Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 682: Professional transfer to the heir of the evil **** (19)

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The Mausoleum refused to be insulted, and started a new round of cursing.

Huawu probably listened to it for a long time and got used to it, so she found a rope to tie the goose up, and led the goose to the direction where Jiang Shangqing and the others left.

Jiang Shangqing and others are at the market selling monsters at this time.

The monsters here are kept in cages, and most of them hide in the corners of the cages in fear, while a few show their minions to passers-by.

The monsters that can be sold in human gathering places are not large in size, and their lethality is not strong. Many people buy them as pets.

Jiang Shangqing stopped in front of a cage at this time, and seemed to be very interested in the monster in the cage.

Hua Wu led the big goose and stood at the corner, “The last time you heard someone saying they were going to frame me, was it Jiang Shangqing?”

Lingya: “Oh, don’t you care?”.

She didn’t care at all before, and she didn’t ask a word after waking up. He thought she didn’t care.

Hua Wu: “Is that so?”

“Yes.” She asked this now, did she want to teach them a lesson? “Do you want me to eat them for you!!”

“No need.” Hua Wu clenched his fists: “Do my own thing, do bad things… I’m very good at good things!”

Last night, Ling Ya said that someone was plotting to kill her and Yu Jiang, and she didn’t need to guess to know that it was either Jiang Shangqing or Bellamy.

Hua Wu took a look over there.

Jiang Shangqing has already started negotiating the price with the boss.

Hua Wu held the mausoleum in the palm of his hand, and didn’t know which side was his front, so he just pressed his side and let him look at that side.

“Can you open that cage?”

Ling Ya: “You dare to order me? I’m evil…”

“Do you want me to make a wish?” Hua Wu smiled and looked at him: “Maybe you make me feel better, so I will make a wish.”

Lingya: “Heh, it’s so difficult to open a cage, just wait.”

“Wait.” Hua Wu called Mausoleum: “So, can you provoke that monster?”

The mausoleum flicked its tail and said arrogantly: “The evil **** is omnipotent.”

“Then when she pays and takes it away…”

Ling Ya was silent for a while after listening, and said sadly: “You really are not a good person.”

“I am human.”

The mausoleum snorted coldly, flowed out from her palm, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Jiang Shangqing paid the money, took the cage handed over by the seller, and carefully looked at the monsters in the cage.

It was a small fiery red beast with long and soft hair. It was different from those magical beasts that huddled in the corner of the cage and bared their teeth and claws at people.

The little beast sat quietly in the middle of the cage, looking quite elegant.

Jiang Shangqing is in a good mood, this is the little beast next to Xueli in the future, she did not expect to meet here.

Now it’s my own.

I have to find a way to subdue it…

There are many people here, and Jiang Shangqing didn’t plan to do anything here. If people find out that this little beast is special, it will cause trouble.

Just as she was about to call her companions to leave, there was a “click” in her ear.

The door of the cage in his hand was actually opened.

Jiang Shangqing was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, the little beast in the cage suddenly seemed to sense something, and its fiery red hair exploded.

The next second, the little beast suddenly ejected from the cage and hit Jiang Shangqing on the shoulder.

The small beast bumped into him, and Jiang Shangqing staggered with such force that he hit the stacked cage behind him.

Jiang Shangqing ignored the pain in her shoulder and reached out to catch the little beast.

However, the fiery little beast was enraged by something at this time, and its fur exploded, and it shuttled between the cages relying on its dexterous figure.

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