t have such a powerful power in such a short period of time, right?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that she hasn’t used any particularly powerful magic, almost all basic magic.

The most used one is the lightning from her unmodified magic wand.

Others do not know the material of the magic wand, but he does.

It is a sacred tree, and it takes a hundred years to grow a branch.

Using branches as magic wands can give full play to the magician’s greatest talent.

The dean found a sacred tree for her, which shows how much he values ​​it.

It’s just…she doesn’t seem to take the Shenmu seriously, it’s still in its original state, and hasn’t carved it properly.

Bu Zuo asked some more about her dealing with evil gods.

Hua Wu only said that she learned it according to the dean’s teaching. She was being chased by the evil **** at that time, so she didn’t think too much about it, and only used the sacred tree to release the magic.

Although Bu Zuo felt something was wrong, Hua Wu refused to say anything, and he had no choice.

Hua Wu sent Bu Zuo, who was full of doubts, out the door, returned to the table, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

The mausoleum suddenly appeared in her arms… yes, it was her arms.

The young man put his arms around her neck and sat on her body with peace of mind. His beautiful face was bathed in the moonlight, as perfect as an elf.

The clothes on his body are still gorgeous, meandering on the ground.

He seemed to find that he was a little smaller, and it was very convenient for him to hang on Huawu’s body or let her hug him, so when he appeared, he was almost always one size smaller.

Of course not much smaller, probably about the same size as Huawu, and it doesn’t look strange to sit in her arms.

Hua Wu was not used to him like this at first, so he was still in human form.

But Mausoleum didn’t feel that there was any problem at all. He completely regarded himself as a wisp of smoke, entangled and hugged whenever he wanted, and didn’t know how to write the word shame at all.

Forget it, sometimes at night I would squeeze next to her.

Hua Wu told him several times that after Ling Ya went her own way and ignored her warning, she gave up.

Anyway, it’s not her who suffers.

Hua Wu’s eyes fell on his face, she moved away after a while, and poured herself another glass of wine.

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