Puppet Curse Chapter 30: Experiment (2)

bsp;Hong Mo woke up, but still had his eyes closed, but the surrounding scenes were vaguely presented in his mind.

This is it! ?

Hong Mo felt a flash of joy in his heart. This feeling is all too familiar. A long time ago, when Hong Mo first awakened his super power field, he had this vague feeling. Could it be that his abilities have been restored?

The newly emerged superpower field has a very small range and can only observe a range less than five meters centered on itself. And it was still very blurry, but Hong Mo was already very happy. This means that his abilities have begun to recover.

Hong Mo opened his eyes and found that countless researchers were busy. There were several special data lines on his body, and there was also a large machine outside the glass room. Hong Mo didn’t know the specific function of this machine, but it was nothing more than testing data about him.

“Look, his superpower field has re-expanded. Let me tell you, using the serum of the same type of superpower will stimulate his shrunken superpower field, and there is a high probability of it being reactivated.” That The crazy old man showed off to his companions with excitement.

“So that’s it, then the experiment will continue. There are seven kinds of electromagnetic superpower serum stored in our research institute, one by one. All of them will be injected into him.”

These old men were all action-oriented. After Hong Mo’s body stabilized a little, he injected another potion into Hong Mo. From their mouths, Hong Mo already knew that this was the serum of other electromagnetic superpowers.

The same stinging pain came, and Hong Mo felt the same dizziness.

On July 23, 2020, the eighth type of electromagnetic superpower serum was injected. This time Hong Mo did not faint, or even had any abnormal reactions. For a month, Hong Mo was continuously injected with the serums of seven electromagnetic superpowers. Some of them were useful, some were useless. Hong Mo’s super powers actually began to slowly recover after being tested like this.

Hong Mo could feel that the electric current in his body began to flow again. However, Hong Mo did not make any unnecessary moves. Not to mention that it is still far from its heyday. Even if it returns to the period of complete victory, it needs a chance to get out.

On September 1, 2020, Hong Mo was injected with a potion again. Hong Mo didn’t know what potion it was. After the injection of this medicine, Hong Mo’s body had an abnormal reaction and began to gradually collapse. If nothing unexpected happened, Hong Mo would die within 12 hours.

In the end, Hong Mo survived, thanks to a group of researchers, because they used a newly developed gene repair agent on Hong Mo.

On September 3, 2020, the research institute recorded: People with superpowers can fuse the superpower evolution serum of the same type, which has a low probability of stimulating and strengthening the original superpowers. There is a medium probability of conflict and the person with the original superpower will die.

Fusing different types of super power serums, the genes are obviously conflicting, and the target’s death probability is very high. In addition, during the process of genetic collapse, the original superpower will also be reduced or even disappear.

This is the record peeked from the computer after Hong Mo was rescued. So that’s it. Was it a different type of superpower serum that was injected on September 1, 2018? No wonder the body had such a big reaction. It seems that I am not the only one who is the experimental subject, but I don’t know if other unlucky people are so lucky to survive.

Hong Mo is not resentful, even though his newly recovered superpowers have weakened a lot because of this experiment. Because Hong Mo knows that right now, he doesn’t have the right to be angry.

The experiment is still continuing, and Hong Mo’s superpowers are gradually recovering. Perhaps it was Hong Mo’s mutilated limbs, or perhaps it was Hong Mo’s quiet state that paralyzed these researchers. Although they knew that Hong Mo’s superpowers had been restored, these people did not change any of their restraints on Hong Mo. They were still obsessed with it. Research on red ink.

On September 13, 2020, a syringe drew out a needle of blood from Hong Mo’s body. Today’s experiment finally ended again. Hong Mo’s body is now stabilizing. After incorporating the serum of electromagnetic superpowers from various systems, his cells are very different from those two years ago.

Hong Mo knows that the blood is used to prepare a new type of evolutionary serum. Although the cells of superpowers are more terrifying to ordinary people than cancer cells, most of them cannot bear it. But after a series of treatments, it can still be formulated into an evolutionary serum.

After ordinary people are injected with this evolutionary serum, more than 90% of people will die, but those who do not die will be infected by these serums in the next one to two years, and their genes will gradually change and become new people. The superpowers, this is the ‘second generation’.

The previous cell transplantation experiment has proven that red ink cells are very aggressive and no one can withstand it yet. However, Hong Mo now had the serum of seven other electromagnetic superpowers in his body, which caused great changes in his cells, so they became interested in re-experimenting.

On November 20, 2020, the new evolutionary serum was completed and used on 100 ordinary humans. Starting from the injection of the evolutionary serum, people died one after another. Three days later, the remaining number was 13, and their bodies had stabilized.

This data made people in the institute overjoyed. Although it is not difficult to obtain the original blood of superpowers or alienated creatures, they are still somewhat interested in knowing the effects of the evolutionary serum configured with red ink blood.

