Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 606: I work part-time in the infinite stream (6)

The Dean’s Office.

Xue Li turned up from the window, and when she pushed the window, she saw someone in the office.

Not only were there people, but there was also a middle-aged woman at her feet. The woman’s eyes were so wide that she almost saw something incredible, and she couldn’t believe she died like this.

The woman’s appearance is exactly the same as the woman in the picture frame on the desk. She should be the courtyard.

Xue Li met someone in the office.



Silence is the best word at the moment.

Xue Li remembers this nurse, why did she want to kill… Chang?

Xue Li decided that she should not go in at this moment, she slowly shrank down, preparing to go back the same way.


Xue Li’s body froze, and then she looked up at the people inside.

“Since you’ve seen it, join in and come in.” Hua smiled and waved at her.


Xue Li stood in the office and watched Hua Wu sit in the long chair and turned on the computer on the table.

The atmosphere is unspeakably weird.

She wanted to go up to the fourth floor yesterday, but was stopped by a nurse.

Tell her that there is no one living upstairs, only the dean’s office is upstairs, and she can’t go up without permission.

Everyone below is busy, and she happens to be working alone and no one is watching, so she wants to climb up and take a look.

Who would collide with NC and kill NC in it.

Xue Li glanced in the direction of the door, thinking about whether it would take her a few seconds to get there or not get caught.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m not NC.”

Xue Li heard Hua Wu’s voice and looked at her suddenly: “???”

In the dungeon, except for NC, she is a player. She is not an NC… Can it be a player?

“Guess, I’m also a player.

Xue Li swallowed her saliva, “…Are you NCs going to pretend to play?”

Is she a child herself?

Flower fog: “…”

Hua Wu: “Where you are now, have you found work clothes with your name on them?”

Xue Li: “…”

Xue Li thought for a while. The place where she is now is the dressing room, and there are work clothes hanging on the shelf, but she didn’t check to see if there was a name.

They were not asked to wear their work clothes yesterday, and neither did anyone else.

Hua Wu put her breastplate on and faced Xue Li: “The number of players in this instance is eight, not seven.”

Xue Li looked at the name on the sign – Shu Lu.

Xue Li felt that a badge didn’t mean anything, even if there was an eighth player, it might be dead, this NC deliberately pretended to be that player.

Xue Li said vigilantly: “But you were NC yesterday, and those people didn’t expose you. Are they still acting with you?”

The nurse treats her completely as a companion)

If she was a player, how could she get in?

“Because he thinks I’m Mulan Fan.” Hua Wu nodded at the badge on her chest, “This thing is very useful, if you don’t believe me, you can go down to NC and grab their badge.


Hua Wu added: “Remember to kill her, otherwise there will be trouble.”

Xue Li: “…”

How can anyone just kill NC?

“Of course this is more dangerous, you can also choose a more secure verification method.” Hua Wu gave her a second option: “There should be a staff file in this room, you can also look for it to see the real Mulanfan What does it look like?”

Xue Li: “…”

Xue Li hesitated for a moment. Seeing that she wanted to attack, she began to look for it.

She’s still wary of Huawu.

But Hua Wu’s attention was on the computer, and she didn’t pay attention at all.

The staff file is not a top-secret document, and Rei finds it quickly.

Xue Li first glanced at everyone’s photos, and there was indeed someone who looked just like her.

An employee named Mulan is not her appearance.

Xue Li had another guess after reading the file, “Who knows if you destroyed the file… (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 606 I work in the infinite stream (6)

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“Then do you want to trade points with me?” Hua Wu said: “Only players and players can trade.”


This she knows, indeed, only players can trade points between players.

When trading, you can also see the other party’s name.

Two minutes later.

Xue Li’s eyes changed when she saw Hua Wu, “Are you really a player?

“That could be fake.”


It’s so…weird.

This is the first time she’s seen a player mixed into an enemy faction. Of course, she did not have a few copies.

“They don’t recognize you?” She and that Mu Fan are exactly two looks, and you can tell at a glance.

The players haven’t seen each other, so they didn’t find the problem, why didn’t even the NC find out, this is not normal.

“I said just now, this thing is very useful.” Hua Wu clicked the badge again.

Xue Li’s eyes fell on it for a moment, her mind turned fast, and she guessed: “They only have brands?”



That is, the player can exchange identities with the NC.

As soon as she showed up in the locker room, someone came in to call her, and she didn’t have time to check what was in the locker room.

It is estimated that others are in a similar situation.

Maybe noticed, but in an unfamiliar environment, they won’t choose their own clothes without asking.

“Why… why did you kill the dean.” In this kind of setting, the dean usually has very important clues.

Now I’m killing people…

Hua Wu smiled and said, “Because I want to be the dean.”

“Huh?” Dean can also charge?

Hua Wu took out a brand that was different from his badge, with the words “Dean” and the dean’s name on it.

“Do you want to join me?” Wu invited Xue Li. ..

She is a dean and can’t live without dog legs.

The most important thing is that she doesn’t want other players to find her now, so some things that can’t appear in front of players will be done for her.

“Yesterday you put Zhao Bin on duty at night… Is there such a task?”

“No.” Hua Wu did not hide: “But I will let you go soon, I just let you get used to it in advance.”

“You killed Zhao Bin.”

Hua Wu laughed out loud: “This little beauty, who entered this game, has done some bad things, are you going to teach me a moral lesson now?”

“You dare to come here alone to check, you should have more experience than others. In this case, you should also know what will happen when you get to the back… This game is about players killing each other.”


Players who have experienced several dungeons know that the game wants them to kill each other~IndoMTL.com~ They can tell each other not to take the game and help each other at the beginning.

Because this game only needs to be alive to pass, no other requirements)

However, when it really comes to a critical juncture, when it comes to one’s own life, no one knows whether it is the player who proposed to kill each other.

“So, do you want to join?” Hua said in a sincere tone, “I only invited you alone.”

Xue Li: “…”

She just happened to break in.

Chapter 606 I work in the infinite stream (6)

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