Puppet Curse Chapter 117: Plan

bsp;Not long after resting in the tea restaurant, the woman who had been standing next to Li Lanfeng found Hong Mo. Although her face was calm, Hong Mo saw a trace of disgust in her eyes.

“This is your new identity, Black Red Scarlet, professor emeritus at Caltech. You don’t have to do anything. Your daughter is still Remilia Red Scarlet. And This card contains 50 million U.S. dollars, and the password is xxx. You can withdraw it at any time at any American bank. If there’s nothing wrong, I’ll leave first.” After Ye Weiwei finished speaking, she didn’t give Hong Mo a chance to speak. Turned and walked away.

Black? Red? Scarlet? This name really hasn’t changed at all. Blake just means black, which means black and ink. Moreover, Suzune’s official name has not changed… Moreover, it had only been less than an hour since I left, and my identity and money were already ready. It seems that Li Lanfeng’s influence in the United States is really not small.

Hong Mo put away the bank card, thoughtfully.

“Dad, you are hated!” Lingyin suddenly said. Hong Mo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

“It’s not just that I’m hated, but maybe I want to kill you. Your dad and I are not a heartthrob. I will always be hated by many people.”

“This is the best!”

“Ah?!” Hong Mo was completely stunned, “Lingyin, what did you just say?”

“This way daddy belongs to me alone, and no one can take it away.” Lingyin looked at Hongmo seriously and said. Hong Mo laughed dumbly, this kind of mentality… Hong Mo stood up and ruffled Suzune’s hair.

“Let’s go to Caltech. Your dad is now a parallel professor again.”

Hong Mo sighed in his heart, and then felt a little emotional. Now that we are free from the surveillance of the Celestial Empire, it is the best time to develop. Unfortunately, the time is not right. The most important thing now is to study. Suzune’s genetic disease cannot be cured in one day, and she cannot relax in one day.

With Li Lanfeng’s identity introduction, Hong Mo easily sneaked into Caltech. He is an honorary professor and does not have to be responsible for anything, so Hong Mo has enough time to study.

Only a few people in the entire college knew that there was a ‘professor’ like Hong Mo. More ordinary students discovered that a particularly studious Oriental father and daughter suddenly appeared in the college. These two Orientals were extremely eager to learn, and they were very fast.

Originally, there were a few people who thought Hong Mo was just a pretentious ‘parallel import’, but after asking a few questions, Hong Mo was left speechless by answering questions. You know, with the help of mental power, Hong Mo’s learning speed is not comparable to that of ordinary students. Moreover, the purpose of Hong Mo’s study is to compete with time for Suzune’s life, which is a 100% or 200% investment.

As for Ling Yin, she was no worse than Hong Mo. When the group of trouble-seeking guys failed with Red Ink, they prepared to use Ling Yin as a breakthrough. This kind of behavior of testing younger children is already embarrassing enough, but who knew that Suzune was also a monster. In the end, these guys were simply thrown into the toilet in disgrace, and the reputation of Suzune’s genius girl couldn’t help but disappear.

Not long after Hong Mo entered California College, he learned in detail about Li Lanfeng’s identity and experience. Eleven years ago, Li Lanfeng suddenly appeared in the United States and obtained Chinese-American status. Then, this guy started in business and gradually entered the officialdom. Last year, he was successfully elected as the governor of California as a Chinese American, and he was in the limelight for a while.

As for Li Lanfeng, the name he uses to the outside world is not Li Lanfeng, but Callander Li. In the eyes of political leaders from various countries, Callander Lee is undoubtedly a very successful businessman. Almost everyone described him as a ‘charming businessman’. There is no information about him on the Internet at all from eleven years ago.

No wonder, if he had directly said it was Callander Li, Hong Mo would have reacted instantly. But he mentioned Li Lanfeng, a Chinese name that Hong Mo had never heard of several times. No information about Li Lanfeng in the Celestial Dynasty could be found. It was obvious that Li Lanfeng was deliberately avoiding something, and the relevant information had been completely eliminated.

