Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 363: Undercover (20)


Bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky.

“No.” Hua Wu looked up at the cloud-covered sky, her face full of pain, “I am your own daughter! Will your conscience not hurt?”

Du Han looked back at her, probably not knowing what happened to her suddenly.

A few drops of rain fell mercilessly on Huawu’s cheek, forcing her to bow her head.

Obviously my father’s conscience won’t hurt.

After a few sporadic raindrops, it quickly turned into a downpour, and the sound of the whole world being washed away was deafening.

Flower fog turned into a chicken in an instant.

The rain doesn’t do anything, she simply put it down, “Let the storm come more violently.”

Du Han stood in the distance and called her: “There is a family in the front of the mountain.”

In the front col, there are sporadic lights, blurred in the rain.

But it can be confirmed that there is indeed someone there.

They found a way to go down, but it was raining and it was night, they couldn’t see the road clearly, and the mountain road was not easy to walk.

Fortunately, after walking some distance down the mountain, the woods grew dense and blocked some of the rain.


Hua Wu turned on the pocket flashlight in her hand and swept over to Du Han: “What’s wrong?”

Du Han was looking around, but didn’t see anything, he looked at the back of his hand by the light of the flower fog flashlight: “It’s okay, it might be a branch.”

Huawu turns off the flashlight, after all, it’s just one, so you have to use it sparingly.

Walking in the jungle for half an hour, Huawu caught up with Duhan in a few steps, “Are you sure you’re going in the right direction?”

The light is no longer visible in the jungle.

You can go the wrong way if you’re not careful.

If they go astray, they’ll have to spend the night here tonight.

Du Han supported the tree trunk and seemed to be out of strength, “Yes.”

After he finished speaking, his body suddenly slid down and fell to the ground under the tree.

Flower fog: “…”

Flower fog: “???”

Are you going to fall down?

Hua Wumu squatted down with a face and tried his breath first, but fortunately… not dead.

Hua Wu pulled him up, and after a few calls, he didn’t respond.


It’s hard to be a good person.

Hua Wu looked around, or left him here, waited for her to find rescue, and then came back to save him…

Huawu thought this idea was a good idea, and immediately dragged him to a nearby tree that could shelter from the rain, and then left mercilessly.

This is your way of being a good person? Mie Meng suddenly made a sound.

“I gave him shelter from the rain.” Hua Wu’s face was “what else do you want”.

After saying that, Huawu went to the side to get a leaf and put it on Du Han, “Is that all right?”


“Guaranteeing one’s own safety is of course the first condition. If you can’t protect yourself well, you have to save others. Isn’t this courting death?” Hua Wu left with peace of mind.

…makes sense.

Miemeng didn’t know if she was speechless, or if she really thought she was right, she just fell silent.



The scale of the village is not large, there are about ten families, not far from each other.

Suddenly strangers appeared, and people from every household came out to watch from the eaves.

“Girl, is this your friend?” The two men carried Du Han into the house where Hua Wu was sheltered from the rain.

“Yes, thank you.”

“It’s fine.” The two men smiled honestly, “Why did your friend faint?”

Hua Wu had already changed into the clean clothes given by the hostess of the house, and was wiping her hair with a towel. Hearing this, she shook her head: “I don’t know, I suddenly fainted.”

The cold should not be due to the gunshot wound on the body.

When he got down, he was fine, and he didn’t hear a breath.

“Baji, let your grandfather come and have a look.” The man talking asked a child next to him to call someone, and explained to Hua Wu: “Baji’s grandfather is very powerful and can see many diseases.”



The child helped Grandpa Baji out. Grandpa Baji had some mobility problems, but judging from his face, he was in good spirits.

He examines Du Han’s face and neck first, then his hands…

When Du Han’s right hand was exposed, Grandpa Baji said directly: “Poisoned, maybe bitten by poisonous insects in the woods.”

There are all kinds of poisonous insects in the dense forest. People who live here all year round can recognize it at a glance.

The poisonous insects that bite Duhan are not highly poisonous. They have their own remedies in the village, which can detoxify them.

“Just get some sleep.” When they were done, tell Hua Wu: “You guys can rest here tonight. If you need anything, tell Ba Jiniang and let her help you.”

Bajiniang is the hostess who brought Huawu clothes just now. She stood aside a little cautiously. Seeing Huawu looking over, she smiled embarrassedly and lowered her head again.

“Okay, let’s go.”

The crowd watching the excitement gradually dispersed, and the surroundings became deserted.

Because the room is not enough, the fog and the cold have a room.

Baji came in with a quilt and spread it beside Du Han.

Baji Niang came in with some food, but she still gestured cautiously for Hua Wu to eat.

“You can’t speak?”

Baji explained while making the bed: “Mom is sick and has a bad voice.”

Hua Wu looked at Ba Jiniang, who nodded and pointed to the food with a smile.

“I’ll eat later.”

Baji Niang nodded and went out with Baji.

Hua Wu closed the door and took out the cell phone in her pocket. There is still 40% of the electricity~IndoMTL.com~ but there is no signal.

Just as Hua Wu put away her phone, the door was pushed open again.

Bajiniang stood alone at the door.

“What’s wrong?”

Baji Niang’s eyes fell on the food.

Hua Wu followed her gaze, “I’ll eat it later.”

Baji Niang’s rough hands pinched the clothes, rubbing them back and forth.

There was a bit of hesitation on the sun-tanned face, and the cracked lips opened and closed slightly, but no sound came out.

“What’s wrong?” Hua Wu asked gently, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Baji Niang?”

The voice of Grandpa Baji was heard next door, and Niang Baji seemed to be frightened, so she immediately exited the room and closed the door.

Flower fog: “…”

Flower Mist stared thoughtfully at the closed door.

For a while, she turned to look at Du Han lying on the bed.

He took off his hat and mask.

He looks only eighteen or nineteen years old.

He looks really good.

Hua Wu looked back and took out the gun from the waist.

She has one, Du Han has one, Huawu counted the remaining bullets and loaded them separately.

Hua Wu looked at the room, it was a windowless room, there was only one bed, and there was a wooden box next to it, and some sundries were piled on the wooden box.

Other than that, all that’s left is the food that Bajiniang brought in just now.

Make sure that there is no danger in the room, Huawu turns his eyes on those who eat.

She gets up and takes half of the stuff away and stuffs it under the bed.

Girls are out, don’t eat casually.

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