Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 549: Prostitutes will not easily lead dogs (26)

Making incense is something that requires meditation.

Anyone who is impatient, the fragrance produced is also inferior.

However, with Wang Jianghua’s strength, it is impossible for her to enter the finals.

She has neither the heroine’s talent nor the heroine’s halo, and the Rong’s incense stick in her hand is still fake.

I just don’t know if the male protagonist has discovered the little surprise she left behind.

At the beginning, the real Xu Yi left the Xu family because she couldn’t stand some of the actions of the Xu family. With the help of the heroine, she established her own business.

The Xu family is involved in a royal power struggle and eventually falls victim to it.

Only Xu Ai, who grabbed the heroine’s thigh in time, escaped.

Hua Wu thinks the male protagonist is very smart.

He found that the incense book of Rong’s family was in the hands of Wang Jianghua, and he would first wonder why she appeared there so coincidentally, and wondered if she was the enemy.

Then he is likely to investigate the Xu family by the way.

As long as he checks the Xu family, he will find clues.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t find it.

When Lu Zicheng’s side has improved, he will tell the Xu family that Wang Jianghua is not the matter of Miss Xu’s family.

Let them take care of the Xu family’s housework.

It is her responsibility as the heroine to tell the world the truth.




The first snow fell in the capital.

The butcher hummed and moved things into the yard, “Girl, this is what the lady asked me to deliver.”

Hua Wu opened it and took a look, then sighed: “Why do she make so many clothes if she doesn’t have a healthy body?”

“The madam said that her health is much better and that she is fine when she is idle, so she made you two new clothes for you to wear during the Chinese New Year.”

Hua Wu placed the Liang family in the village outside the city, and Chun Chan was also sent there by her.

Liang’s health is not good and can’t go out, and Huawu makes people not to tell her about Lu’s house.

So now Liang’s only knows that her marriage has been cancelled, and she doesn’t know the situation of the Lu Mansion.

Flower Mist asks the butcher to put the clothes into the house.

In addition to clothes, Mr. Liang also packed a lot of snacks, all of which Mr. Liang made by himself.

“Is Master Shi going to end the game?”

“Two days to go.”

“Young Master Shi is so powerful, he must be the number one on the list this year.” The butcher said with a smile.

Hua Mist agrees and thinks the butcher is very discerning: “Well.”

The two were talking when someone called her outside.

“Miss Lu…Miss Lu, it’s not good.”

The gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and the person who stepped on the snow in the courtyard ran in, leaving a string of dirty footprints on the snow-white ground.

The voice of the incoming person was blown to pieces by the cold wind, “Miss Lu, there is something wrong over there in the examination room.”

Hua Wu followed people to the outside of the examination room, and officers and soldiers from the government had already surrounded the entire examination room, and no one was allowed to enter.

Today is the end of the last round of competition, and people are starting to submit fragrances one after another.

But just half an hour ago, someone suddenly reported that someone leaked the question this year.

The ‘question’ of making incense is a designated incense product, and the one with the best incense product wins.

If you know the questions in advance and practice in advance, you are very likely to get excellent grades.

After all, diligence can make up for the poor.

The top of the incense record ceremony is to enter the palace to face the holy.

If it is discovered by the Holy Master at that time, the winner will not live up to the name. Once held accountable, they might all be charged with deceiving the king.

So there has always been zero tolerance for cheating.

All candidates are now suspended and brought together.



There was no sound in the courtyard except for the dull sound of boards falling.

The candidates stand on the left, looking at the person being pinned in the middle.

Some people can’t bear it, afraid that it will be their turn next.

There are also people who are gloating about being beaten up and being their biggest competitor.

Now that he has been reported for cheating and disqualified, their chances of getting to the top of the list are greatly increased.

Gradually, there were whispers from the candidates.

“I just said why he is so good… It turns out that someone gave him a leak.”

“When I see him without saying a word, I think he is a powerful person…”

“Fortunately, it was discovered, otherwise we would not have come in vain this year?”

“If you keep fighting like this, you won’t be killed, will you?”

“If cheaters don’t teach a good lesson, won’t they be imitated in the future?”

The clothes of the boy who was pressed to the ground were soaked with blood, and his limbs could not move.

But he gritted his teeth and made no sound.

Miss Chen walked in front of him, her face full of distress and unbearable, and whispered: “Brother Shiyu, you should be soft, don’t be so stubborn.”

“I didn’t cheat.”

Miss Chen: “It doesn’t matter, as long as you admit your mistake now, you will be fine.”

Shi Yu didn’t seem to want to speak, and turned his face to the side.

Suddenly someone came out today and said he was cheating and brought up a witness.

Shi Yu just felt inexplicable.

However, the officials from the government arrived quickly, and after asking questions, they decided that he must have cheated.

Miss Chen’s persuasion was ineffective, so she could only get up and push away.

“Continue typing.”

Someone speaks.

Shi Yu closed his eyes and waited for the board behind him to drop.

The board pierced the air, and the whistling sound was amplified infinitely.

However, the pain did not fall, but the board was hit by something and fell to the ground.

“Stop it!”


The group of people who were originally sitting stood up and saluted.

The young and handsome young man strode over here, his face was cold, and he couldn’t tell whether he was angry or angry.

A petite figure passed him behind him and ran towards Shi Yu.

“Teacher Yu.”

When Shi Yu heard her voice, his tense body loosened.

“I didn’t cheat.”

“Well, I know.” Hua Wu couldn’t help him up, after all, he was hurt on his butt.

She took off her cape and put it over him first.

“It’s all right.”



Some people don’t know Huawu, but others do.

This concubine of the Lu residence… how come with the prince?

How long has it been since the marriage at the Ming’an Prince’s Mansion…

Cui Jingheng glanced at Huawu and asked coldly, “What are you doing?”

A man in an official uniform immediately folded his hands and replied, “Prince… This man cheated, and his humble position is to interrogate him.”

“Master Zhou, do you have any evidence?”


Master Zhou immediately called for the evidence and witnesses~IndoMTL.com~ This is the list of raw materials he has been buying before. You see, these raw materials are the same as the raw materials required for this final question, and there is a shopkeeper who can testify . “

“In addition, the attendant at Master Ma’s mansion also admitted that he sold the news to Shi Yu…”

Cui Jingheng flipped through the list that Lord Zhou brought: “Then how did you find out?”

Master Zhou: “It was the attendant who was out drinking. He drank too much and leaked his tongue. He happened to be heard by a candidate who was not selected. He felt unfair and made a noise, and then we found out…”

This year’s exam questions are discussed by several well-respected masters.

The selection of the topic needs to consider many factors, and it also needs to be presented to the sage for review.

So before the official exam, the questions have been set.

No changes are expected.


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