Python Rebirth on Survival Island: One hundred and forty-two horror learning speed

There is a hint of coldness in the air.

The sea breeze keeps blowing…

On the side of the mercenary base, apart from the white man, the rest of the logistics staff also slowly swept their eyes from the surroundings.

A giant python with a body length of tens of meters.

Several meters tall, grinning, murderous lion in his eyes.

There are also countless mutant beasts of various types.

These mutant beasts are completely different from ordinary beasts. First of all, their bodies are huge, and secondly, their eyes are extraordinarily bright, and they are different at first glance.

But in the same way, the murderous aura on these mutant beasts is unprecedented.

These mercenaries, standing in front of these mutant beasts, are so small that they are suddenly ants.

What’s even scarier is…

Now this python with a body length of more than 120 meters is spitting out human words. Let these humans teach those mutant beasts to learn computers! ! !

Anything wrong?

Obviously…there’s nothing wrong with that!

Can I refuse?

It is absolutely impossible to refuse… At least with the courage of these logistical mercenaries, there is no courage to refuse.

“Yes, yes, Zombie!”

“Don’t worry, as long as we know, we will teach them all.”

“Yes, yes, everything is taught.”

When he spoke, he forced a smile on his face, but this smile was uglier than crying.

Teaching a group of murderous ‘monsters’ who eat people as soon as they disagree is a hundred times more difficult than cracking the computer in the white area… But now that they have agreed, they don’t dare to do anything careless.

As for the group of mutant beasts, at this moment, they are all too excited.

It’s just that they were excited, not because of learning computers… but because they felt that as long as they completed the things that Ye Bei explained and learned things, there would definitely be a lot of food rewards in the future!

Swallow, evolve, become stronger!

Yes, the IQ of these mutant beasts has increased, but they are far different from Ye Bei in terms of ideological realm.

Devouring food is the most important thing for them.

“Alright, let’s get started now!”

Ye Bei was not wordy and said lightly.

After this voice reached the minds of these humans, it was like a huge vibration, making their heads go blank.


The surrounding mutant beasts, after receiving Ye Bei’s order, clucked around.


More than 1,000 mutant reticulated pythons spit out letters and twisted their bodies constantly.


The mutated lions roared in their mouths, and those sharp-looking teeth seemed to be able to shred everything.


The mutant monkeys look very smart, but each one is full of intelligence.

When these mutant beasts crowded wildly and shouted at these humans to teach them quickly…

The logistics staff of these mercenary bases felt that the whole world had dimmed.


As for Ye Bei, seeing this situation, he didn’t have much reaction, and his body slowly moved towards the periphery.

The huge body rubs against the ground, and the zizi sound is especially terrifying.

When the body moved to the edge of the open field, Ye Bei squatted on the ground and watched quietly.

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Because in the sea, many fish have been swallowed, and around this mercenary base, there are also a large number of ships loaded with the corpses of mutant beasts. On the mercenary base, these mutant beasts who are concentrating on studying need not worry at all. food problem.

The third day.

Basic computer operations have been learned by the mutant beasts.

Some mutant beasts with fingers…such as monkeys, orangutans, and even mice…can quickly type lines of text on the computer.

The fourth day.

Many mutant beasts have learned to program.

The fifth day.

Almost all mutant beasts can program, especially mutant monkeys, who have extremely high talent in this area, and can even make up some small programs on the spot, and even hack other computers.

Day 6!

Day 7…

Day 10!

Everything that happened at the mercenary base was basically under Ye Bei’s observation.

To be honest… The learning speed of these mutant beasts really shocked Ye Bei. In ten days, their computer operation was no longer the same as those of the mercenaries, and even some monkeys even surpassed them. mercenaries.

Even one of the monkeys, after learning the technology, thought of a unique way to crack it, ran to the side of the white mercenary, and taught him how to crack the computer in the white area faster.

In addition, these mutant beasts have an unprecedented talent for language.

Although they can’t communicate with other creatures directly through sound like Ye Bei…

But through these days of study, almost all mutant beasts have mastered English!

“It seems that in the future, English will become the most common way of communication for these mutant beasts. If you can’t speak, just use words! Wisdom is incredible! If you were any human, you would never have imagined that a snake would come up. Internet cafe?”

“The saying that was circulated on the Internet at the beginning has really come true! You would never have imagined that the person sitting in front of the computer and chatting with you across the network cable is a person or a dog…”


Ye Bei spit out the letter, and when all the mutant beasts learned the skills from those mercenaries, he spit out the letter and muttered to himself.

The key to physical strength.

However, if you master technology, you can go out of the earth…

Fortunately, these mutant beasts are very intelligent.

The knowledge in my mind is like a blank sheet of paper, and the speed of learning is unbelievable.

As long as there are enough resources and enough time, Ye Bei can even imagine that these mutant beasts can also create high-tech products.

“Snake, snake god! We have taught everything about the meeting, can you let us go now? We don’t want to die yet…”

“! As long as we leave, we will never talk nonsense about what’s going on here.”

“Zombie God, let us go!”

On the eleventh day, when these mercenaries in charge of logistics found that they had nothing to teach, they stopped working and begged Ye Bei with trembling voices.


When these people begged, the white man who was responsible for cracking the computer in the white area, with the help of some mutant monkeys, got a comprehensive increase in the speed of cracking, and the violent cracking ended.

100% progress…

Is it powered on?

After seeing this, a mutant monkey tapped ‘yes’ with his finger in great excitement.

(Thanks to the local tyrant’kong~kong’ for the 50,000 reward, because it has not been written yet, I will add it to you next time.)(To be continued.)

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