Python Rebirth on Survival Island: One hundred and sixty-four titan python evolution stage 1

Island Survival: Rebirth of the Wild Python, 164 Titan Python Stage 1 Evolution-567 Chinese Rumble!

In the ruins, a huge rumbling sound continued.

Outside the ruins, the eyes of the lost tribesmen were almost staring out.

“Grandpa! What’s going on…”

“Patriarch, something seems to have happened!”

“Beast, the beast **** is resurrected? No, it’s a manifestation.”

“Bless us!”

Kneeling on one knee, these humans kept making this kind of sound in their mouths.

Because, right in front of them, the nine huge ‘key’ stone statues vibrated violently, and the stones above made a loud rumbling sound…


Then, a large number of stones fell from their bodies.

All the lost people see clearly…

Inside the huge stone statue, there are nine different huge ‘beast gods’ sealed with transparent ‘glass’.

Each head closes its eyes tightly.

But because of the endless years, some yellow rust has appeared on the ‘glass’, and the bodies of the ‘beast gods’ inside are even more dry, as if they will turn into ashes if they are touched lightly with a finger .


The silhouette alone is enough to cheer up the Lost.

Among the ruins…

The situation is exactly the same as outside.

After ‘Beast God’ finished speaking, all the power of the spirit bead was released, and then all the power inside was consumed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the huge stone statue began to collapse.

Click, click!

Wah la la…


Under the field of spiritual power, Ye Bei could see clearly, the one hundred and twenty-four huge stone statues, the stones on the body, quickly cracked, clicked, clicked, and soon, those The stone fell to the ground, and the sound of clattering and rumbling continued.

Of course, what attracted Ye Bei’s attention more was…

After these stone statues are cracked, there is a transparent ‘glass’ object inside each stone statue.

It’s like a ‘coffin’.

But the first impression I gave to Ye Bei was a kind of sci-fi color that I had never seen before…

In the glass, there is a mysterious silver-white light, which clearly illuminates the situation inside…In each glass, there is a huge creature. These creatures are of all types. very.

If correct, they are members of the so-called ‘Beast’ civilization.

And can get a chance to be resurrected…

Ye Bei didn’t even have to think about it, he immediately knew that the ‘beast gods’ in these ‘coffins’ were definitely not simple.


One hundred!

One hundred and twenty four…

When all the stone statues were turned on, and “beast gods” of different races and different appearances appeared in front of Ye Bei, Ye Bei’s eyes all lit up. It was incredible, incredible.


Ye Bei was all excited at the moment.


A letter spewed out of his mouth immediately.

“System, if I eat all these ‘beast gods’, will I get genes and evolution points?”

One hundred and twenty-four ancient creatures, I get excited just thinking about it.

“Of course! However, the host must break open the crystal coffin made of this special material.”

The system responds immediately.


Ye Bei’s body trembled a little! Want to open the crystal coffin? Is this ‘glass’ material very hard?


After thinking of this, Ye Bei didn’t hesitate at all. He waved his huge body and slammed the ‘coffin’ closest to him.



A loud voice resounds through the ruins.

This time, Ye Bei used 180t of power. Logically speaking, it is a small mountain, and it will instantly become fragments.

However, the ‘coffin’ was only swept away by Ye Bei, and landed on the ground with a rumble, and the ‘Beast God’ inside was not damaged at all.

“What material is this? It’s so powerful…”

Spit the letter, Ye Bei asked curiously.

The system did not answer him…

However, among the one hundred and twenty-four ‘beast gods’, rays of light burst out again.

The original projection ‘Beast God’ reappeared.

“In order to protect our clansmen, we chose the most special metal as the protective cabin! To open this protective cabin, the only way is to let the people of our ‘Beast God’ clan open it in the ruins Outside, there are seven statues of beast gods. Their protective cabins are different from ours. As long as you learn 50% of our technology, you can open them… No matter what kind of intelligent life you are, I hope you can take this cooperation seriously. I believe, we The civilization and technology will give you the greatest return.”

“As for the content of the technology, it’s all in this storage! Since the ruins can be opened, I think it won’t be very difficult for you to decipher these technologies.”

‘Beast God”s voice was hoarse and low.


When he was speaking, the ground not far from Ye Bei cracked open and made a clattering and then a square, well-preserved black metal in a vacuum environment, appeared in sight .

It’s just that Ye Bei didn’t feel much moved when he saw this thing.

Damn guys… If I can swallow it directly, I will definitely become stronger in an instant, and it is possible to evolve into a dragon.

Ye Bei squinted his eyes and cursed in a low voice, but did not respond to the beast god. After all, he knew very well. It would seem that he would communicate with a voice that was recorded hundreds of millions of years ago. mentally handicapped.

Unhappy return unhappy.

All in all, Ye Bei’s harvest this time is unprecedentedly huge.

Now that these ‘coffins’ cannot be opened, it does not mean that they cannot be opened in the future… After I continue to evolve, I may be able to easily smash these things into shreds.

Chi Chi Chi…

After thinking of this, a distorted space appeared directly in front of Ye Bei.

In less than a minute, the ruins, including the square metal, and one hundred and twenty-four ‘coffins’ were all taken into the forest of death by Ye Bei.

These things are safest in the forest of death.

After putting these things in, Ye Bei didn’t take care of the ‘keys’ outside the ruins for the time being.

Chi Chi Chi…

In the next instant, his own body was slowly sucked into the distorted space.

Since you have entered this ruin, it is the most important thing to take this opportunity to complete the first stage of Titan Python’s evolution.

And evolution in the dead forest can guarantee 100% safety.


When Ye Bei’s body entered the forest of death, the scene in front of him directly shocked him.

The vines of those ** giant trees, and the ‘coffin’ are actually undergoing strange changes! ! ! (To be continued.)

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