Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 502: The popularity is not so good (18)

, the fastest update Quick Transmigration: the latest chapter after the villain heroine reaches full level!

“You said I’d ask him for an autograph, would he give it?” Mengmeng was still immersed in the joy of seeing her idol.

Chen Shuo is really handsome, and it’s normal for people who don’t know him to be attracted by his appearance.

Hua Wu looked at Mengmeng with pity: “Change the wall.”

Mengmeng is puzzled: “Why? Do you know anything?

Mengmeng may be a face control. Hearing something in Huawu’s words, he immediately started gossip.

“Tell me about it, and I promise not to tell anyone else.”


“Oh, you must know, you tell me… okay.” Mengmeng dragged Huawu and started to act like a spoiled child.

Mengmeng looks very sweet, and her voice is sweet. When she acts like a spoiled child, she is soft…

Thanks to her being a girl.

Otherwise, who can bear it!

Hua Wu and Mengmeng met Director Lu of the upper drama, maybe because that drama became popular, and even his unknown director was invited.

Hua Wu and Director Lu chatted about the next masterpiece.

Many of those previous investors were silent after hearing about the big cake, but there were also one or two investors who were not so smart.

I’m still very interested in Director Lu’s pie.

After chatting almost, Hua Wu told Director Lu: “I sent something to your mailbox, you can take a look at it.”

Director Lu: “???”

Director Lu waited for Huawu to leave, and opened his eyes by opening his mailbox.

He was overwhelmed by the long list of attachments in his mailbox.

This is called… a little?

“Future entertainment leader investment plan… entertainment empire IP creation plan… script, actor and capital love triangle… What is this?”

Director Lu opened one of the attachments with a dark face.

Seeing the number of pages inside, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He didn’t read the content, he just turned to the end, and when he saw the last signature, he felt an unexpected feeling for some reason.

Does she have a busy day?

Looking at her circle of friends, she has a job almost every day, how do you have time to do these things?

Is this a time management guru?

Director Lu was in awe and felt that he should read it carefully.

When Director Lu was reading Huawu’s masterpiece, she was blocked by Chen Shuo outside the bathroom.

“Sang Yu, let’s talk.”

Everyone is in the hall at this time, no one can be seen here.

Chen Shuo didn’t know whether he came with her or just by chance.

Hua Wu quickly tapped on her phone a few times before she said, “What else can we talk about?”

Chen Shuo: “Why did your attitude towards me change so suddenly?”

Huawu seemed to hear some funny joke and laughed outright, “Mr. Chen, what should I do to you?”

Chen Shuo was stung by the smile on Hua Wu’s face, “You wouldn’t treat me like this before.”

He knows Sang Yu well, she is an extremely soft-hearted person.

And he could feel that she probably hadn’t let go of herself completely, otherwise she wouldn’t have agreed to be her assistant.


Chen Shuo doesn’t understand her at all now.

Obviously the person is still the same person, but his temperament has changed a lot.

“Oh, what should I do to you then?”

Chen Shuo couldn’t tell, just that she felt that she was out of his control, which was a bad feeling.

He thought she was going to have a bad time outside.

You can find a way to make her understand that only you can protect her.

But the reality is – she’s doing fine.

“I was just an assistant for you before, and we have an employment relationship. Now our employment relationship has ended, Mr. Chen, what are you still pestering me for? Could it be that the old relationship is over?”

Chen Shuo frowned.

“Ah, did I get it right?” Hua Wu crossed her hands in front of her and said vigilantly, “I won’t eat grass, so don’t think about me any more.”

“I have something wrong with you?” Chen Shuo’s eyes filled with anger, and some kind of stronger consciousness awakened, and he immediately retorted: “I’m just looking at helping you in the past…” /

Hua Wu clapped her hands, spread out in the air, her tone was light, “There is no best, we will not make water from the well in the future. Hello, I’m good, everyone is good.”

Chen Shuo: “…”

Is she so unhappy with herself now?

Hua Wu was about to go over, but Chen Shuo suddenly reached out and grabbed her.

“Sang Yu, you…”

Before Chen Shuo’s words were finished, his wrist felt a pain.

He staggered and slammed directly into the wall. If he hadn’t supported it with his hands, a big bag would have been knocked out on his forehead.

“Sang Yu, what are you doing!!” Chen Shuo was annoyed.

However, Hua Wu ignored him and dragged him into the men’s bathroom.

There was no one in the bathroom, Chen Shuo couldn’t break free, and was dragged into a compartment by Hua Wu.

Chen Shuo slipped under his feet and fell to the floor of the compartment. It was unknown who was in the toilet and did not flush.

Chen Shuo almost vomited out of the smell.

He just fell in and his knee hit the toilet. The pain made Chen Shuo unable to stand up at all, his face twisted.

Hua Wu held the mobile phone and pointed at him with two clicks, stood outside the door to edit text messages, and said to Chen Shuo, “Mr. Chen, it’s basic etiquette not to touch girls, it seems that You are not very polite.”

Chen Shuo gasped in pain and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: “Sang Yu, you are crazy…”

Flower Mist squeezed out a smile.

Chen Shuo’s heart skipped a beat at the smile, and he had a bad premonition, “You…what do you want to do?”

“What can I do in the bathroom.” Hua Wu smiled more kindly, “Don’t be afraid.”

Chen Shuo couldn’t feel kindness at all, he only felt that the girl in front of him smiled abnormally.

That’s the kind, perverted to catch the prey…

Hua Wu came out of the bathroom with her mobile phone and was about to bump into someone head-on. She quickly took two steps back and stabilized her body.

The person on the other side obviously wanted to help her, but because she backed away too quickly, her hands were hanging in the air.

The hand is beautiful, long and white.

Hua Wu looked up along the hand, and a beautiful face fell into her eyes. .

“Mr. Song?”

Song Jin was dressed very formally today, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and stepping on shiny leather shoes. He was completely refreshed.

At the sight of Huawu, the corners of his lips gently raised a smile, “Miss Sang, you…”

He looked up in the direction she came out of.

Flower fog: “…”

Hua Wu felt that she couldn’t explain clearly, so she didn’t explain. She changed the subject without changing her face: “Mr. Song is also here tonight.”

Song Jin didn’t ask any further questions, and followed her words: “Lin Kaiyi asked me to come here.”

“Mr. Song and my boss have a really good relationship.”

Song Jin: “…”

Hua Wu motioned to the restroom at the back ~IndoMTL.com~ not to disturb Mr. Song. “

“Can Miss Sang wait a moment.”


“I have a friend who wants to meet you.” Song Jin paused, as if she was afraid of misunderstanding, “He is the director and is preparing for a play. He thinks you are a good fit for a role in the play, so he thought Don’t you know it’s convenient to know you?”

Hua Wu wanted to refuse, but thinking about the social task that Guo Qing assigned her, she hesitated.

Song Jin: “He really wants to invite you to play in his play.”

Flower fog: “Okay, I’ll wait for you outside.”


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Chapter 502 The popularity is not so good (18) Free read.https://

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