Puppet Curse Chapter 341: Spectrum

bsp;Energy mapping is a method of physical cultivation. Of course, this is what Mojisala said. Hong Mo doesn’t know if it is true, but he probably won’t lie to him. *Baidu search:*Sui*Meng*小*说*网*But it’s a pity that Hong Mo doesn’t know that kind of alien writing, otherwise there would be no need to fumble so hard and carefully.

Hong Mo can only try one by one according to the energy map, and then look for the rules. And I have to say that things are easier to do when there are more people. With the help of Saburo Ishihara and others, everyone worked together and tried, and the progress was pretty good. In just one week, a few half of the energy flow diagrams were figured out.

The energy flow pattern in the fourth energy map will subtly modify the arrangement of cells, gradually forming a four-corner matrix. This is what Hong Mo himself tried. The other six pictures will also cause certain changes in **, but because Hong Mo only tried it hastily, he doesn’t know what the exact changes are.

Logically speaking, Hong Mo should not be allowed to try this kind of thing himself, but for some reason, Hong Mo was very anxious. In any case, Hong Mo’s high-speed regeneration ability gave him the opportunity to correct his mistakes. Moreover, he tried it himself and became more aware of the changes.

“Study this map!” Hong Mo pointed at the fourth map and said to Ishihara Saburo and others. In any case, the four-corner matrix happened to be what Saburo Ishihara discovered. Studying this map makes it more reliable. As for the other six maps, no results have been achieved so far, and when simulating several of them, Hong Mo’s body has also undergone strange changes. If Hong Mo’s body was not ordinary, maybe it would be better. You have to become weird.

The next goal is to modify this map to suit human cultivation. This will definitely require modifications to a large part. At this time, a particle measuring instrument and supercomputer simulation calculations will be needed.

Hong Mo plunged headlong into research on this aspect. By the time the research achieved certain results and came to an end, more than two months had passed unknowingly.

For more than two months, the world has finally returned to a general state of quiet. Except for fighting still taking place in scattered places, the war has basically ceased. No one can ignore the pressure from aliens. Now more people have begun to develop themselves silently.

However, there are a few exceptions to this.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, led by the furious Suzune, launched a full-scale battle against the Orthodox Church. The high-end combat power of both sides frequently appeared on the battlefield and started fighting. The battles usually take place at the borders of the two forces. So far, both sides have paid some price. Generally speaking, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has the upper hand.

The Orthodox Church was also stimulated by Suzune’s crazy behavior and planned a direct attack on the Red Devil City. As a result, the damage was quite extensive. Even the newly built Red Devil Mansion over there was completely destroyed. However, almost all of the more than ten masters dispatched by the Orthodox Church this time stayed in the Red Devil City.

Only the leader of the Orthodox Church escaped from the battlefield by relying on his own abilities.

The failure of this raid, coupled with the losses in the battle of Mildura, basically doomed the Orthodox Church to defeat. Suzune unceremoniously attacked the Orthodox Church after everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion recovered.

This is a real grand battle. There are ten top experts in total, including Suzune herself. In addition to the familiar names, there are also several other people, all of whom are new monsters. The other second-class new demon clan has a combat strength of 20,000; the guardian angel army has 30,000.

This number shocked almost all the forces. Although we have long known that there is a great power behind the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the actions of the Scarlet Devil Mansion have always been tepid, so even though they knew it, many people did not pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, this time the Orthodox Church became the first victim and witnessed the power of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Lingyin’s attack was not just against the Orthodox Church, but also wiped out some small surrounding forces. All the locations that had been planned long ago were included in the territory. The Scarlet Devil Mansion did not completely occupy the territory of the original Orthodox Church, but only occupied the place that Suzune had already determined.

In just two months, the power of the Scarlet Devil Mansion has expanded several times, and it has initially reached the area outlined when Suzune decided to give birth to Parala Cruz. The territory currently occupied by the Scarlet Devil Mansion is not large, but it is definitely not small, and within the territory, the distribution of various resources is very reasonable. As long as it develops, the foundation of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will become extremely solid.

This was originally what Suzune had calculated when he outlined his territory.

Whether a country is strong or not does not depend on the size of its territory, but on whether the distribution of resources within the territory is reasonable and whether it has the potential for development. The current Scarlet Devil Mansion has this foundation.

