Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 563: Starry Sky Delusion (1)

[Quick Transmigration: After the villain hero reaches full level] []

The foggy sky was so low it seemed to be within reach.

The towering giant tree grows on the rocks. The sturdy tree body can only be surrounded by a dozen people, and the branches and leaves are sparse.

Huawu opened her eyes and saw such a desolate and grotesque scene.

She was numb, her head was dizzy, there was no sound in her ears, and she was panicking.

As her body gradually regained consciousness, her consciousness became more and more awake, and her voice returned to her world little by little.

She heard someone walking beside her, and some sort of metal crashing.

“Brother Fei, you really want to…”

“What are you afraid of, no one can monitor it here. This opportunity is rare. If you miss this time, I don’t know when we will go. With things like this, in the United District, where can we get our turn.”


“Don’t do it, if you don’t come, just go to the side and let the wind out.”

“Brother Fei, it’s very unsafe here, I think it’s better not to…”


“Go, go, don’t disturb Lao Tzu Yaxing.”

Huawu’s eyes suddenly darkened.

A dark, malicious face suddenly appeared in front of her, her mouth split open to reveal yellow teeth.

“Ouch, wake up, it’s better to wake up, otherwise it will be boring.”

There is an ugly flower mist that only feels a tumbling stomach – most of which are caused by physical reasons.

Huawu felt very sick, but she felt that there should be nothing in her stomach, and she couldn’t spit out anything.

The man rubbed his hands together and smiled maliciously: “Come on, let the big brother take good care of you.”

Hua Wu looked at him and smiled slowly, “I’m afraid you will hurt too much.”


The man didn’t quite understand the words of the flower mist.

But he couldn’t wait, he stretched out his hand and pulled Hua Wu up, wanting to change her position.

Fang Lang watched the man he called Brother Fei pull up the **** the ground, he hesitated, turned around and walked away.

He doesn’t want to be involved in this.

But he didn’t dare to disobey Phil.

Fang Lang hadn’t gone far when he heard Brother Fei suddenly scolding, he turned his head subconsciously, just in time to see the picture of Brother Fei falling to the ground clutching his throat.

Fang Lang’s pupils shrank, and his eyes filled with horror.

Brother Fei fell on the rubble, his body twitched a few times, his eyes were like copper bells, he stared at him stubbornly, and stretched out his hand with difficulty, trying to ask him for help.

“Save… **** ho…”

Fang Lang took a step back, but he stumbled on a stone and sat on the ground.

He watched the girl over there stand up slowly, holding Phinea’s dagger in her hand, and blood dripped from the dagger.

Under the towering giant tree, the weak girl described as embarrassed, but at this time, it gives people a sense of terror that cannot be overcome.

Fang Lang hurriedly took out the weapon from his body. I don’t know if he was unskilled or was frightened. In a hurry, the weapon fell to the ground.

He finally picked it up, and as soon as he opened the insurance, the **** dagger was already in front of him.


The weapon falls from his hand again on the stone.

The boy bent over to pick up the weapon, which was similar in shape to a normal gun, but there was almost no gap on the whole. There was only a connection gap in a place similar to a magazine, which was full of science fiction.

High tech!

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[Quick Transmigration: After the villain hero reaches full level] []

Flower fog swept the surrounding desolation and the towering giant trees growing on the ground, and…

The wreckage of the ship.

It was a black spaceship, in the shape of a hexagon, overturned on the ground, battered.

The future?

“No… It’s none of my business.” Fang Lang, who was pressed against his eyebrows with a short knife, shouted in horror: “Yes… It’s Brother Fei, I didn’t do anything.”

The environment she’s in now is too weird, Hua Wu didn’t kill Fang Lang, but found something to tie him up first.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she was sure it was safe.

This is a male protagonist with a future interstellar background.

The heroine is the little princess of the empire. She was doted on before the age of fifteen, but just after her fifteenth birthday, her parents died unexpectedly, and everything changed overnight.

Although the empire still has a prince, that prince was adopted by the king as a playmate and protector of the little princess.

This prince is not very favored in the royal family, so the little princess has a very good relationship with him.

This prince is naturally the male lead.

In the eyes of the heroine, she and the hero are childhood sweethearts.

The female protagonist just lost her parents. Facing the chaotic empire, she subconsciously relies on and trusts the male protagonist.

So she left a lot of things to the male protagonist.

And the male protagonist moves up step by step with the trust of the female protagonist and the rights authorized to him.

The number of women around him gradually increased, and the number of followers also increased.

Although the male protagonist has many ambiguous women, his favorite is the female protagonist, who follows her in everything.

Later, he was attacked by interstellar pirates.

The heroine died to protect the hero and became an indelible cinnabar mole in the hero’s heart.

Hua Wu saw that this is the grandfather of the subway looking at the face of the mobile phone.

What kind of heroine is this…

It’s so miserable in normal plots, what kind of scene will it be after the saboteur joins!

Huawu feels that she needs a quick-acting heart pill.

She stabilized her emotions before continuing.

An ambiguous object of the male protagonist, Liu Sihuai, has been reborn.

The male protagonist will miss the female protagonist for the rest of his life and regard the female protagonist as his only wife.

Of course, Liu Siwei, who likes the male protagonist, is not happy.

So after she was reborn, she took advantage of the death of the heroine’s parents to separate the hero and heroine.

And designed to kidnap the heroine, causing the illusion of her death, but in fact, she was taken to a barren star.

At this time, the heroine has not yet succeeded to the throne and became the queen~IndoMTL.com~ Liu Siwei persuaded the hero to announce the death of the heroine, and used her family’s power to support the hero to ascend to the position of king.

When the two were working together to work hard, the heroine was bullied on the barren star and worked day and night.

When the news of their big marriage spread all over the world, the heroine was tortured to death.

[1. Solve the spoiler Liu Siwei. ]

[Second, the heroine’s obsession to regain the throne. ]

It’s okay…

Although it is miserable, but the wish is simple… a ghost!

She is now dead to the empire, and it is estimated that the male protagonist has become the new king.

And she was assigned to the frontier star, there is no soldier or soldier, and her life safety is not guaranteed.

How do I kill this?

On her delicate hands?

Why is the heroine in the male lead text so miserable… Finally, I got a qualification to be missed by the hero, and was envied by others, so she came back to deprive her of this qualification.

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[Quick Transmigration: After the villain hero reaches full level] []

Fang Lang’s hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was blocked, and he shivered as he looked at the girl not far away.

Her expression was gloomy and happy for a while, and it was really… scary.

Fang Lang didn’t dare to breathe until the other party walked up to him and looked down at him condescendingly.

The dirty face changed from indifference to a smile, “I can spare your life, but then, you have to listen to me.”

There is no heroine with one soldier and one soldier, so I have to work **** my own!

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