Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 552: Prostitutes will not easily lead dogs (29)

As expected by Cui Jingheng, the clues found directly point to another candidate.

Because of the family’s interests, I want to dismount the best grade teacher.

Although there are still some doubts, their remarks are well-founded, and no more clues can be found.

Cui Jingheng couldn’t find out, let alone others.

In the eyes of outsiders, the case has also come to light.

Hua Wu did not force Cui Jingheng to continue the investigation, so the case was closed.

Shi Yu’s suspicions are cleared.

In view of such a question, in the interest of fairness and impartiality, the last question will be re-examined.

My teacher was injured, so the time was delayed to half a month later.

Hua Wu brought Shi Yu back to the Bamboo House to recover from his injuries.

Before going back, Hua Wu took the initiative to give the remaining pages to Cui Jingheng.

In the carriage, Shi Yu was padded with thick cushions, so he could barely lie on his side.

It has been snowing in recent days, the road is not easy to walk, and the carriage swayed and jolted badly.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly lost control.

Shi Yu was caught off guard, and when he was thrown, he fell down.

Hua Wu stretched out her hand to catch him, and took him to her side, and Shi Yu’s body rested on top of her.

“What’s the matter?”

“Girl… A child suddenly rushed out and scared everyone to death.” The butcher’s voice sounded from outside.

Flower mist surrounds Shi Yu, “Are you alright?”

Shi Yu’s wound hurts a little, but he was afraid that she would have to check if he said it… So he shook his head and said he was fine.

Hua Wu helped him to lie back, the distance between the two was only a palm width, and Shi Yu could clearly see the girl’s curled and dense eyelashes.

The tip of the nose is the quiet fragrance of the girl.

She switched to incense.

Shi Yu’s mind was thinking indiscriminately without purpose.

When she pulled away, Shi Yu suddenly grabbed her wrist.

“What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong…

Shi Yu didn’t know what was wrong.

The body reacts faster than the brain.

He wants to do something.

However, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.

Dazed emotions flashed across his eyes.

Shi Yu wanted to let go, but when he saw the girl’s soft face out of the corner of his eye, a fire suddenly appeared in his chest.

They start to burn.

Begins to spread to his limbs.

The fire was getting stronger and stronger, and he wanted to find an outlet.

Shi Yu held Hua Wu’s hand gradually, he suddenly propped up his body, met Hua Wu’s gaze, and kissed the corner of her lips.

The boy’s kiss was light and soft.

He pressed against the corner of Hua Mist’s lips, and did not take the next step.

Shi Yu heard the beating of his heart beating in his ears, making him dizzy and numb in his hands and feet.

The carriage bumped slightly, Shi Yu slammed back, his head hit the wall of the carriage, he covered his head and apologized in a low voice: “Hold… I’m sorry.”

What did he just do?

Shi Yu’s heartbeat was faster than before, and the whole person was stunned, and he couldn’t seem to feel the pain in his head.

Shi Yu didn’t dare to raise his head at all, or even to relax his breath.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain, a shadow suddenly shrouded his eyes, and his cool fingers landed on the back of his head where he was hit.

She rubbed it lightly, like petting a cub.

Then Shi Yu felt her hand fall on the side of his face, pinching his chin, forcing him to raise his head.

The eyes meet.

There was a certain panic in Shi Yu’s eyes. As soon as his eyes met, he quickly moved away like an electric shock.

Shi Yu’s lips were slightly open, trying to explain what he had just done…

In the next instant, a soft cloud covered it.

Shi Yu’s brain exploded with a ‘bang’, and the whole person stood there, letting the girl kiss him.

The noise outside the carriage faded like the tide.

The whole world becomes silent.

The warm aura came from all directions, drowning him in it, and he floated and floated in it.

The curtains were slightly raised and then slowly lowered in a slight bump.

He saw the pure white snow on the roof ridges on both sides of the street, melting into his heart little by little, turning into hot lava.

Leaning on the bamboo house.

It has been snowing heavily these past few days. The yard of Yizhuju is covered with a thick layer of snow, and the road is almost invisible.

The butcher helped Shi Yu to get out of the car. Seeing that his face was rosy, but his expression was a little dull, he asked with concern, “Young Master, are you okay? Does the wound hurt?”

Shi Yu returned to his senses, lowered his head, and shook his head.

He walked in, but the foot he stepped out was injured, and the dull pain swept through in an instant. He didn’t step on his foot firmly, and fell directly to the ground.

The butcher quickly supported him, his face turned pale with fright.

“Young Master, your injury is still not healed, how can you go.” The butcher said loudly: “I’ll carry you in.”

Shi Yu: “…”

Shi Yu, who knew that it was impossible to walk in by himself, failed to act, and asked the butcher to send him in.

Returning to the familiar room, Shi Yu did not ask the butcher to help him, so he curled up in the quilt and hid himself completely.

Hua Wu came in and saw the bulge on the bed, she went over to lift the quilt: “What are you doing?”

Shi Yu was lying on his side, the quilt was suddenly lifted, and the cold wind came in, brushing his hot cheeks.

The boy’s cheeks and ear tips were dyed crimson.

The slightly pursed lips are also bright red.

The moment he looked up, he looked like a red lotus blooming in the pure white snow.

Huawu’s heartbeat was half a beat slower.

She rubbed her sleeves with her fingers, and her tone was calm and calm: “I’ll take medicine later, don’t sleep.”


Shi Yu responded in a low voice, grabbed the quilt, and covered himself again.


Shi Yu didn’t hear her footsteps leaving.

The cold air in the quilt quickly dissipated without a trace, leaving only the hot air he exhaled, which burned his skin slightly.

Why didn’t she go?

After a long time~IndoMTL.com~ he still didn’t hear her leaving.

Is she not going?

Shi Yu felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe, and he was about to suffocate under the quilt.

After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to lift a corner of the quilt and look outside.

As soon as he opened it, he met the girl’s half-smiling eyes.

Shi Yu’s movements froze for a moment. At this time, it’s not a matter of retracting, and it’s not a matter of not retracting.

The two stared at each other in a stalemate. In the end, Shi Yu chose to stick his head out of the tortoise shell and try to remain calm.

“Why don’t you go out?”

Hua Wu’s tone was casual, “I’ll see how long you can stay in there.”


Is she free?

Hua Wu may have finished watching what she wanted to see, so she raised her feet and walked out, “Rest, I’ll bring the medicine in when the medicine is ready.”


Hua Wu looked back at him and motioned to him.

However, Shi Yu didn’t speak for a while, and finally just shook his head: “It’s okay.”

He wanted to ask what happened just now…what does it mean.

He was afraid that if he asked it out, the answer he finally got was not what he wanted, so he simply didn’t ask.


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