Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 440: Xie Fengzhu (Part Eight)

Mother Xie went to find Xie Fengzhu anxiously.

However, Xie Fengzhu was not in the house, and the servant said that he went out early in the morning.

“Where did you go?”

“Young master said to go to… Yue Lao Temple.” The servant’s expression was very strange.

Mother Xie: “…”


Xie Fengzhu feels that there are monsters in this world, so the gods must also exist.

He had heard people say that the Yuelao Temple outside Dongcheng was effective.

So Xie Fengzhu took people straight to Yuelao Temple early in the morning.

The director of Yuelao Temple heard that he had brought someone up to ‘kill’, and thought it was something serious, so he wanted to pack up and run away.

Who knows that people are here to seek marriage.

The boss was full of confusion and fear, shivering and waiting for the little bully to finish the process.

When I finally chose the concentric knots produced by Yuelao Temple, Xiaobawang frowned, picked it for a long time, and finally asked someone to pack it up and take it all away.

The principal was about to cry, and tremblingly said: “Second Young Master…this…it’s useless for you to take so much.”

Under the boss’s good talk, Xiaobawang finally didn’t take it all.



Back from Yuelao Temple, Mother Xie told him that the girl asked him to speak for himself, and Xie Fengzhu was like an eggplant hit by frost in an instant.

Mother Xie has never seen Xie Fengzhu look like this, she is both worried and novel.

“What’s wrong? Scared?”


“Then let’s go.” Xie mother told him two words: “Don’t scare people, even if people don’t agree, don’t lose your temper.”


He won’t lose his temper.

Xie Fengzhu went back to the room and changed into a suit.

Although it is still red, it is much more dignified and formal than the previous one. He also deliberately ‘grabbed’ the greeting from Huawu and hung it on his waist solemnly.

He touched the concentric knot in his sleeve again.

He prayed so sincerely to Yue Lao, and she would definitely not reject him.

Xie Fengzhu exhaled and headed towards Huawu Courtyard with his head held high.

But when it was really outside the door of Huawu, Xie Fengzhu didn’t have the courage to knock on the door and go in.

He stood wandering outside the door, with a bit of hesitation on his beautiful and flamboyant face. If people outside saw him like this, they would doubt life more.

It’s appalling that the little bully would be so indecisive.

“How long will you be out?”

Xie Fengzhu took a step.

For a while, he reached out and pushed the door open, and went in with his head lowered.

“How do you know I’m outside…”

“You walk around, it’s strange that I can’t hear such a big movement.” Hua Wu said angrily: “Don’t you dare to come in?”

“…” Xie Fengzhu took two steps forward as if to refute Huawu’s words: “Of course not.”

Hua Wu didn’t break him, “Sit down.”

Xie Fengzhu immediately restrained his movements, and sat down on the opposite side.

Hua Wu didn’t speak either, waiting for him to speak.

Xie Fengzhu pulled the decorative tassels on her clothes, “I…”

The belly draft I made before I came, suddenly disappeared without a trace, my mind was blank, and I didn’t know what to say.

Xie Fengzhu ‘I’ for a long time, but there is no reason for ‘I’ to come out.

Xie Fengzhu’s face was faintly crimson, I don’t know if it was suffocation or embarrassment.

His eyes wandered around the room, but he didn’t look at the mist.

“Speak up.”


Xie Fengzhu gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly, “I want to marry you!”

Hua Wu was taken aback by Xie Fengzhu’s actions and voice, “What are you doing so loudly…”

“I’m going to marry you!” he repeated, “I like you and I want you to be my wife.”

The subtle expressions on Hua Wu’s face all converged, looking at him calmly, Xie Fengzhu immediately became nervous.

Will she reject herself?

What if she rejects her?

How can I get her to marry me…

Xie Fengzhu’s mind had turned to the ‘strong robbery’ scene he encountered some time ago, and then he heard the **** the opposite side chuckle: “Okay.”

Xie Fengzhu didn’t dare to look at her, so he lifted it up suddenly, unable to speak at all: “You…you…you agreed?”

“Yeah.” She asked for it all, so it would be too much to refuse.

Isn’t the existence of gods to serve ordinary people?

Xie Fengzhu’s surprise bloomed on his face. He turned around in a circle, trying his best to restrain his urge to shout.

“I’m going to get ready for the wedding now!!”


Hua Wu quickly grabbed him: “There’s no need to hurry.”

“Why not?” Xie Fengzhu looked serious: “What if you regret it? We will have a wedding tomorrow!”

Xie Fengzhu made up his mind not to give Huawu any chance to go back.

If it weren’t for the conditions, he would want to drag her to the church now.

“Anyway, the things in the mansion haven’t been removed, and they can be rearranged today.” Xie Fengzhu said more and more vigorously.


Hua Wu closed the door and prevented Xie Fengzhu from going out, “You calm down first.”

“I’m calm.”

Hua Wu pressed him into the chair and could only talk about the rules: “This is the second day of your eldest brother’s wedding. It’s against the rules for you to do this.”

“The rules are not as important as you.” Xie Fengzhu pursed his lips, “Big brother always loves me and will support me.”

Hua Wu probably understands that it doesn’t make sense to reason with him, so she said directly and forcefully: “In short, no.”


Hua Wu touched the young man’s face and said softly, “Don’t worry, I will not go back on what I promised you.”

Xie Fengzhu held her hand and rubbed her cheek lightly on her palm: “…Well then.”

Flower Mist breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before I could relax, I heard Xie Fengzhu say, “Then next month.”


Flower fog counts time.

There are only a few days in the next month! !

I still didn’t hear it! !

Hua Wu pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, “Xie Fengzhu, how long have we known each other?”

Xie Fengzhu calculated, “two months and sixteen days.”

“Do you think it’s appropriate to get married in such a short time?”

Xie Fengzhu said righteously: “Old Zhang next door married the second room, but we didn’t even see each other, we got married in a few days… We have known each other for more than two months.”

Hua Wu smiled: “Can you compare?”


Can’t you?

Xie Fengzhu saw the answer in Huawu’s eyes and couldn’t.

Xie Fengzhu wanted to insist on his own ideas strongly~IndoMTL.com~ but every time the words came to his lips, he couldn’t say them.

In the end, he could only take a step back, “…then can we get married first?”

“I’ll think about it.”

“This is also considered?”

“Then why don’t I consider whether to reject your proposal to marry me.”

Xie Fengzhu immediately said: “Then you should consider the engagement.”

Xie Fengzhu took out a concentric knot from his sleeve again, “This is for you.”

“This kind of thing…” is a lie.

But Xie Fengzhu looked at her eagerly, and Huawu had no choice but to follow.

——The gods listen to your prayers and send you to the other side of your dreams.


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