Puppet Curse Chapter 273: Pioneer

bsp;This space is very strange. Whether it is the Chongling Land named by Youyouzi or the so-called Baji Pillar in Bajiji, it has nothing to do with Hong Mo. His purpose was simply to find the material essence that could be used to conceive a second baby. If it weren’t for the sudden incident here, maybe Hong Mo would be working as a miner in some volcanic crater at this time.

No way, the only places Hong Mo can think of that may contain the essence of these substances are volcanoes and polar regions. After confirming the three-dimensional map in his mind, the red ink flew in the direction of the stone again. [bsp;――――――――――――

‘An incomplete space is more like a passage than a space, and only a small part is opened. ’ Meng Lixi closed her eyes, lying flat on her body freely, doing nothing, and just slowly sank in a certain direction with the flow of space.

‘The space barrier in this place is very solid, and even my ability cannot tear open the space here. Even this is not the common three-dimensional space on the earth. As for how many dimensions it is, it is impossible to determine. If you act in a straight line, it may seem straight to you, but in fact it is not. The spatial flow here is actually guiding the material flow here in one direction. Therefore, as long as you are quiet and do nothing, it is the fastest way to reach your destination. ’ Meng Lixi thought about her findings in her heart while flowing with the flow of space.

Everyone is curious, even Meng Lixi is no exception, especially when she encounters something related to her own abilities. After experiencing the initial panic, she had calmed down and initially explored the secrets of this space.


At this time, Youyouzi was looking at his body in surprise.

This is a swap!

Youyouzi stretched out her little hand. After a while, she realized something was wrong with her body. Everyone has a body and a soul. In the outside world, everything that everyone shows outside is the body, but the soul is invisible to the naked eye. But at this time, her situation was just the opposite. What was exposed was Yuyuko’s soul, while her body disappeared.

No, it’s not that it disappears, it’s that it can’t be seen or touched, but it does exist. What’s going on? Youyouzi looked at the empty space around him and stood there for a long time.


Hong Mo got rid of the flame and flew back to the stone again. When he returned there, Hong Mo stopped in the space, and compared with the three-dimensional map in his mind, he frowned deeply.

Hong Mo confirmed his flight route again. If calculated according to three-dimensional coordinates, this is where the stone was. However, Hong Mo didn’t see anything here now.

Has it been taken away? It’s unlikely, and if that’s not the case, then this is not where the stone is at all. However, if you calculate it according to the three-dimensional map in your mind, it is impossible to make a mistake. Then, the only result is…!

This is not a three-dimensional space, so the commonly used xyz coordinates are invalid here.


Hong Mo smiled bitterly in his heart. At this time, it is better not to think about finding any good things, but to think about how to find the space vortex to escape from. After looking around, it seemed to be no different from a normal space, except that it seemed a little depressing. However, is this really the true nature of this space?

Hong Mo looked around him carefully, turned around, and looked again, but there was no change at all. Hong Mo raised his head, closed his eyes, and began to feel the changes around him in the super power field in detail. The naked eye doesn’t work, so the only thing you can rely on is the superpower field.

Feel, feel this space more carefully and clearly. Hong Mo stood still in place, and the superpower field continued to become more detailed.

At this time, there was no need to be anxious. Although Hong Mo knew that the situation was not good, he still put down the anxiety in his heart, continued to refine the super power field, and then began to simulate Meng Lixi’s super power. field.

The superpower field is a ‘field’ that every superpower possesses. Because each superpower has different abilities, the superpower field is also different. In the beginning, superpowers were all singular, but now there are many plural types of superpowers, which shows that superpower fields are compatible. But now, Hong Mo is artificially simulating Meng Lixi’s super power field.

As an exciting space system superpower, Meng Lixi will definitely be studied by Hong Mo and others. Due to current technical problems, there is not much information to master, but some basic things can still be known. A little bit.

It doesn’t take much, just simulate 1% of Meng Lixi’s super power field, and you can vaguely sense the difference in space. Otherwise, if you run around blindly in this space, you will definitely be trapped and die in it.

“I am moving, flowing with the flow of this space?” Hong Mo said to himself, but he was not sure yet. After all, he is not a real space superpower.

