Puppet Curse Chapter 486: Companion

bsp;?In more than a year, Hong Mo has become an influential figure in the town. “”Outstanding temperament, kindness to others, and most importantly, generous! Paving the way with money, Hong Mo quickly established a foothold in this small town.

The previous speculation of the largest businessman in the town was also a reason. Many people thought that Hong Mo was someone who came down from above and deliberately avoided the current power disputes in Bai Mu Xing, so they became friends with him one after another. In the small circle of the small town, many people know that Mr. Black has two lovely daughters and is a genius.

Yes, Hong Mo’s current name is Black Scarlet, and Suzune and Fran’s names are also official names, Remilia Red Scarlet and Flandre Red Scarlet.

At this time, Hong Mo was arranging for Suzune and the others to go to Zhoumi Academy. Originally, Hong Mo planned to **** them by himself. Although Suzuyin and the others were not much worse than Hong Mo in strength, Hong Mo just couldn’t rest assured. However, after Hong Mo contacted someone, Hong Mo was no longer so worried.

Asamiya Kumiko came to the neighborhood with a blood demon. Hong Mo contacted Asamiya Kumiko through the brainwave network and recruited her back.

The reason for retreating separately before was that it could be divided into parts and avoid being hunted, but now it is more troublesome to gather everyone together again. The unique brainwave network of the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been greatly disturbed on Kashiwagi. It can only roughly sense that there are people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion nearby, and it is impossible to even transmit detailed messages. The most important thing is that the scope is limited. Kashiwa Jupiter is too big, and no one knows where the others have gone.

Hong Mo was able to contact Asamiya Kumiko so quickly simply because Kumiko didn’t think about anything else at all and just followed Hong Mo and the others.

“The safety of Kumiko, Jingye, Suzune and Fran will be left to you.” Hong Mo said to the two of them.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Hongmo, I will not let the two young ladies suffer any injustice.” Kumiko and Jingye nodded.

Zhou Mi Academy is the largest academy on Kashiwagi. There are indeed many important things in it. Zhoumi Academy accepts people not based on status, but only on potential. The younger generation of big families are also proud to enter this academy. And with the strength of a big family, of course they wouldn’t let their own idiots go in and make a fool of themselves.

In the academy, there were many nobles of various kinds, and they usually had a few close subordinates or attendants, so Hong Mo simply asked Kumiko and Jingye to follow Suzune and Fran. Kumiko won’t go into details. She used to be the head maid. Only Jingye is not very familiar with these things, but it doesn’t matter, they learn quickly.

Facing the sudden appearance of Kumiko and Jingye, several other maids in the manor were actually very jealous. This year’s life in the manor made them confirm one thing. Hong Mo is indeed a good owner, and it would be even better if she could become the personal maid of the two ladies. But unfortunately, the few people who originally thought they had a chance were ruined by the sudden appearance of Kumiko and Jingye.

The five-year enrollment of Zhoumi Academy is about to begin. Suzune and the others, who have obtained legal status, also set off for Zhoumi Academy. After the two left, the manor fell into silence, and basically nothing important happened.

Hong Mo’s external social activities only stop here, and there is no more outward expansion. Living on this planet for a long time is not Hong Mo’s purpose. Hong Mo wants to completely subvert Kashiwa Muxing and completely ruin the entire Bubu family.

To achieve this goal, Hong Mo thought of several ways.

First, taking advantage of the current political turmoil, the Scarlet Devil Mansion took advantage of the situation, gained a certain high position, and completely defeated the Bubu family. Of course, this method was completely thrown away by Hong Mo. It was too unrealistic.

The second, most direct way is to kill! Use absolute strength to kill everyone in the Bubu family. Is this a solution? Hong Mo thought about it and gave up. The Bubu family has been able to dominate a top civilized planet in the Patomi Galaxy for so many years. Their strength is definitely not something that the Scarlet Devil Mansion can figure out. The day when they will have absolute strength is who knows when.

However, although this method cannot be completely used, it can still be used to kill some guys with average strength in the Bubu family.

The third one, taking advantage of the chaos of the current situation, made the water even more chaotic. On Kashiwagi, other forces want to fight for power. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is willing to secretly serve as a free thug for them to deal with certain characters. And this is also part of the application of the second method.

Well, maybe I should be a conspirator and let other forces and the Bubu family suffer losses!

However, Hong Mo shook his head. It was a pity. He was not a conspirator. There was no one in the Scarlet Devil Mansion who was good at conspiracy theories. Not to mention the higher-ups, not even the guardian angels and blood demons have learned this. A conspirator must also have extremely high talents. Environment and education are indispensable. It is not a talent that can be cultivated at all.

