Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 677: Transfer to Heir of the Heretic God (14)

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When the girl saw Hua Wu, she let go of her hand subconsciously. The former roommate could breathe like this, coughing and inhaling.

As the dean’s apprentice, Hua Wu hasn’t shown much since she was accepted by the dean, but her appearance has been recorded by someone in the academy with magic, and it has long been spread.

At this time, when she came over, the girl’s arrogance weakened a lot.

Yu Jiang has been with her before, and the two seem to have a good relationship.

“Why don’t you fight.” Hua Wu stood on the shore, her tone was as usual as the others, she was watching the fun.

She looks like this, but the girls don’t know what she means and dare not act rashly.

The girl pondered for a moment and felt that it was better not to provoke her.

The girl immediately let go of Yu Jiang’s hand, winked at her valet, and led them away.

Hua Wu’s voice drifted over, “It’s not polite to leave after hitting someone.”

The girl stopped, she didn’t want to talk to her, but she had to say, “This is a matter between me and Yu Jiang, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Huawu’s face of justice: “As a student of the academy, how can I sit back and ignore this kind of thing.”.z.br>


You didn’t stop it just now!

You look like you’re hanging around to watch the fun! !

Because of her identity, the girl endured and said, “What do you want?”

Hua Wu went into the water to pick up Yu Jiang, pinched her face and looked at her. It wasn’t serious, but she was choked by the water just now, and she was still coughing.

“Can’t you apologize for hitting someone?” Hua Wu looked at the girl, “You can call her back if you don’t want to apologize, you can choose.”

The heroine is to be kind and give people a chance to choose.

Hua Wu feels that she has mastered the essence of being a heroine.


The girl didn’t expect Hua Wu to help Yu Jiang get ahead.

She didn’t want to apologize, and she didn’t want Yu Jiang to call back, but now it’s hard to ride a tiger.

Unless you’re offended by the snow fence.

But offend her…

The two sides froze in place.

Yu Jiang regained his breath and pulled down the flower mist, “Forget it…”

Hua Wu glanced at her, Yu Jiang’s eyes were red, and she shook her head.

The girl pulled down the corners of her lips, and her aura came back, “She won’t be held accountable, can I go?”

“Are you sure?”

Yu Jiang nodded awkwardly: “Let them go.”

It’s a pity that Hua Wu couldn’t get justice, but she still respected the wishes of the parties and let the girls take them away.

Justice is never late anyway.

As soon as the girl left, the onlookers didn’t dare to stay any longer and dispersed.

“Thank you, Ah Li.”

Yu Jiang was helped to the shore by Hua Wu, “Why don’t you fight back?”

Yu Jiang didn’t speak, pinching his wet clothes and twisting them.

Flower Mist cast a spell at random to dry the clothes on her body.

Yu Jiang was stunned, but focused on magic instead: “You can use magic without chanting spells?”

Yu Jiang doesn’t know whether Hua Wu is silent or instant, but no matter which one it is, it is very powerful to her.

“You still care about my magic.”

Yu Jiang wanted to laugh, but her red and swollen face didn’t allow it. She covered her face and grinned, “I’m fine.”

Seeing that she was not very happy to talk about this, Hua Wu didn’t ask her any further questions. She asked her to calm down before heading towards the camp.

“Why don’t you let me eat them.”

Hua Wu suddenly heard Ling Ya’s voice, which was quite surprising. She looked around and saw no trace of him, so she probably didn’t come out.

“I thought you wouldn’t come out.” If she hadn’t heard anything for so long, if she hadn’t known that he couldn’t sneak away, she would have wondered if the evil **** she summoned was gone.

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