Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 47: Doomsday Rhapsody (17)

“Quick Wear: After the villain hero reaches full level ()”

When Jiang Yi woke up, it was already noon.

The dazzling sunlight filtered in from the car window, and the whole car was filled with a sultry feeling.

When he opened his eyes, he looked at the girl curiously.


Jiang Yi sat up suddenly.

He was still a little dizzy, and he almost fell back when the car jolted.

Hands are in handcuffs, trying to stabilize the body. He only felt his throat dry and his voice was a little hoarse, “How long have I slept?”

“One night plus one morning.” Hua Wu said: “You can sleep for so long with one sip of wine, if this is a bottle…”


Is it his fault for not being able to drink?

Who else takes medicinal wine?

Do you think he died too slowly?

He didn’t die, it’s really a big fate…

Jiang Yi’s head still hurts a little, “Why am I with you…”

“Oh, you insist on sticking to me. Brother Mike and the others can’t even break it apart. I have no choice but to lend you my arms. Don’t worry, I have nothing to do with you, so I won’t despise you. “

Jiang Yi felt that Hua Wu was making up things.

But he has no evidence…

The third driver and the co-pilot McGee seemed not to hear, one focused on driving while the other focused on fiddling with the weapon in his hand.

Jiang Yi pulled away and sat on the other side.

Following Xiao Xi’s motorcade, the country roads are bumpy and the speed is not fast.

From time to time, I can see houses standing on the side of the road, and occasionally I can see shaking zombies. I can hear the roar of cars and run towards this side.

Before the zombie approached, it was shot through by a long arrow and fell into the grass.

Jiang Yi looked back, and in Xiao Xi’s team, there was a person sitting on the roof with a crossbow in his hand.

“Why are we with them?” Jiang Yi felt strange.

This group of people wouldn’t have walked with people before.

“It’s not good to have more people and more power?” Hua Wu curled up in the seat and said slowly.

Yu Yanyan is in Xiao Xi’s team, this is her work goal, of course she wants to be with them.


The destination of Xiao Xi’s group seems to be the base Jiang Yi said.

Jiang Yi looked at her strangely for a moment: “Do you have other purposes?”

“How is that possible.” Hua Wu clenched her fists: “We are teachers of justice and shoulder the important mission of saving all mankind!”

What does the word justice have to do with you?

An antonym? !

Also save all mankind…

All of humanity thank you!

Jiang Yi feels that the flower fog is crazy and she doesn’t talk nonsense with her rationally, “Is there anything to drink?”

Hua Wu took out the thermos cup and handed it over.

Jiang Yi felt uncomfortable when he saw this thing: “Water.”

Hua Wu made an “oh” sound, tossed for a while, and pulled out a bottle of mineral water.

Jiang Yi’s throat was about to smoke, but when he twisted it open, he sniffed it carefully and was sure it was water, so he drank it.

The man raised his head slightly, perhaps drinking in a hurry, a little water overflowed from the corner of his mouth and rolled down his fair skin. The Adam’s apple slides up and down with the action of swallowing, which is slightly sexy.

Hua Wu stared at it for a moment, then said coldly: “You eat my food, drink my food, and you can’t be too much with your body, right?”

“cough cough…”

Jiang Yi was choked and coughed violently.

The third and McGee couldn’t help but look back at him.

“Cough cough cough…” Jiang Yi coughed while covering his chest for a while, then gritted his teeth: “Did you find this material?”

Why do you just eat her and drink her?

Hua Wu said it confidently: “Mike does not agree to raise you, you eat and drink my share.”

“I…” I agree, after all, this man is still somewhat useful.

Hua Wu looked at Mike with a smile.

Mike swallowed the words and said nothing.

“I am a doctor.” Jiang Yi took a deep breath: “I am valuable.”

Hua Wu: “You are a doctor when you live, and a corpse when you die.”

Jiang Yi: “…”

Jiang Yi probably laughed angrily, twisted the cap on the bottle, threw it back to her, and began to rot: “Then you killed me.”

Also promise!

Have her blue sky daydream!

Jiang Yi turned around, wrapped his hands in front of him, facing out the car window, ignoring Hua Wu directly.



The convoy stopped in an open area to rest.

From Baishuang Village, they didn’t stop all the way.

Stopped at this point, and a commotion broke out immediately behind.

Ding Tong sued Xiao Xi, saying that Huang Mao’s group took the lead in robbing them of their supplies, and Yu Yanyan was bullied by them.

Xiao Xi is not very clear about Yanyan’s ‘feelings’, but in Xiao Xi’s heart, Yu Yanyan must be his ‘savior’.

Xiao Xi naturally couldn’t sit idly by.

But the yellow-haired group denied it, they didn’t do it.

The materials they grabbed have been eaten long ago, and they couldn’t find any evidence on them.

The two sides insisted on their own words, and it was very lively.

Hua Wu was lying on the window watching a play, in a good mood.

Brother Mc and the third child were smoking outside the car. Brother Mc asked Hua Wu: “What do you think the surnamed Xiao will do?”

Hua Wu snorted and said, “How can I handle it? There are so many people participating and there is no surveillance video, Xiao Xi can’t drive everyone out of the team, leaving only Yu Yanyan and them?”

Even if Yu Yanyan and others really showed evidence that their supplies were robbed.

As long as the survivors start crying miserably, saying that they are selfish and don’t care about the life and death of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the team… all kinds of moral kidnappings.

Yu Yanyan still wants to leave a good impression in Xiao Xi’s mind. Given the fact that the supplies cannot be returned, can she ask Xiao Xi to do something to them?


So, the final result of this matter ~IndoMTL.com~ is not to deal with it.

And Xiao Xi now faces a bigger problem: supplies.

If no more supplies are found, everyone will starve to death.

He doesn’t have time for this kind of thing.

Sure enough, in the end, it was similar to what Hua Wu said.

Yu Yanyan took the initiative to say it.

Ding Tong is not reconciled: “Yanyan, is this really the case? They…”

Yu Yanyan pulled Ding Tong and shook his head: “Tongtong, don’t say, we are weak alone, and there will be no results…”

“But Captain Xiao will help you?” Ding Tong couldn’t understand why he didn’t let Xiao Xi drive these people away directly.

“Captain Xiao is a member of the rescue team. His mission is to save the survivors. I don’t have that much face yet…”

Yu Yanyan wants to leave a sensible and generous image in the heart of the male protagonist, but she will not do anything to destroy her image.

“You are his saviour.”

“Okay.” Yu Yanyan lowered his voice: “Don’t talk about this.”

She looked at the group of victorious and proud survivors, a dark light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she felt a disgusting feeling of being bitten by small bugs.

Wait for a chance…

Yu Yanyan made up his mind secretly, but on the surface he was generous to appease Ding Tong and others.

After she finished talking to Ding Tong, she turned her head and saw Hua Wu lying on the window of the car in front of her, looking over here.

The girl’s bright clothes, like a swaggering flag, are dazzling and eye-catching.

Yu Yanyan’s figure seemed to be fixed in place, a violent storm broke out in his heart, and a sense of suffocation invaded.

Since she appeared… she’s been unlucky.

Shi Wen must have understood that he deliberately pushed her out…

Yu Yanyan clenched her hands, she had to think of a way… Otherwise, she might still be reduced to the final ending under the halo of her heroine.

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