After the battle, the city was extremely desolate and sparsely populated. At this time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion announced a decision that shocked the world.

Announced the original energy extraction program and seven basic spiritual skills!

What’s more, the even more exciting news is that the extraction of raw energy can also be used by ordinary people. This is of course the method discovered by that genius girl Angelina. Almost everyone realizes that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will become unstoppably powerful, and it will be powerful for everyone.

Of course, the disclosure of the original energy extraction method and the seven spiritual skills this time is aimed at the whole world. Anyway, unless this kind of thing is completely kept secret, once it is made public, it will definitely be used by other forces in various ways. Get, instead of doing this, it is better to be more generous. Moreover, Suzune also announced to the world that what is fully disclosed is only the basics, and what is truly more complete can only be found in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. And this, of course, is not beyond the expectations of other forces.

Remilia Red Scarlet, the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, became truly famous in the world after this incident. All the forces knew that the most courageous person in the Scarlet Devil Mansion was not Hong Mo, but his daughter.


Also during this period of time, there was a newly emerging organization that was annexing other forces – Patomi. I am afraid that no one except the Scarlet Devil Mansion knows much about this organization, but this organization is surprisingly powerful.

This force not only has various types of superpowers emerging one after another, but they are also very powerful and it is unknown where they came from.

Of course, Hong Mo also met Mojisala for the second time, but this time this guy came to investigate. Hong Mo has been prepared for a long time. In fact, as long as the leader of Patomi is not stupid, he will doubt Hong Mo’s identity, and this suspicion will be easily confirmed as fact.

When Mojisala saw Hong Mo, she just spoke a language that Hong Mo didn’t understand at all, and then she was sure that Hong Mo was not from Kuchi. I think so. If they are from Kuchi, how could they not even understand the language of their own planet? Mojisala was so stupid that she never thought of this last time, but this time, she was tempted like this. It was obvious that she was instructed by someone.

“Okay, I admit that you are very smart, and you fooled Master Mojisala all over me, but I am not very angry either.” Mojisala’s attitude was surprisingly peaceful.

“Lord Horace Garder wants to recruit humans from Earth as his subordinates. Now that you know our identities, what is your answer?” Mojisala just stared at the red ink, waiting for his answer. Answer.

“I am willing to serve Lord Horace.” Hong Mo declared his allegiance without hesitation.

“You are very aware of current affairs, so that’s good. When we are fully integrated in the future, you will be on my Piao Astronomy Network. Frankly speaking, I am quite happy that you are not from the Kuchi planet. I don’t like the people from that planet. “As for whether you are from Earth or not, it doesn’t matter to me.” Mojisala patted Hong Mo on the shoulder.

Before leaving, Mojisala told Hong Mo a message.

“Lord Horace is very interested in you, but it is not convenient to see you now. He will probably summon you soon. At that time, restrictions may be planted on you, so you must be prepared.” When Mojisala said this, she took a deep look at Hong Mo.


Hong Mo glanced at Mojisala and could see that this guy also knew what this meant. Working for aliens was not just a matter of talk. If Hong Mo is not sincere, he will definitely resist when the time comes, but does Hong Mo have the ability to resist?

“I know, thank you for reminding me.” Hong Mo nodded to Mojisala.

“Take care of yourself!” Mojisala glanced at Hong Mo, which seemed to contain some meaning, but Hong Mo really couldn’t understand anything from his eyes.

Hey! Hong Mo looked at the dark sky and sighed silently. This world is so cruel. I thought I had broken through the prison, but in fact I just jumped into another bigger prison.

Mojisala did not say when Lord Horace summoned him, nor did he know how much time he had to prepare. However, become stronger as soon as possible, and then we will see how powerful the so-called aliens are.

Hong Mo pressed his right hand on the stone pillar next to him and applied force unconsciously. With a click, the stone pillar suddenly cracked, waking Hong Mo up. It seems that the effect of practice is not bad. Just the four-corner matrix has made the body much stronger. If it was before, it would not be possible to do this just by relying on the power of the body.

Hong Mo clenched his fists and silently made up his mind.

If you don’t work hard, how can it fit your own character? Just because of the name of an alien, you become the opponent’s subordinate. What a joke. @ya

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