Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 500: The popularity is not so good (16)

, the fastest update Quick Transmigration: the latest chapter after the villain heroine reaches full level!

The name is two S, and the avatar should be her previous stills.

There is quite a lot of content, and some of the support from a few years ago is still there.

Hua Wu and Qingqing Mo Shang Sang said a few words and ended the chat.

The caller over there is also back.

Just now I was preparing, so before filming, the rest of the crew came one after another.

It’s actually not too expensive for a single serving, but it still costs some money for such a large portion.

Anyone in the crew was happy to have a late-night snack.

“Sister Sang Yu’s fans are good, and we will follow suit.”

“Yes, this is delicious…”

“Thank you Sang Yu and your fans.”

“Hey, why don’t you talk about martial arts, leave some for me.”

“I still want to eat that lamb chop just now, save me one.”

When the director was filming, he was a bit of a jerk, but he was usually pretty good, and there weren’t many big names in the crew, so everyone got along more casually.

At this time, everyone was busy grabbing something to eat. You said to me, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Mengmeng was holding a cup of lemon tea, squatting next to Huawu, in a bad mood, “The director just scolded me again.”

“It’s fine, just get used to it, and no one will be scolded for filming.” Hua Wu has a lot of experience and comforts her.

“…I don’t even want to act anymore.”

“That can’t be done.” Hua Wu immediately held Mengmeng’s hand, “I think you are very talented, don’t give up, don’t listen to the director, I’ll add drama to you!”


Meng Meng is a little confused.

“I… how good am I?”

“Of course! Look how good you are dancing, which man can’t be confused.” Hua Wu is very sincere, “This character is tailor-made for you.”

Mengmeng: “…”

Isn’t that tailor-made?

She saw her and the screenwriter pulling…

Thinking of how she was fighting for herself, Mengmeng felt that she had left at this time, and she was too sorry for her.

“Then I’ll endure it…” Mengmeng saw that Huawu didn’t drink the drink she sent, but held her red thermos cup, “Would you like a drink?”

She is not very old, about the same as herself, but she holds a thermos cup every day, like a director.

“In the evening, drink water for health.”

“Fart water, what’s in it.” The director floated over from behind.


What else can I put in a vacuum flask without water?

With the hot search sponsored by Yang Caiye and the blessing of the marketing account, some people who have actually read the content began to express their real opinions.

While these sounds were small at first, they became more frequent as the content aired.

Although the voices on both sides are different, but if the two sides quarrel, the heat will not return.

Seeing that the two sides were about to die, Huawu sent a few keyboard warriors, and after a while, they started their war again.

The director thinks that Huawu is having a lot of fun.

“You shouldn’t be acting, you should be a publicist.” The director shook his head and sighed at her, “I’m not very good at acting, I have eight hundred minds.”

“Awards and awards are all for our troubled crew.” Huawu felt that it was necessary to fight for herself, “I think my acting skills are not bad.”

The director smiled politely, obviously not satisfied with her high and low acting skills.

When it’s done well, it makes people want to clap their hands.

When she doesn’t act well, it makes people want to shoot her to death.

Hua Wu feels good about herself: “Hey, I’m obviously doing a good job. Look at my previous performance, it’s not very good…”

Director: “…”

Because you’ve changed everything you didn’t do well! !

He has never seen an actress like her in all his career!

Hua Wu found out that the company ended when it was broadcast in the third week.

She didn’t know if the company found a business opportunity or if Lin Kaiyi wanted to do something, but it did give them a steady increase in popularity.

She called and asked Guo Qing, “What is the company doing, suddenly started to do charity, help me with publicity?”

“…I don’t know either, it was decided by the company’s top management.” He was just a cooperating tool.

“You didn’t say anything?”

“No.” Guo Qing asked tentatively, “Don’t you know some high-level executives?”

“I have that ability, can I make a small drama by myself here?” Hua Wu was angry: “When my show ends, I can be a producer by myself.”

Guo Qing: “…”

Guo Qing thinks his wild artist is a legend.

First, it was inexplicably searched.

It didn’t take long for the hot search to come back, and it landed first.

Now the company is inexplicably helping with publicity.


There is no one behind this, and he doesn’t believe it!

But wild entertainers don’t trust him very much, and generally only summon him when they need him to run errands.

Hua Wu didn’t find out anything from Guo Qing, and finally had to… forget it.

Even if the company has any sinister tricks, it can be seen and dismantled, but if it doesn’t work, I will arrest Lin Kaiyi…cough.

After the third week of airing, sponsors approached.

It’s a good thing to have sponsors. It’s no longer necessary to eat steamed buns or drink porridge every day for small broken dramas. You can have both.

After discussing with the director, Hua Wu launched a big plot conjecture on the Internet.

Because the rewards are good, the number of people participating is gradually increasing.

Finally, even some authors began to make conjectures about the plot behind.

What Huawu does every day is to block their answers.

The script that the screenwriter originally wrote was all fed into the trash can. Every day, he was either on the way to rush the script or on the way to sudden death.

However, because of avoiding various popular thunder points, the plot of the fifth week took off directly, and because of the unexpected reversal, it directly occupied six positions on the hot search list.

Two of them made it to the top and stayed there for most of the day.

Some new viewers don’t know that the show is being broadcast while filming. They only know that the show takes a long time to update, and only two episodes are updated a week, which adds up to less than an hour.

So they start cursing.

When they knew that the show was being filmed and broadcast, and that the crew might still be writing the script on the spot, they began to output their own ideas.

Sponsors keep coming.

But their plot is over halfway through, and the cost of the later stage is actually enough~IndoMTL.com~ The director did not expect that one day he would refuse the sponsorship of others.

Huawu didn’t care at first, but people kept contacting them from behind.

Hua Wu felt that this was a mess and asked the director if they would like to invest in the next masterpiece.

Empty-handed director: “What masterpiece?”

“…you fool them first, and we’ll talk about it after we finish filming this drama.” Hua Wu said.


Is she a fool to be an investor?

“If you can fool one, one is the other.” Hua Wu pointed at Mengmeng who was refinishing her makeup, “Look at the gold master of Mengmeng, it’s very easy to fool.”


Providing you with Mo Ling’s Quick Transmigration: The fastest update after the villain heroine reaches full level, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 500 is not so popular (16) Free read.https://

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