Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 618: I work in the infinite stream (18)

The employees have never behaved like this before, why is it suddenly like this this time?

There must be something they did to cause this result.

It’s just that Gan Jing and Ma Xiang are not very clear now – of course, if they don’t want to say it, or they really don’t know what the trigger is, only they themselves know.

“Where’s Teruko?”

Ma Xiang said: “He wasn’t with us before, I don’t know where he is, I hope he’s all right.”

The door of the cafeteria is still strong, and people outside cannot enter temporarily, but the sound of scratching the door has not stopped.

“What are you doing in the cafeteria?” Gan Jing asked strangely.

“I’m hungry, eat something.” Hua Wu said casually.



Gan Jing heard that Hua Wu was perfunctory, but the situation was unknown at this time, she was still very sensible and did not ask more.

In the semi-open kitchen, several employees huddled together, looking at them in horror.

Apparently they didn’t know what was going on, and probably thought they were terrorists.

Why did the whole company become like the outside, and the kitchen didn’t change?

Are they any different from outsiders?

“Will this door be knocked open?”

“We can’t just sit here and wait, can we?”

“It’s not even noon now…will this be our last chance?”

Six people…if each has one more chance, then this is the seventh, just the last chance…

Thinking of this, everyone’s face is not very good.

Only Hua Wu is still pondering the difference between the few people in the kitchen and the employees outside.

The chef said before that they were outsourced…so they shouldn’t be employees of the company.

Since they are not employees of the company, they are not dominated by the company…

Employees can be controlled by the company because they are employees of the company, and they have signed labor contracts with the company…

Contract! !

“Did you just find the employee’s contract?”

Gan Jing: “…”

Gan Jing’s mouth moved, “Why should I tell you.”

She completely ignored them before, and now she wants to talk about their clues?

Hua Wu thought for a while and nodded in agreement, “Yes, after all, it’s the clue you found.”

Five minutes later.

Hua Wu squatted in front of Gan Jing and looked at her with a smile: “Can you tell me now?”

Gan Jing lay on the ground, her face ashen.

Next to him is the unconscious Ma Xiang.

Gan Jing gritted her teeth and glared at Hua Wu: “You… despicable!!”

“Ha, everyone is the same, so why scold yourself like that.” This is not a friendship occasion where friendship is the first and second, and everyone is doing whatever they can to survive.

I will do anything to myself compared to others.

Of course, it’s time to strike first!

If I hadn’t been burdened by the heroine, you wouldn’t be like this now…

Gan Jing and Ma Xiang did discover the employee contract,

As soon as they got the contract, the group of employees outside showed up.

“The contract is still with you?”


Gan Jing was reluctant to take out the contract. At that time, the situation was so critical that she had time to get a few.

Huawu looked through it, and it was an ordinary employee contract, but the color of the seal on the contract was very strange, red and black, much like it was formed after the blood was dried up.

It’s a thorn…

It’s a thorn…

Hua Wu turned her head and saw that the cabinet that placed the tableware and chopsticks on the wall of the cafeteria was moving. The next second, the cabinet fell to the ground.

Those dazed employees rushed in like a tidal wave.



【Character Death】

【The copy is reverted successfully. ]

[The eighth time copy of “Jian Company” is being loaded…]

The first thing Hua Wu did was to turn back to Gan Jing and Ma Xiang.

Keiko was obviously a little out of shape, and out of instinct to protect himself, he stepped back, not wanting to get involved.

Flower Mist can hit them once, and naturally can hit them a second time.

After Gan Jing and Ma Xiang lay on the ground again, Hua Wu stepped on Ma Xiang’s shoulder and slowly looked at Huizi: “They have decided to join my righteous army, do you want to join?”

“???” Teruko looked at the two people on the ground who were full of anger and helpless, was this their decision?

Isn’t this a decision you forced them to… no, make on their behalf? ! !

In such a short time, what happened between them! !

After going back several times, Teruko got a certain understanding of Huawu, and she no longer looked down on her and the fool called Shiyou.

He probably felt that he was alone and weak, and temporarily accepted Hua Wu’s offer.

Huawu didn’t immediately take out those contracts. Once those contracts were taken out, it should trigger the employee’s attack mode.

So it’s not necessary for now.

She first identified the problem in the cafeteria, and after replacing the batch of fungi, she passed the noon safely.

However, their plan was not made, and they were scolded – Huawu made it.

They don’t know how Huawu made it, but she just took it out. Everyone was scolded, but she didn’t have it.

The misfits tried to kick Huawu out of the group chat.

“When did she plan the project?” Pei Chengnuo asked Shiyou next to him.

“She didn’t do it.” Shiyou was as honest as ever.

“Where did she come from?”



Hua Wu initially wanted to ask employees to do it for her, but she soon discovered that other employees were actually doing it, and they were almost done.

So she just grabbed it.

Pei Cheng: “…”

There is no serious consequence except being scolded. Obviously, the superiors are deliberately embarrassing them, wanting to scold them and set back their temper.

However, in the afternoon, they discovered the difference between not handing in homework and handing in homework.

Huawu had almost nothing to do in the afternoon, but they kept going in and out of the office.

If it’s just being called, they’re more or less in danger.

If they weren’t vigilant, they would have died several times.

Even so careful, Ma Xiang and Pei Cheng were still injured, Huizi was not injured, but their stamina was almost exhausted.

Nothing happened in the afternoon, it was getting dark, but no one in the office left.

The lighting in the office area seems to be to save electricity, and the light is extremely dim.

The employees sitting in front of the computers stared intently at the dimly lit screen, like clockwork puppets, working numbly.

This scene is indescribably terrifying and eerie.

“Don’t work overtime at night and don’t provide dinner?” Hua Wu took a look at the cafeteria and found that it was closed.

There is no one inside.

Although nothing special happened in the afternoon, it was consuming their stamina.

And no food, now they are tired and hungry.

Pei Cheng turned his head and saw Hua Wu knocking on the door, “What are you doing?”

Hua Wu pushed open the door of the cafeteria with both hands, but did not put down her hands, but raised her head slightly and said in a cadence: “Dedicate love.”

“Huh?” To whom?

What is she talking about! !

Why is it all human~IndoMTL.com~ She always pops up some incomprehensible middle and second sentences?

Hua Wu walked inside: “Prepare a little supper for my dear colleagues, how can I make them go hungry and work overtime?”


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