Python Rebirth on Survival Island: Four hundred and sixty-five centaurs in action

The Centaurus constellation.

Still on that planet…

At this moment, if you look at the planet from space, you will definitely be shocked by the scenery here.

The entire planet is surrounded by a light green light film.

That light film is equivalent to a giant console…

Countless tentacles were gently melting on it, and all kinds of strange patterns and words were formed in the light film.

But right now… on that planet, the hoarse voice continues.

“Immediately re-analyze and evaluate the creatures on Earth… Their bodies can be used as thermal weapons, which only higher creatures can do! In addition, contact the beast **** civilization and ask them to be polite, Use your best strength.”

The sound resounded almost all over the planet.

When countless mutant beasts burst into light at the same time…

This really shocked many civilizations hidden in the dark.


At this time, the most shocking thing is the beast gods who are on the battlefield.

“Speed ​​up, now all the monsters are around here, as long as we jump in this space, we will immediately start a full-scale counterattack… Damn, this group of monsters are damned!”

In a super battleship, the No. 1 Beast God roared.

Eyes are red!

When he saw the rays of light from the eyes of countless creatures… His first reaction was to think of the information sent back by the snake and lion not long ago.

The battleship of the snake and lion was also destroyed by a group of mutant beasts using the death light.

However…During that time, Beast God No. 1 pondered for a long time, and never believed that the creatures on earth had such a powerful power. Until today, he saw with his own eyes that he realized that it was all terrible.

Belonging to the pride of the beast **** civilization…

Smashed in an instant.

As a beast god, his wisdom is even higher…

Perhaps these creatures on Earth now have weak technological development, but at such a high-quality creature level, sooner or later, the technology here will completely explode the civilization of beasts and gods.


Red light flickers on the intelligent beast god.

While strengthening the defense of the battleship… while speeding up the space jump.

Boom boom boom!

However, as all the warships were under that frenzied attack, the sound of violent explosions continued over the Pacific Ocean for a moment.

But…not only the snake civilization is attacking, the beast **** civilization is also fighting back wildly when it is jumping in space!



In an instant, the entire Pacific Ocean became the center of the explosion.

Countless lasers shuttle back and forth, and the sky is flooded with crazy energy. This kind of war is more shocking than the war in the original human civilization.

On Earth, the creatures hiding in the underground shelters were shocked by the scenes of war one by one.

“This has far surpassed the battle scenes in those sci-fi films, right? Compared to the current situation here, the things in sci-fi films are simply pediatrics!”

A creature posted a post on the Internet for the first time.

“Yes, yes… It’s only been less than three years, and the changes are so great! Especially those battleships of the beast **** civilization are so handsome… But I’m more optimistic about the snake civilization! Those mutations The power of the beasts is truly incomprehensible. Each of them is a living fighting machine, and they can’t even be killed at all. Once they enter the battleship of the beast god, they will definitely win.”

“That’s not necessarily true… Haven’t you discovered it? Although the earth is huge, it is as fragile as a toy in front of those real super space warships. If they want, they can completely explode the earth at any time. , become a pile of rubble in the universe.”

When the discussion on the Internet reaches its peak, such a voice appears…

It is like a stormy sea, and a strong wind hits in an instant, and everything is calm.

The atmosphere is eerie.

The entire network, at this moment, seems to be on hold.

But soon, bigger waves came.

“What if the beast **** civilization is really angry and wants to destroy the earth?”

“What a horrible alien…”

“What? I don’t want to die yet.”

“There must be a way, there must be.”

“Damn… when will the snake **** show his real strength…”

The various posts on the Internet are slowly becoming worrying.


Judging from the current situation alone, the Snake Clan civilization has no advantage at all.

Although the battle was fierce over the Pacific Ocean, all kinds of terrifying lights of death were everywhere…

However, the attack of the snake civilization on those super space battleships did not play any role at all… On the contrary, as time went on, when the beast **** civilization fought back, the burst of light beams, Every time it hits the spaceship of the Snake Clan civilization, it can easily destroy one… Although the war is fierce, all the losses are from the Snake Clan civilization side.

“Their defenses are so strong that even hitting the target doesn’t work.”

The golden lion roared, all his silver-white hair standing on From time to time, some electromagnetic pulse beams rushed through his body…but that kind of light could not even interrupt the hair on the golden lion’s body, even if Hit him and didn’t do any damage to him either.

“What should we do? If we continue to fight like this, although we have a large number of warships and spaceships, we will never be able to withstand such consumption. If the time is too long, we will suffer huge losses.”

Besides, Wang Wen spat out a letter, a little anxious.

As an apostle, his current strength is also very strong… The beams of the beast **** civilization can’t do him any harm, but seeing a large number of spaceships on his side being destroyed, he can’t calm down at all.

“Don’t worry, the king asked us to attack, then attack! With the king here, any crisis can be resolved… Those beast gods can’t make any waves at all.”

Caesar looks confident.


In fact, with the continuous explosion over the Pacific Ocean, Ye Bei had already observed it. After swallowing the beast gods in more than ten battleships, his movements slowed down a little.

“The level of science and technology is still too low… I originally thought that the current attack of the Snake Civilization can cause certain damage to those warships. Now, it is necessary to use other powers.”


Ye Bei spat out a letter and said lightly.

I originally wanted to summon the colorful battleship directly… However, after thinking for a few seconds, Ye Bei decisively gave up… The army that came from Beast God Civilization this time is nothing at all!

In the future, there will definitely be stronger ones.

The colorful battleship is Ye Bei’s strongest trump card against advanced civilization and technology. It must not be taken out easily until the last moment!


Seeing the various creatures of the snake civilization being attacked, the murderous aura on his Ye Bei became stronger and stronger! ! !

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