Puppet Curse Chapter 647: A new beginning

bsp;?”Now, let’s talk about our next itinerary.” The spaceship has entered outer space, and all senior personnel including Suzune gathered together to discuss the next itinerary.

“Originally, our intention in coming to Patomi was to seek revenge on Patomi and seek justice for what happened to the earth…. In the past ten years, we have achieved this goal by mistake. , However, the result only left more pain…” At this point, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion fell silent.

“Although I am very sorry for my friends who have sacrificed their lives, I have decided that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will find a peaceful place to recuperate.” Suzune said to everyone first.

“But unfortunately, the current situation is that even if the Scarlet Devil Mansion wants to calm down, Patomi will not allow it. Patomi will definitely hunt down the Scarlet Devil Mansion for what it did on Kashiwagi, so , for the safety of everyone, we have to find a safe way back to the galaxy.”

“Back to the Milky Way?” Everyone was surprised.

“Well, back to the Milky Way. I know that the Milky Way has not discovered other civilized planets. And Patomi is a civilization star field, but after all, Patomi is not our own home. So, even if it is We need to find new planets with life, and we need to build them from the ground up. I also prefer to return to the Milky Way. Do you have any other opinions?” Lingyin asked.

Everyone shook their heads, obviously not having much favorable impression of Patomi.

“The best way to return to the Milky Way is undoubtedly to return to the Milky Way from the space vortex formed by the explosion of Kuchi Star. As long as you enter the Milky Way, even Patomi will face a strange galaxy. There is no way to catch up with the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Chu Lingxin came out and explained the next itinerary to everyone.

“Hong Mo actually proposed this plan a long time ago. However, if you want to return to the Milky Way, you must break the blockade of the space vortex by Patomi. Ordinary spaceships undoubtedly do not have that ability. That’s why the Scarlet Devil Mansion stayed on Kashiwagi Planet for this period of time in order to gain the knowledge accumulated by Kashiwagi Planet.”

“This spaceship is basically a top-notch spaceship built using Kashiwagi’s top technology and countless precious materials. Only by relying on this spaceship can it be possible to break through the blockade and return to the galaxy. “Chu Lingxin continued.

“Why not find other ways to return to the Milky Way? Isn’t that safer?” Heiyan Shu asked a question.

“Is there any other way? I have already thought about it, but other ways are even more impossible and extremely time-consuming.” Chu Lingxin said, directly wiping the top of the conference hall with her right hand. A projection of a starry sky appeared.

“This is a starry sky map. Of course, it does not represent the entire universe, but a starry sky map marking the Milky Way and the Patomi star field.” As she spoke, Chu Lingxin moved her right hand, and the starry sky map began. Keep shrinking, shrinking.

“This is the Milky Way, and this is the Patomi Starfield.” Chu Lingxin pointed to the starry sky map and explained to everyone. From this starry sky map, it seems that the size of the Patomi star field is less than one percent of the Milky Way. However, even if it is only 1%, it is too large to be measured.

“The Milky Way and the Patomi star field are not connected together. There are two galaxies about the same size as the Milky Way separated in between. The most important thing is that when entering from one galaxy to another, if there is no space To break through the vortex, you must break through the starless zone in the middle. Judging from the information known to Kashiwagi, trying to break through the starless zone with a spaceship is basically courting death.” After Chu Lingxin finished speaking, she pointed out. Looking at the dark patch in the middle of the galaxy.

The starless belt, the gap between galaxies, basically has no planets. And judging from this starry sky map, the smallest starless belt is one-tenth the size of the Milky Way, many times larger than the entire Patomi star field.

Even if there are no other dangers in the starless belt, even this ultra-long distance is enough to scare everyone. The distance between planets and star systems is already alarmingly far. If there really are no planets within a tenth of the distance of the Milky Way, such a long voyage would undoubtedly be Really looking for death.

“If nothing else, even if the energy is sufficient and there is no danger, with the performance of our spaceship, if we want to sail directly back to the Milky Way, the time it will take is…!”

“Sixty…ten thousand years!”

When they first heard the word sixty, everyone didn’t pay much attention to it. However, Chu Lingxin later added ‘ten thousand years’ as a unit, which immediately left everyone speechless. No one has any objections. Six hundred thousand years, just kidding, if it really sailed past, it would be enough to become a cosmic fossil.

“In the end, after discussions between Lingyin and I, we chose a compromise.” Chu Lingxin said one last thing.

“What kind of compromise?”

