Puppet Curse Chapter 473: Fall gracefully

bsp;?The spaceship circled the planet several times, and the most basic data such as the planet’s gravity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric composition, atmospheric temperature… etc. were quickly tested and then reported.

“The gravity on this planet is 11.7 times that of the Earth, and the atmospheric pressure is 14.3 times that of the Earth. The temperature of the planet is between 300c-500c. The atmospheric composition is mainly nitrogen and several other gases, and there is no oxygen needed by humans. , and there are four unknown gases. The healing guardian angel and the blood demon have just tried it, and no damage to the human body has been found in a short period of time…” The internal communication system of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is reporting the news.

“There is currently no trace of life found on this planet. Dr. Lily’s judgment is that it is possible to land on it!”

“Let Spaceship No. 7 log in first. After confirming that there are no abnormalities, others will make preparations.” As soon as Hong Mo finished speaking, the order was passed on.

11.7 times gravity, 14.3 times atmospheric pressure, no oxygen…etc., for ordinary people, it is a desperate situation. But to this group of people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it really is nothing. In fact, there are very few ordinary people among the current human beings on earth, and most of them are copies of superpowers.

After receiving the order, Spaceship No. 7 began to land towards this strange planet. It went smoothly, and Planet No. 7 landed on the surface of the planet.

After landing, the guardian angel and blood demon above immediately began more detailed inspections, including soil composition, magnetic field changes, etc. Only after it is determined that the planet is truly safe will others land later. Hong Mo didn’t dare rush into an unfamiliar planet rashly, as that would be a joke on the lives of everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

After waiting for another two days, the message from Spaceship No. 7 was that there was no danger and landing was possible, but the environment was a little different and needed to be adapted.

The news did not surprise Hong Mo. There is nothing special about this planet. Until now, Hong Mo thought that he had some talent as a protagonist. At least, Hong Mo had survived various crises and persisted until now. However, no matter how talented the protagonist is, it’s impossible for random things to happen when he encounters a planet.

At least, Hong Mo doesn’t think he will find any ancient **** relics on this planet. That’s bullshit. Although Hong Mo has some ideas of the protagonist, he’s not that stupid yet.

“Let’s go, let’s also see this planet. This will be the first time we set foot on a planet different from the earth.” Hong Mo looked at the red earth below and looked at Suzuyin Fu behind him. Lan said.

After the three people opened a spiritual shield, they walked out of the isolation cabin and set foot on this strange planet for the first time.

“It’s so hot!” Fran flapped her little hands slightly and glanced at the hazy distance. The surface temperature of this planet is above 300 degrees Celsius, which is indeed far different from the current Earth. After living on the earth for decades, everyone has long been accustomed to the low temperature environment.

However, they are just not used to it. Such temperature has no effect on Hong Mo and the others.

The detection and collection of various resources are handled by the people below. All Hong Mo and the others need to do is to walk around and see this strange planet to see if they can really find anything. If the people below discover something important, the senior management of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will make a decision.

When everyone first sets foot on this planet, they have a completely different feeling.

It’s not just the difference in gravity and temperature, but also something essential. Hong Mo glanced at the others, and judging from their expressions, they seemed to feel it too. This difference has been reported by the guardian angel before, and everyone who was prepared felt it more profoundly for the first time.

The laws of each planet are different!

Hong Mo remembered what Mojisala said by chance a long time ago. At that time, I thought it was due to factors such as gravity and environment, but now it seems that it is more than that. Ke Jiasu didn’t come out. He was not interested in a simple planet. He was not a bunch of bumpkins like the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Hong Mo is not suitable to ask anyone now. It seems that he is the only one who can understand it gradually.

“The laws of each planet are different! It does not refer to obvious things such as gravity and temperature. You can experience it and see what the difference is.” Hong Mo said to everyone.

Under the surprised gazes of others, Hong Mo flew out. However, Hong Mo’s originally smooth figure suddenly stopped while flying and almost fell to the ground. When Suzune saw this, she immediately rushed out, only to fly less than ten meters before falling to the ground.

Zingyin got up with a red face, and immediately turned around and glared at the group of guys behind.

The others were still in shock. Looking at Suzune’s angry eyes, they immediately turned their heads and pretended not to see it. But don’t let the eldest lady worry about you at this time! It’s on everyone’s mind. However, there were also some shady guys who complained in their hearts and secretly gave a thumbs up. The posture in which Suzune fell just now – nice!

