Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 31: Doomsday Rhapsody (1)



The damp ground is mixed with water and blood, and a sickening smell fills the air.

The huge bathhouse has long run out of water, and is littered with stumps and broken arms.

At this moment, a stout man kicked open the door and came in with a loud voice, “If we can’t find anything to eat, we will eat those disgusting things!!”

He was holding a blood-stained axe in his hand. He seemed to be annoyed because he couldn’t find any food.

“Third, keep your voice down!” The person who came in behind scolded and said to the rest, “I’ll rest here tonight.”

Obviously, this person has a higher status. As soon as he speaks, the third child who wields an axe and slashes to vent, immediately accepts the magic.

Four or five men came in one after another, all of them tall and muscular men, equipped with firearms and other hot weapons.

“Mike, I’m going to starve to death.”

“As long as you know you’re hungry.” McGee was annoyed: “Be patient and try to figure it out tomorrow.”

“Get them in and tie them up.”

Outside the door, three people with their hands tied were pushed in, one man and two women.

The third child held the axe and said viciously: “I’ll be honest with you, if you dare to think carefully, I will immediately push you out to feed the zombies!”

One of the men was so frightened that his legs softened, and he knelt down on the spot: “Brothers, please let me go, woo woo woo…”

“Grass.” The third child scolded: “You are a big man, why are you crying? Look at the little girls who are not crying!”

The man snorted and cried: “I don’t want to die!”

The third patted the man’s face with a blood-stained axe, and smiled sullenly: “Then you can be obedient, and you will live a long life if you are obedient, understand?”

“Let me go…” The man begged, and he suddenly pointed to a woman next to him: “This is my girlfriend, you can do whatever you want with her, please let me go.”

“Li He!” The woman screamed and kicked him: “Do you have a conscience! Why did I go blind in the first place, and I saw something like you.”

Li He was kicked several times, the pain stimulated his bravery, his voice suddenly raised, and he scolded the woman: “If it weren’t for you, I would have followed the rescue now, it’s all you stupid girl I’m still here.”

Li He and her girlfriend got into a fight.

Finally even got started.

It’s just that both of their hands are tied, and they fight like a woman’s head.

Those muscular guys didn’t mean to fight, but watched with relish.

Mike was also watching the two fighting at first, but after a while his eyes fell on the girl who came in with the two.

The girl looked even more energetic than them, her hands tied together still applauding silently, posing as if she had “long knowledge”.

Mike got up and walked over to the girl.

The girl stopped clapping her hands and turned her head to look at him.

The girl is wearing a red and white school uniform, her face is dirty, but she can vaguely tell the girl’s beautiful facial features.

The apricot eyes are clear and bright, with faint ripples faintly rippling.

That was the fascination she had not dissipated when she watched the play just now.

If it weren’t for her hands being tied, no one would doubt that she was with them.

This person is none other than Hua Wu.

She was helpless when she became someone else’s trophy at the beginning.

Mike gestured to the couple over there, “Does it look good?”

“It’s okay.” Hua Wu nodded, and the next second came up with an idea: “It’s better to untie their hands, it’s more interesting to fight.”

“…” McGee narrowed his eyes slightly: “Aren’t you afraid?”

She is now tied up. In front of so many people, she is still in the mood to watch a play, which makes his big brother very embarrassed!

Hua Wu took a small step back, a little wary.

Just when McGee thought she finally knew ‘scared’, she suddenly said, “You won’t let me go and mess with them, will you?”


Mike’s face muscles stiffened for a moment.

The next second, he suddenly burst out laughing and instructed the younger brothers who were still watching the play: “Pull the two of them away!”

Then he gestured to Hua Wu: “Go and fight with her. Whoever wins will survive.”

Hua Wu glared, “If you lose, you will die?”

Mike: “Yes. How about it, isn’t it more interesting?”

Hua Wu ‘hiss’, “You… don’t you have any other thoughts about me?”

Mike probably understood what she meant, but at this time he was more interested in the two women pulling their heads, “No.”

Huawu doesn’t give up: “Is there really no?”

McGee said no.

Hua Wu’s eyes slid from his chest to below his waist, and said regretfully, “I didn’t expect that at such a young age, there would be such a hidden disease.”


What does she mean?

Who has hidden disease! !

Mike sneered: “Within ten minutes, whoever wins, I’ll let whoever survive.”

“How do you play with me?” Hua Wu gestured to the restraint belt on her hand, “It’s really exciting if you want to fight, isn’t it?”

McGonagall thought, “Release them.”

The two women, McGonagall didn’t think they could make any waves.

The younger brother who loosened Hua Wu’s ties had just loosened it for her, but before he retreated, he was suddenly caught and turned back half a circle.

He subconsciously touched the weapon, but it was empty.


Gunshots go off.

The younger brother turned his head in shock, but saw his gun, he didn’t know when it was in Huawu’s hands.

The younger brother turned his head stiffly to look at the opposite side.

The woman on the opposite side slowly fell to the ground in disbelief.

The gun in the girl’s hand was released and hung on her thin white fingertips ~IndoMTL.com~ It’s over, I won. “




Is this what you mean by ‘be real’?

The younger brother reacted and immediately took back his gun, took a few steps back, and aimed the muzzle at her.

Kagome raised her hand cooperatively.

Mike came back to his senses, raised his hand and greeted the little brother next to him: “Are you a pig? You don’t like your own weapons!”

The younger brother is very aggrieved: “Mike…she is too fast!!”

He didn’t even react, and she was done!

Mike gritted his teeth angrily and looked at the girl who was raising her hand leisurely, “I asked you to fight her, not to let you hit her with a gun.”

Hua Wu said confidently: “Anyway, we will die in the end. How can death not be death? This way, we can save less suffering, and it will pass as soon as we close our eyes, which is a good thing.”

Mike: “…”

So, should she still thank you?

“Mike, she played too accurately…”

In the bathroom, the third child pointed between his eyebrows.

Hua Wu was **** again at this time, but there were people on both sides holding weapons at her. Obviously, as soon as something was wrong with her, she immediately shot.

Mike and the third squatted on Li He’s girlfriend’s side to check the wound.

The third child: “She won’t be a sharpshooter, will she?”

Mike: “She doesn’t even have calluses on her hands. She has thin skin and tender flesh. How could she be a sharpshooter. She is still wearing a school uniform, so she looks like a student.”

The third child: “Then why is she so accurate?”

Mike wrinkled and said, “It’s a coincidence.”

The ruthless man sighed, “This little girl’s film is too ruthless, if she says she kills, she kills… She’s more perverted than us.”

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