Puppet Curse Chapter 560: Sent into space

bsp;? Just like what Athena saw in the dream of the Great Prophecy, the battle between fire and frost, the battle between Suzune and that Ferrera, one person occupied one side, and the other side was filled with blazing flames. On the other side, there was frosty white mist.

Unconsciously, the fire and frost had spread to the city below. For the zombies below, the fat on their bodies is the best fuel. Half of the city has been engulfed in huge flames, but the side where Suzune is located is a little better. But those originally flexible zombies have become almost like the garbage zombies on the earth, moving like crawling.

And these are just the energy that escaped after the two people fought.

During another attack, Suzune was blown away by Ferrera’s force in an instant, and then stopped in mid-air. Suzune felt the concentration of water mist in the air. Ferrera also stopped, then looked at Suzune and laughed wildly.

“You are indeed not an ordinary person. With a mere level 5 cold air, you can actually compete with my flames. Although it is still a little bit behind, this strength is surprising enough. I have a proposal. I didn’t know you had it. I’m not interested in listening.” Ferrera suddenly laughed wildly, and then said to the bell.

“Say!” Lingyin’s tone was as arrogant as ever, but at this time, Ferrera suddenly didn’t mind Lingyin’s tone, but looked at Lingyin seriously. Although she is still petite, it can be seen that Suzune is an excellent embryo. If she really grows up, she will definitely be a beauty.

“I got an ancient practice technique from the ancient ruins of Patomi, which is about water and fire cultivation. I have been looking for a suitable female cultivator who majors in Han Shui Ying. Are you interested in joining me? Dual cultivation. With our qualifications, I guarantee that with this technique obtained from ancient ruins, I can quickly reach the level of a lv7 cosmic powerhouse, and you can also quickly improve your strength…” Ferrera suddenly said. Give me a surprising reason.

Ferrera was still talking about the benefits of dual cultivation, but he didn’t notice that it was getting colder and colder around Suzuyin. This was not Suzune’s cold air, but the murderous intent, the cold murderous intent, emanating from the depths of Suzune’s heart.

Double cultivation! With you? There must be a limit to ignorance, okay?

Bingling’s eternal crystal coffin!

The temperature in the space suddenly began to drop sharply. Ferrera was still talking there, and seemed to really want Suzune to be his dual cultivation partner, but Suzune suddenly raised her right hand and closed her eyes. .


Perhaps it was the sudden chill that finally made Ferrera react, and then he noticed that countless ice crystals gradually appeared in the outside space, and the flames around him were shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

Any move that cannot hit the enemy is just a useless move, no matter how powerful it is. Ringtone can completely use the Eternal Crystal Coffin directly, but the freezing speed is quite slow. Ringtone had made special preparations before, but now, it was the moment of explosion.

The crystal coffin is deep frozen!

Mu Siyu’s battle infant has sunk into Lingyin’s soul space, embracing Lingyin’s own battle infant. The cold air of the two battle infants is intertwined and swirling, a cold air that is even colder than the one Lingyin used before. A chill that was many times as deep as the cold spread from Suzune’s body. Ferrera, who was still boasting and talking about nothing about dual cultivation, was instantly frozen inside.

‘Hahaha, your battle infant is really amazing. It has completely reached the level of lv6. However, at this level, it can’t do anything to me. ’ Ferrera was frozen inside, her body suddenly turned red, and the crystal coffin began to gradually melt from the inside.

Sacred fire pattern!

Not just red, flame-like lines gradually appeared on Ferrera’s body. The lines had changed from red to bright and dazzling. With the appearance of this tattoo, the temperature of Ferrera’s flames increased rapidly, giving Suzune the feeling as if the sun had been frozen.

Can ice freeze the sun?

Lingyin herself didn’t quite believe this result, but Ferrera’s self-control was amazing, so she was frozen inside by Lingyin without evading it. Although the ice crystals around him were melting rapidly, there were thicker ice crystals outside.

You are trapping yourself!

If you are ignorant and arrogant, go to **** and repent for your stupidity. Suzune suddenly touched her hands and opened two wounds on her arm, and then blood with blue light spots suddenly poured out. In the soul space, Lingyin’s baby and Mu Siyu’s baby also kissed each other. This was not an ordinary kiss, but the sharing and sublimation of energy.

There are many types of water. Those who control water flow usually use clean water. After all, this ordinary clean water has the most extensive source. However, when necessary, the most powerful attack that a water controller can unleash is definitely an attack based on driving his own blood. One’s own blood is the strongest water that the water flow controller can drive.