As expected of a young lady, she fell so gracefully!

After laughing unexpectedly, the others also tried to fly and slowly rose into the air. The mistakes made by Hong Mo and Ling Yin just now were definitely not accidents, but major external factors. Otherwise, with the strength of Hong Mo and Ling Yin, they would never make such a mistake.

In the information reported by the guardian angel before, it was said that the environment of this planet is different and needs to be adapted. However, now it seems that it is not just the different environments, but also involves some deeper laws.

Even simple flying is completely different from what it is on earth.

There are many ways for everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion to fly. In addition to flying according to their own abilities, the most common one is to use spiritual power to fly. But at this time, everyone found that flying with the original calculation method was very awkward.

“Do I need to recalculate the flight algorithm?” Lingyin came to her father’s side and asked.

“No, it’s impossible to change one’s calculation program every time it goes to a different planet. There must be some shortcut here. Let me ask Ke Jiasu.” After Hong Mo finished speaking, he immediately connected to the spaceship. Ke Jiasu.

“Planet law?” Ke Jiasu was confused for a while and then suddenly realized. “That kind of thing, you just have to get used to it. A real master, if he suddenly arrives on any strange planet or continent, he will adjust himself and quickly get used to the laws of the planet, so that he can exert his highest strength. This is basic, basic!”

“No shortcut?”

“Yes! Patomi has a universal cultivation method that is forced to adapt to the laws of the planet. Otherwise, how do you think so many cannon fodders who came to the earth last time could quickly adapt to the gravity and laws of the earth.” Ke Jiasu He was not stingy and said it directly, but this was also because it was not something particularly important in itself.

“Can you?”

“What, you want it?”

“Wait a minute, this universal cultivation method must have some drawbacks.” Hong Mo suddenly thought of a question. Judging from Ke Jiasu’s tone just now, he seemed to be very disdainful of this thing.

“There are no disadvantages, but it will kill everyone’s spirituality. Some people have said that the potential of intelligent life is infinite, but once many things are fixed, they will kill the spirituality of life. Things like this that adapt to the laws of the planet Method is the so-called thing that kills spirituality.” Ke Jiasu explained, but Hong Mo couldn’t understand it.

“You seem to have something in your words…!”

“Nothing, just reminding you of one thing.”


“The direction of your human development is very similar to that of Patomi, but do you really think that Patomi’s development and evolution method is suitable for humans? Once you embark on a fixed evolutionary direction, then , your future has been determined early.” At this time, Ke Jiasu seemed to have become a profound philosopher.

What do you mean…!

Is this a reminder to Hong Mo that he can learn from Patomi, but he cannot copy everything, stifle his own potential and spirituality, and walk out of his own future? It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand, but Hong Mo didn’t know why Ke Jiasu asked this question. Ke Jiasu’s attitude recently has been unexpectedly strange.

“If you want that method of forcing you to adapt to the laws of the planet, come to me directly.” After Ke Jiasu said this, he hung up the communication with Hong Mo.

“Do you want that thing?” Lingyin asked.

“No!” Hong Mo shook his head. Ke Jiasu is right. You must believe in your own potential and spirituality. Although studying with Patomi will lead to a path of rapid development, in the same way, the future of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be determined early. .

No matter how hard you study, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will not be faster than Patomi, who has been developing for thousands of years. If the Scarlet Devil Mansion wants to achieve its goal, it must transcend Patomi and embark on its own development and evolution path.

Now that the Scarlet Devil Mansion has time and can afford to wait, it is just the right time to summarize its own things. Although the Scarlet Devil Mansion is still very weak now, the future is unlimited!

“All guardian angels and blood demons, in addition to detecting resources, try to be familiar with the laws of this planet, and then sum up a set of methods to quickly change themselves and maximize their own strength.” Hong Mo suddenly issued a Order, the guardian angel and blood demon who were doing various tasks raised their heads at the same time and received this message.

“Yes, Lord Hong Mo!” All the guardian angels and blood demons in the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s communication network responded simultaneously.

“Let’s also try to adjust ourselves and get used to the laws of this planet. First of all, let’s start with flying.” Hong Mo said to the others, and then took the lead to continue flying towards the sky.

After hearing this, other people also started to become familiar with the laws of this planet.

Starting from the most basic, walking, running, and flying, and then moving on to more complex battles, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is working hard to become familiar with this strange planet.


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