“Ha…!” Hong Mo raised his head and sighed. He could only simulate it to this point. More, even Hong Mo could not do anything. Now, what to do? Follow the flow of this space, or look for the space vortex out there?

Hong Mo hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to find a space vortex. If time passes, then follow the flow of this space.

At this time, those with super powers from the outside world are also pouring into this space, hoping to explore something. It’s not that these people are as reckless as Hong Mo and others, but when facing the unknown, everyone is curious, even if they know it is very dangerous.

Like Magellan, the first to circumnavigate the world, this is exploration.

More than three hours have passed. Hong Mo was flying very fast, but he still could not find the space vortex that he left, nor did he find the whereabouts of Meng Lixi and Youyouzi. At this time, Hong Mo couldn’t help but become a little anxious.

At this time, Yuxiangzi and the others who were waiting outside also began to become anxious.

More than three hours have passed, and those who are still outside can see that the huge space vortex in the sky has shrunk by about two-thirds, and may disappear in a short time. And after such a long time, no one came out of it.

At this time, those superpowers outside couldn’t help but look at Yuxiangzi. Maybe, she can know something. Several superpowers slowly approached Yuxiangzi and others.

“Princess Yuxiangzi, what exactly happened here? Is that thing in the sky the legendary space wormhole?” A man couldn’t help but asked when he saw that his approach did not arouse Yuxiangzi’s hostility.

Youxiangzi glanced at this guy and did not answer his question.

Getting a roll of his eyes, this guy knew in his heart that he was not welcome. However, his concern for the safety of his companions suppressed his impatience and he asked again.

“I don’t know!” Yuxiangzi said simply because she really didn’t want a bug to make noise next to her.

“How could you not know? Isn’t this the capital of Parala Cruz? All the big movements before were all your actions, immigration and so on. How could you not know?” The man could no longer calm down. , because his brother was one of the people who entered there.

Just as he rushed over, Bashang suddenly waved his right hand.

“Get out!”

A very simple word, and then the man received a huge impact and suddenly flew out. If Bashang didn’t want to kill people and used gentle force, this man would probably die immediately.

“You!” Stopped in the distance, and the man glared at Yuxiangzi.

“Don’t be impulsive, Princess Yuxiangzi will not lie.” One of his companions stopped him. Then the guy calmed down instantly. Yes, Yukako’s ability is absolute speech. One limitation is that she cannot lie. Once she lies, her ability will lose its effect.

“Sorry, I was impulsive.” This guy was able to pick it up and put it down. After a serious apology, he stepped back.

“Oh my, it seems it was wise not to go in.” Zhang Zhihong joked a few words, but could not hide the worry in his eyes. Of course he heard Yu Xiangzi’s answer. It seemed that Hong Mo and the others didn’t know much about the Baji Pillar.

After four o’clock in the morning, just before five o’clock, the huge space vortex in the sky disappeared, and then the bright white light pillar slowly faded and then disappeared into the sky.

At this time, Varanasi has completely returned to normal, except for the more than a hundred superpowers who disappeared. All the people staying outside looked at each other and were at a loss.

“Let’s go back!” Yuxiangzi said to Bashang and the others, then took the lead and flew back to her villa. At this time, the most important thing is to stay calm. You must stay calm.

“Princess Yuxiangzi, what are you doing here in Parala Cruz?” It seemed that the incident was over, and a man finally couldn’t help but stopped in front of Yuxiangzi.

At this time, Yu Xiangzi was in a very bad mood. Neither Hong Mo nor her sister had any news, and they didn’t know what the outcome would be. How could she feel relieved? And this guy’s behavior of stopping her made Yu Xiangzi feel extremely annoying.

“Go aside!” Yuxiangzi said in a bad tone, and then the guy suddenly stepped aside in despair. However, within a moment, this guy chased after him again. But this time, Yuxiangzi didn’t even wait for him to speak, and just said it directly.

“Kill yourself, annoying guy.”

After finishing speaking, the man opposite looked stunned, then his right hand suddenly grabbed his head, and then twisted it hard. With a click, the man’s head was twisted off by himself.

Blood spurted out suddenly, like a fountain. Those who originally wanted to force Yu Xiangzi all shrank their eggs and quietly swallowed their saliva. This way of death is too frustrating.

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