On Suzune’s arms, blood with blue light spots continued to flow out from the wounds, and then it was immersed in the eternal crystal coffin. Moreover, the sublimated cold air accompanied the blood into the eternal crystal coffin. The eternal crystal coffin, which was already melting, solidified again, and Ferrera’s surprised expression was frozen together.

In the eternal crystal coffin, the blood did not spread out, but flowed in the channels inside the crystal coffin like human blood. It is this flowing blood that makes the eternal crystal coffin freeze even more completely.

‘You can’t trap me. After all, you are only level 5. How long can your blood last? ’ Although Ferrera was frozen, her body was like an oven, resisting the cold intrusion of the bell. And it seemed that he was not seriously injured.

Lingyin will not underestimate herself, thinking that she is stronger than her opponent every time, and even if her opponent has a higher level than her, they are still condensed garbage battle babies. Seeing how conceited this Ferrera is, he is probably also a so-called ‘genius’.

But what a genius!


Lingyin held her hands slightly, and the huge crystal coffin immediately flew up, and was lifted into the sky by Lingyin. The huge crystal coffin is as bright as a real crystal, exuding crystal light under the sunlight.

What does she want to do?

At this time, even Bart, who was fighting, couldn’t help but watch Suzune’s movements deeply. The zombie leader below, who was originally watching the battle above, was also paying attention to Suzune’s movements.

Suzune’s battle baby is a deep cold water baby, but this is only part of it. From the time he was born, Suzune not only has the ability to freeze, but also has the electromagnetic ability of red ink. After giving birth to the war baby, Hong Mo and Ling Yin thought that her electromagnetic ability had disappeared because they could not use the electricity.

However, in fact, the electromagnetic ability does not disappear, but is completely transformed into electromagnetic force, an alternative and incomparable ability to control magnetic fields.

For a long time after the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Suzune did not need to fight many times, and as Suzune’s identity, she probably did not have many opportunities to do it. Therefore, the outside world never knew that Lingyin had such ability.

Electromagnetic force is originally one of the four basic forces, and this kind of mutated magnetism is even more weird. Even with the current ring tone, it cannot be used to fight, but sometimes, it can be done Something.

Lingyin admits that she cannot kill Ferrera now. After all, there is an absolute strength gap. Even with her mother’s war baby as an assistant, she cannot do it. However, it is not that Lingyin has no way to deal with Ferrera. way. Isn’t he confident in his own flame? How about sending him to the sun of Cypress Jupiter?

Boundless clear water gushes out from Suzune’s water ring and instantly freezes into a huge channel, aiming at the sky, while a huge crystal coffin falls inside.

What exactly is she going to do?

The magnetic field is concentrated!

Suddenly, all the nearby geomagnetism disappeared and concentrated in a small area at Suzune’s feet. The clothes on Suzuyin also floated up, as if they were about to fly out. Suddenly, the crystal coffin suddenly contained a huge magnetic field. Before Ferrera could react, the eternal crystal coffin suddenly flew towards the sky at a terrifying speed and disappeared in an instant.

It doesn’t mean that you have to kill the enemy with your own hands to be considered a victory. At least, that is not necessary in the current Scarlet Devil Mansion. Suzin directly mobilized the magnetic field of Kashiwagi planet as a driving force, pushing the eternal crystal coffin out of Kashiwagi planet. This huge magnetic repulsion force can easily make the crystal coffin fly out of the atmosphere of Jupiter, and then fly towards outer space.

Isn’t it very conceited? Then try it and see if you can survive in the empty space!

Suddenly, Suzune frowned in pain, her own ability field suddenly became extremely chaotic, and what became chaotic at the same time was the nearby geomagnetic field. It was like a storm blew up in Lingyin’s soul space. Mu Siyu’s battle infant was swept out directly, while Lingyin’s battle infant was calming down the chaos inside.

The sudden chaos in the geomagnetism caused the city below to suddenly split from the middle, and several shocking cracks appeared. Countless zombies fell towards the crack, including the zombie leader. However, this zombie leader has evolved to the point where he already possesses level 5 strength. The moment he fell, he immediately flew out and floated in mid-air.

New body – leader!

As soon as the zombie appeared, Suzune immediately narrowed her eyes. In the previous battle, Suzune had long known that she and others were being spied on by the zombies below. She originally thought they were ordinary zombies. However, Suzune looked at the agile look in the eyes of the leader of the zombies. It seemed that, There has been a change.


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