“Go to settle down on a remote planet in the Patomi star field first, and then return to the galaxy after the incident on Cypress Jupiter calms down.” Chu Lingxin said. This method is not unacceptable. In fact, although we have confidence in this spaceship, no one can guarantee what accidents will happen.

“Which planet are you going to?” Long Meiling asked curiously.

“The ancient planet Yato is located in the north of the Patomi star field. It is a fourth-level planet. According to the grade assessment of the planet in the Patomi star field, it is probably equivalent to what the earth looked like in the medieval period.” Chu Lingxin He explained that the starry sky map above changed, and information about the ancient planet Ato appeared.

“However, this information is from more than 130 years ago. In these more than 100 years, the ancient planet Yatuo has probably developed a lot, and it should be similar to the level of civilization before the destruction of the earth. ”

“How can data from more than 130 years ago lag so far behind?”

“It’s normal. Kashiwagi is located in the southern part of the Patomi star field and is too far from the north. A star field, no matter how small it is, is still limited. The transmission of messages takes time. In addition, the Patomi star field There are only three living planets in the north, and Yatuogu is one of them. Because living planets are too rare, their development value is not great, and they have not been valued by Patomi. Basically, they are equivalent to the only planets. It’s just in name, it still belongs to the Patomi Star Territory,” Chu Lingxin explained.

“It’s remote, has the right level of civilization, and the right planet habits. In short, it’s a very suitable planet for the current Scarlet Devil Mansion to live in seclusion.” Chu Lingxin concluded.

“How long does it take to get there?”

“According to normal interstellar navigation, there are space vortices in the Patomi star field that can be used, and it only takes more than thirty universe years. However, if the Scarlet Devil Mansion wants to hide its traces, it cannot take the normal route, and even civilization It’s best not to approach the planet at will, and according to the path I chose, it will take about a hundred years, and we must spend it in space navigation.”

One hundred years, just sailing in the universe, and the spaceship is only so big…

“Don’t worry about boring questions. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has gained a lot from Kashiwa Jupiter. A new accelerated world can already be built. This accelerated world will be a quarter of the size of the Earth. However, I am inclined to build it. In short, you will not be bored because of boring, and… I don’t think anyone will waste this hundred years…” Chu Lingxin said with a smile.

Everyone couldn’t help but look solemn after hearing this. No one wanted to experience this experience on Cypress Jupiter again. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has obtained a lot from Kashiwagi this time, and it just so happens that it needs a period of time to settle and digest.


What happened on Kashiwagi has long been spread to the entire Patomi Star Territory through the destroyed spaceship, and soon the Patomi Star Territory reacted. However, the incident on Kashiwa Jupiter ended too quickly. The battle involving the entire planet only lasted less than a few years. This is of course related to the fact that the Scarlet Devil Mansion converts all ordinary people into zombies and then directly takes the fight to the highest level.

When Patomi’s star fleet arrived at Kashiwagi, the Scarlet Devil Mansion had long disappeared without a trace.

The supreme commander of the Patomi Interstellar United Fleet looked at the re-photographed geographical map of Kashiwagi, and realized that the things on Kashiwaki were really huge beyond imagination. If he hadn’t been sure that this was indeed Kashiwa Jupiter, he would have almost thought he had arrived at a strange planet with life.

The entire planet Kashiwagi basically seemed to have been turned around. Two of the original eleven continents disappeared directly, and the remaining continents were either connected together or split into new continents. Even intact continents have basically drifted for thousands of kilometers…

After reporting the true situation of Kashiwagi Planet and asking about the traces of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the fleet commander prepared to evacuate Kashiwagi Planet. Although the federal government of the Patomi Star Territory wants to use this opportunity to completely control Kashiwagi, he is a soldier and has no intention of getting involved in political matters.

The order given to the fleet commander above was to pursue the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s spaceship and nip the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the bud in time. Otherwise, based on what happened to Kashiwa Jupiter, it is difficult to say whether the Scarlet Devil Mansion will cause another **** storm on other planets.

At the same time, wanted orders regarding the Scarlet Devil Mansion have been sent to all living planets in the Patomi star field, so that once all planets discover traces of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, they must encircle and suppress it in time to prevent more tragedies from happening. The Scarlet Devil Mansion also became one of the top ten evil organizations in Patomi because of what happened to Kashiwagi Hoshi.

Although in the eyes of most ordinary people, they still don’t know what the Scarlet Devil Mansion is, in the eyes of the real big forces, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has already caused a wave of waves in the entire Patomi.


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