Now that the target has been decided, there is no need for Hong Mo to expand his influence. As long as he obtains a certain identity, it is enough. Therefore, Hong Mo stopped some of his external activities, and on the surface, he became a quiet rich man.

And Hong Mo’s approach confirmed others’ suspicions.

Lord Black must be a high-level person who avoids the whirlpool of the upper class, and has no intention of competing with ordinary people like them. The previous activities should have been just to build a good relationship with the people nearby. Unknowingly, Hong Mo’s identity was determined in this way, and even the small families nearby were willing to choose Hong Mo to help make decisions when they occasionally had disputes.

Hong Mo himself is confused. He has such great charm?

Recently, the Bubu family has been besieged by other forces and seems to be overwhelmed. Perhaps, having been in a high position for a long time, others are jealous. Now that there is an opportunity to bring down this mountain, everyone else is willing to contribute.

Hong Mo, who has been paying attention to the current situation, decided on his first target, the mayor of Yuanqiao City, Bubuji. Bubuji is no idiot, he is a real warrior, and he is also very talented in politics. Yuanqiao City is still in the hands of the Bubu family, which has something to do with Bubuji.

Having determined his target, Hong Mo announced to the maid in the manor that he would simply practice in seclusion for a few days, and not to disturb him until he came out.

At this time, Hong Mo had already flown towards Yuan Qiao City.


Just when Hong Mo initially settled down and started to take action, other people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion also acquired their own identities and lived in seclusion around the world of Kashiwa Mu.

Because I was quite anxious when they were separated, I didn’t explain clearly. Neither the guardian angel nor the blood demon acted rashly, they just kept in touch with each other. As for the top executives of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, they started running around the world to gather everyone together again.

Of course, there are also people who have not thought about this at all and are still wandering around casually, such as Pat Qiuli and Long Meiling.

“Hey, Meiling, let’s go eat that.” After easing off from the initial escape and obtaining a legal identity through certain means, Patchouli revealed her true colors.

“You know how to eat, we don’t have much money left, and we still need to find Lord Hong Mo or others.” Long Meiling knocked Pa Qiuli’s brain, but Pa Qiuli couldn’t see far away There are food stalls everywhere, and I don’t notice them at all.

“I’m really…defeated by you!” Long Meiling covered her forehead and made a helpless declaration of defeat.

After being imprisoned in the accelerated world for decades, Patchouli’s personality has become quieter, but her appetite has become even stronger, and she doesn’t know if it is because of being starved for decades. Two cute girls, one tall and one short, walked towards the food stall. The younger one was almost drooling. The girl was looking for food…!


“Kuroiwa Shu, are you sure this is really okay?” Yakumo Murasaki looked at the excited Kuriwa Shu, looking unreliable. Becoming a singer or something…, are you kidding? It seems that Kuroiwa Shu wants to sing.

“Humph, I thought about it carefully. It’s good that our identities have been exposed, but in fact, the people in power on this planet don’t know our appearance, right. So, even if we show our true colors to others, we don’t have any What does it matter? I think, instead of looking for other people everywhere, we should let them look for us, then what we need to do is to become famous!” Hei Yanshu raised his index finger and tapped it lightly to confirm.

“You seem to be right!” Yakumo Zi thought for a while and nodded.

“Hey, why didn’t I know you could sing.” Yakumo Murasaki looked at Kuroiwa Shu teasingly.

“Kuroiwa Shu, you are the blackened Hatsune.” Kuiyan Shu showed a confident smile. I really didn’t expect that in this world, there would be selections similar to the ‘Super Girl’ in the past. Isn’t this just right? It gives them a chance.

“I can’t sing.” Yakumo Zi frowned, she still didn’t like to show up in public.

“It doesn’t matter, just be my manager.” Hei Yanshu shook his head and raised his ponytails.

“…, well, I really lost to you!” Purple Yakumo, like Long Meiling, helplessly declared defeat. When you encounter a teammate like this, you really have no choice but to give in.


“Bashang, Bashang, what are you looking at?” In a huge building similar to the Earth Library, Xiaolu sat on Bashang’s shoulders.

“Information, this introduces the life forms of some races and so on.”

“Does this look good?”

“It’s okay, it’s interesting, but I’m more interested in one of the races.” Bashang looked at a race introduced in the information, and after checking it carefully several times, he confirmed his thoughts.

“What race?”

“The Wandering Spirit Tribe is a race purely composed of energy and consciousness.” Bashang said seriously. I don’t know if this information will be helpful to those companions in the accelerated world!

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