Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 68: Prince Princess, she quit (4)

“Quick Wear: After the villain hero reaches full level ()”

His Royal Highness released her completely, waved his long sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and held the unique aura of the villain: “Bengong will see it today, what kind of flowers can you name, if…”

Flower mist was smeared by the wide sleeves.

Twice! !

Why don’t you kill Chongxi.

Hua Wu resisted the urge to cheer herself up: “I know that His Royal Highness’s current crown is not very stable… Don’t look at me like this, you look at me like this, what I said is also true.

People should be brave enough to face up to their own weaknesses. “



The last years of the previous dynasty.

Because the previous emperor was obsessed with beauty and abolished government affairs, eunuchs took power and framed loyal ministers and generals at will, which eventually caused dissatisfaction from many parties and triggered an uprising.

And the last to overthrow the previous dynasty is the current emperor.

Prince Zongwu.

The eldest son of the current saint, born to his original wife.

But this original wife was forced by the family to marry when the current sage had not yet become emperor. He did not like this original wife.

Therefore, although Zong Wu was named the prince, the sage did not like the prince very much.

On the contrary, I feel that the prince has a gloomy personality, fierce ways of doing things, secretly suppressed, and intends to abolish his crown prince position.

Zong Wu…

The Crown Prince himself has something to say.

Gloomy personality, cruel methods, no humanity, doing things only for results, not about the process.

It has the meaning that those who obey others will prosper and those who rebel against others will die.

And Zong Wu took the script of the ultimate boss.



As the villain, Zong Wu hates the male protagonist Zong Qi the most.

Before the heroine came on stage, his relationship with Zong Qi was decent on the surface, but behind the scenes he had pulled hundreds of rounds to the limit.

Zong Wu made a lot of stumbling blocks for the male protagonist.

Of course, the male protagonist is not a good person.

This time, Zong Wu and the male protagonist grabbed the female protagonist halfway through the plot—probably for the disgusting male protagonist.

Zong Wu doesn’t like Qin Huan at all.

He just found that the relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist is not easy, and he did not want the male protagonist to have a relationship with the Qin family, and finally let the Qin family become the male protagonist’s help.

So he strikes first.

Get into the palace and ask Qin Huan to marry him.

The script with the keynote of “abuse”, Zong Wu’s marriage proposal must be successful.

This time Feng Zifu’s corruption case, in the original plot, Zong Wu did not do well.

On the contrary, Zong Qi picked up the leak and became the biggest beneficiary of this incident.

From the beginning of this incident, Zong Wu was gradually at a disadvantage, and the male protagonist was able to save himself from danger every time and outperformed him everywhere.

Of course, Hua Wu felt that it was because the heroine appeared, which added luck to the hero.



Hua Wu and Zong Wu were sitting in front of a table full of longan and peanuts.

The two people in wedding dresses look like the bridegroom and the bride.

The efficacy of the medicine in Huawu’s body has almost disappeared, and her physical strength has recovered a lot.

She poured herself a glass of wedding wine, took a sip, and said:

“I can tell His Highness Feng Zifu the clues about this case, but His Highness must promise me that I have a place in the East Palace.

Since I am already a Crown Princess, I must have the rights and dignity of a Crown Princess. “

Zong Wu married Qin Huan because of the disgusting male protagonist’s mind.

In the original plot, Qin Huan had such an encounter on the street before marrying into the East Palace, and was demoted to the concubine by Zong Wu that night.

In the back, Zong Wu even used her as a tool to deal with the male protagonist, and he would only think of her when he needed it.

Not to mention that there is also a Liang Rushuang next to him.

So Qin Huan’s life in the East Palace was not good.

For her next job, Hua Wu felt it necessary to have a good chat with the Crown Prince about the working environment.

“How do I know if the clues in your mouth are true or false?”

He searched for so long without finding any clues.

Where did she find out?

Making it all up?

“If my clues are false, just do whatever you want with me.” Hua Wu assured Zong Wu.

Zong Wu: “Even if the clues in your mouth are true, but with a clue, you want to secure the position of the crown princess, isn’t it a little whimsical?”

Prince Princess is just a title and doesn’t matter.

As long as he doesn’t give her the rights of a princess, she will always be a vase.

And Zong Wu thought so too.

She is nothing but a tool she uses against Zongqi.

She actually wants the power of the Crown Princess… but she dares to speak.

“But this clue is very important to His Royal Highness, isn’t it?” Hua Wu said calmly: “You give me the treatment and respect that the Crown Princess deserves, it’s just a matter of words, and His Highness has nothing to lose. “

“What if I don’t agree?”


Then I had to congratulate myself.

Hua Wu smiled and poured a glass of wine and pushed it over, yin and yang applauded strangely: “After working so hard for so long, but making wedding gowns for others, His Royal Highness is worthy of being the future monarch, with a broad mind.”

Zong Wu: “…”

Zong Wu certainly doesn’t want to make wedding dresses for others.

For Feng Zifu’s corruption case, he has spent a lot of time.

This is not just to complete the task assigned by the emperor, there are many benefits.

A crown princess and the interests behind Feng Zifu’s case…

Zong Wu picked up the glass of wine and drank it.

He turned the empty wine glass towards Huawu, and then threw it on the table: “I promise you~IndoMTL.com~ the crown princess is only in charge of the backyard of the East Palace. During this time, it is enough to eat and drink, and measure her. I can’t find any waves.

Wait for this to pass, and then think of a way…

Hua Wu nodded with satisfaction: “I knew His Royal Highness was a smart man.”


Zong Wupi smiled but said, “Now we can talk.”

Hua Wu lifted the wine glasses on the table, filled both glasses, full of fighting spirit: “Cheers to our next cooperation.”

Zong Wu: “…”

What kind of collaboration are they?

At most a transaction…

For the clues in her mouth, Zong Wu forced himself to be patient and wanted to drink the glass of wine.

Who knew that the **** the opposite side stopped him, and her bright eyes showed inexplicable excitement: “His Royal Highness, why don’t you drink the wine by the way?”

The veins on Zong Wu’s hand holding the wine glass gradually revealed, “Do you think this palace will have a drink with you?”

Hua Wu held the wine glass and said seriously: “Life needs a sense of ritual.”

Zong Wu’s gaze fell on the girl as if he was about to kill, and his thin lips parted lightly: “Go away.”

Flower fog: “…”

Hua Wu touched his glass in disappointment, “Then wish us a smooth cooperation and a great cause soon.”


Is she sick?



Zong Wu does not know whether Hua Wu is ill or not.

But after drinking, Huawu happily wrote him an address.

Let him go there to arrest people, saying there will be new discoveries.

What’s new?

His crown princess covered her lips and smiled like a pervert, “The surprise you open with your own hands is more fulfilling.”

Zong Wu: “…”

Zong Wu wanted to leave when he got the address, but Hua Wu grabbed his sleeve: “Where are those people you just brought back?”

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