On December 30, 2020, 1,000 new ordinary humans were injected with the evolutionary serum. Three days later, the remaining number was 117. Hong Mo did not see the process of the experiment. What he saw was the simple data listed on the computer in the distance. This data means that nearly 1,000 people died in this way without leaving even a trace.

Hong Mo’s electromagnetic superpowers began to gradually recover. The principle was the stimulation of the serum of other electromagnetic superpower creatures. Because there are no other serums available, research in this area has stalled. And these researchers put their focus on an area that they had not paid attention to before.

The regeneration ability of red ink.

The regeneration ability of red ink is very low in their experimental data. Maybe stimulation could be done in the same way, though?

On February 13, 2021, Hong Mo injected the serum of a creature with powerful regeneration ability for the first time. Unlike the electromagnetic superpower serum, those with regenerative abilities are mostly non-human creatures. Even for other physical superpowers, their abilities are only rapid healing, not regeneration.

The effect of the first potion was very insignificant, so the second potion was injected immediately afterwards.

After one month of continuous injection of 13 kinds of serum of regenerative organisms, the regenerative ability of red ink did not change significantly. The researchers believe that this is because the regenerative ability of red ink is too weak and cannot pass through it like the electromagnetic system. Boosted by stimulation. If there is no accident, this experiment will also come to a standstill.

No surprises!

Obviously, an accident happened. On May 16, 2021, an earthquake suddenly occurred in the city center of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. A building collapsed, and the National Superpower Special Security Department discovered a strange creature underground. This creature is a huge meat ball about ten meters in diameter. It does not show any offensive capabilities. The mucus on its surface can corrode and absorb most objects. Another ability displayed by this creature is its powerful regeneration ability.

After a tentative attack, a superpower cut off a piece of flesh as big as a palm. At that time, this group of people did not pay attention to it. After discovering that the target had no attack power, they transported this creature back to the base.

On May 20, 2021, after reports from the masses, an identical creature was found in the same place. After the capture was completed, it was discovered through a series of experiments that the same creature was regenerated from the palm-sized piece of meat that fell to the ground. After such a long series of experiments, China has successively produced more than ten meat balls. Fortunately, these meat **** will stop as long as they grow to a diameter of about ten meters, otherwise it will be really a big (trouble).

This is a creature with the most powerful regenerative ability discovered so far. Fortunately, this creature has no other abilities besides regenerative ability, and it seems to have no IQ.

On June 8, 2021, Hong Mo’s research institute also obtained such a creature through connections.

On June 13, 2021, the research team used the body fluids of this creature to make a special serum. On the same day, the serum was tested on ordinary humans and other superpowers. Ordinary humans die, and most people with superpowers die. Of course, the superpowers used here are all clones. In any case, superpowers are still a rare resource at present and cannot be wasted casually.

On June 15, 2021, Hong Mo was injected with a serum again. This serum is a special serum extracted from this fleshy ball creature. After injecting this serum, there was no obvious change in the red ink. However, through microscopic observation, the researchers found that the cells in the red ink were fusing with the serum.

On October 11, 2021, Hong Mo’s arms and legs began to regenerate. Within a day, the regeneration length was 10 centimeters, and then came to a standstill. Researchers discovered that it turned out that there was insufficient material and the regeneration ability stopped automatically.

After discovering this, Hong Mo finally ate food for the first time in three years. In the past three years, Hong Mo’s body needs were directly delivered with nutrient solution.

On October 12, 2021, Hong Mo, who had eaten, completed his physical regeneration within two hours, and regenerated his hands and feet. However, this growth does not stop, but becomes sideways. After Hong Mo discovered this situation, he refused to eat, and was fitted with an esophagus to transport liquid food directly into his stomach.

On October 15, 2021, the growth stopped, and Hong Mo has now become a meat ball about three meters in diameter. No matter where you look from, you will never mistake Hong Mo for a human being. Even the face has been wrapped in a meat ball. Fortunately, the esophagus and respiratory system have been installed before.

These researchers were a little disappointed with the changes in red ink, and then reported the experimental results. Research on the new biological ‘meat ball’ has also been gradually stopped.

After becoming a meat ball, no one cared about Hong Mo anymore. After all, the previous experiments on him had almost come to a standstill. Except for the daily replenishment of some nutrient solution preset by the system, the room where Hong Mo was detained fell into a deserted state.

After becoming a meat ball, Hong Mo could no longer see the outside, and the fat that had grown had blocked his eyes. In the darkness, there was no sound from the red ink.

At this time, Hong Mo felt an indescribable sadness filling his heart.


Okay, there are banned words again, but the page refresh fails every time… They don’t even tell me which banned words are… I posted it dozens of times in a row, and finally a reminder interface appeared, otherwise I would have to Keep trying

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