Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 16: After being forced to become the top streamer (16)

Huawu felt that her system was really dead.

Someone else’s novice system will broadcast the progress and the enemy’s dynamics anyway.

Make sure that your own employees are not operating in violation of regulations, avoid unpredictable changes, and frequently output help.

It works fine.

Most of the time, she doesn’t summon it, it just goes invisible.

Huawu was very curious about what it was paddling for.

“Did you take a few orders behind my back?” She heard that some Daniel systems bring a few employees.

[No. ]

“Then what are you doing? You are so passive at work, can you pass the performance test?”


Mie Meng was silent.


Hua Wu was speechless for having such a rebellious paddling system.

But on second thought it seems to be okay.

Without annoying chatter, she can do whatever she wants, more than a cool word.

Hua Wu herself inquired about Ji Wanwei’s current situation, and when she heard that her ex-husband had successfully found her, she felt relieved and concentrated on filming.

A migrant worker who works two jobs is suffering.

In July, the night can’t cover the city’s feasting and feasting. An unknown summer bug is lying in a corner, singing tirelessly.

Today is the banquet of “Feng Xing Ji”.

This drama can be said to be crowded with big names. Most of the attention of the scene is on the main actors and directors, and the others are just foils.

“Miss Song, why are you here alone?”

Hua Wu was about to let herself get off work early when someone suddenly sat down next to her.

The man sitting down was about twenty-seven, with a rather tacky hairstyle, but against his face, he didn’t look so tacky.

The red suit jacket is rebellious with a floral shirt, and there is even half a lipstick print on the neckline. I don’t know which beauties it came from.

Hua Wu looked at him unabashedly, gave him a thumbs up, and said with admiration, “Mr. Ling, your outfit is very distinctive.”

“Really?” Ling Yu raised his eyebrows and chuckled, “Miss Song is indeed my confidant.”

“Mr. Ling won the prize.”

After the two of you came and went and greeted each other politely, Hua Wu asked the real question: “Why is Mr. Ling free to come here?”

Today, the drama was finished, and it was all thanks to Mr. Ling that she was able to act.

But Hua Wu doesn’t feel like she owes him.

After all, she is a resource for the male protagonist’s information to be replaced equally with him.

“Come and see Miss Song.” Ling Yu made no secret of his purpose.

Hua Wu: “You are here to find beauty to be happy.”

Ling Yu: “Compared to these vulgar fans, I think Miss Song is more interesting.”

Hua Wu said solemnly: “Don’t love me, it won’t work.”

Ling Yu laughed out loud, “Chu Jiangqiu regards you as a stand-in, I’m afraid he never thought he would capsize.”

Others don’t know the relationship between Song Mi and Chu Jiangqiu, but he has inquired about it, knowing that Chu Jiangqiu had brought her to some occasions.

The relationship between the two is probably not that simple.

After that, Ji Wanwei…

Ling Yu had long heard that Chu Jiangqiu had a white moonlight, and he loved it so much.

So when Ji Wanwei appeared, with a face similar to Song Mi, he probably guessed what was going on.

“Miss Song, why don’t you follow me.” Ling Yu sent an invitation: “I can give you better resources.”

“How good?”

Ling Yu looked at the actress who was surrounded by people, “I can make you as popular as her, or even more popular.”

Hua Wu followed and looked over, and after a while, she said, “I still like to work **** my own.”

Ling Yu: “You reject me, are you not afraid that I will treat you like Chu Jiangqiu?”

Hua Wu gave him a meaningful look, “Chu Jiangqiu also threatened me like this.”

Ling Yu heard her subtext.

Chu Jiangqiu threatened her, so she sold Chu Jiangqiu to find her own platform.


“Can you find another me?”

Hua Wu said without hesitation: “I can eat the grass.”


Ling Yu choked for a while, followed her previous appearance and gave a thumbs up, “Miss Song can bend and stretch, she’s amazing.”

Hua Wu nodded and accepted his compliment: “Those who achieve great things are informal.”

Ling Yu smiled, but did not get angry.

He was just joking and testing. If she agrees, he will hold her and take her to Chu Jiangqiu from time to time.

If she doesn’t agree, that’s fine, he won’t have to do anything with her.

Ling Yu quickly exposed the topic: “I’m very curious, whether Ji Wanwei’s matter is Miss Song’s handwriting.”

Ji Wanwei’s incident was exposed very strangely.

He asked someone to inquire. Although Ji Wanwei is the eldest young lady of Yinfeng Group, she broke up with Chu Jiangqiu in order to go abroad with the painter, which made Chu and Ji have a bad relationship. The Ji family has a close relationship with her. stiff.

In addition, the Ji family is also somewhat patriarchal, and she cares more about her heir brother, so Ji Wanwei is not as beautiful as everyone thinks.

If it’s not so beautiful, then no one wants to deal with her.

Who has such a big hatred with Ji Wanwei?

From the point of view of the facts that Ling Yu learned, Song Mi is very suspicious…

“What if it is, what if it is not?”

When these words fell in Ling Yu’s ears, it was no different from admitting them.

“Miss Song still likes Chu Jiangqiu?”

Hua Wu showed a puzzled expression: “Is there only a little love and love left in your minds as CEOs ~IndoMTL.com~? Wouldn’t it be bad to be more professional?”


When dealing with Ji Wanwei, isn’t that just a matter of being jealous of men?

Is it because of your career?

Ling Yu really wanted to ask a question: “What is Miss Song for?”

Hua Wu stood up, patted Ling Yu’s shoulder with her right hand, and said, “I am the light of the right path in the world.”

Ling Yu: “???”

Ling Yu thought that Hua Wu was going to greet other people, sitting there thinking that her last sentence sounded a bit middle-of-the-road, but seeing that she didn’t say hello to anyone at all, she looked left and right, and saw that she did not People pay attention to her and just slip away!

On such occasions, everyone would be more than happy to get closer and have more connections.

She actually slipped away…

Do you still want to be on fire?

Ling Yu was a little more happy and more interested, so he got up and followed her out.

“Miss Song.” Ling Yu stopped her: “Are you leaving?”

Ling Yu obviously saw the expression of ‘god’ on her face, but it disappeared quickly: “I can breathe.”

Ling Yu can’t tell through: “It’s really boring inside, why don’t I take Miss Song back?”

Hua Wu was a little wary: “You haven’t given up yet?”

I don’t know why, but Ling Yu immediately realized the meaning of Huawu, he didn’t want to soak her…

“Miss Song, we can be friends.” Ling Yu said.

Hua Wu looked at him up and down, as if to determine whether he was qualified to be his friend.

Ling Yu is seldom looked at like this, and feels a little novel. She is really not afraid of herself at all…

After a while, he heard the person on the opposite side sincerely say: “I don’t like making friends very much.”

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