There is something fishy inside, that’s almost certain, but Hong Mo doesn’t have the time to pursue these things right now. After all, even Li Changfeng and Hong Mo were just ordinary friends at the beginning. If Hong Mo had the energy, he might check out what was wrong with it, but now, Hong Mo doesn’t have time.

2028 is here, and the bustling 2027 has become a thing of the past. A lot has happened in the past six months. It’s just a bit confusing.

In mid-June, the blue-eyed golden eagle invades. In July, he joined the Burning Eyes Team. In August, the first mission was carried out. In September, I made an appointment with Qin Shasha. In November, Qin Shasha died, and then Chu Lingxin was arrested. The Zhuotong team fought with the country, and Hong Mo lived on a deserted island. In December, when he entered California, USA, Li Lanfeng designed a handful of Hong Mo, but unfortunately Hong Mo did not join his organization as he wished.

It’s a new year!

Hong Mo looked out the window, white snowflakes slowly falling in the deep night sky. Hong Mo raised his glass to Xue Hua, and then drank the red wine in one gulp. In the past few years, there have been many frustrations of one kind or another. However, although it has been difficult, I have finally managed to survive until now. Hong Mo has already thought about his future plans in his heart.

One: Study, fully learn all kinds of knowledge, master gene stabilizing drugs, and solve the worries of ringtone genetic disease.

Two: Rebuild the T13 particle measuring instrument to simulate and calculate various powerful super power calculation programs to strengthen your own strength.

Three: Establish a business system and find money. No matter what the organization is, nothing can be done without money. Even a person with super powers cannot grab something blatantly.

Four: To establish a force, you don’t need many people, but you must have enough power. In addition to special talents like Chu Lingxin, they must at least be people with super powers.

These plans, except for the first and second ones, were suddenly added because Suzune suddenly contracted a genetic disease. The third and fourth ones have been swirling in Hong Mo’s heart for a long time. However, the domestic situation at that time did not allow Hong Mo to make any small moves, so it could only be stillborn.

Furthermore, Hong Mo is self-aware. He is just a superpower. In terms of strength, he still has some, but in terms of professional knowledge, he cannot compare with many ordinary people. Moreover, the current business system is close to saturation. Unless, like Li Lanfeng, one has special abilities, it is possible to join it.

Otherwise, if you build a business system, you will only be able to eat the leftovers of large groups.

In any case, the most important thing now is to solve Lingyin’s genetic disease so that she has no worries. Nearly two months have passed since the battle in Tianchao Pingdingshan City. Hong Mo believes that Hemerocallis and the others should also appear.

At the beginning of the new year, Hong Mo has devoted himself to studying desperately. The kind of desperate struggle against time is truly something that ordinary people cannot understand. Hong Mo thought about the time when he studied to get into a good university, and felt that he was really weak at that time.

Because he is an honorary professor, Hong Mo still has quite a lot of privileges. Hong Mo not only studies, but also regularly conducts experiments. In the beginning, Hong Mo was a novice in various experiments. However, after a period of familiarity, Hong Mo felt that he was becoming more and more like a mad scientist. But he doesn’t know that this is how he looks in the eyes of others.

Think about it, studying at least twenty hours a day and experimenting frequently. The content of the experiment was also mysterious and mysterious, and explosions and other things happened from time to time. Ordinary people could regard him as a normal person.

After studying every day, Hong would browse the **** website. Of course, it was not to see pornographic things, but just to look for any messages left by the Burning Eyes Team. Hong Mo also posted his current situation in a unique way. I believe that as long as Hemerocallis and the others appear, they can be discovered.

Today, when Hong Mo was browsing the web as usual, he finally discovered the information left by Ma Teng.

Hemerocallis and the others were still hiding underground. Ma Teng’s figure changed drastically after the body fusion, so after Hemerocallis and the others recovered a certain ability to protect themselves, they came up to the surface and communicated with Hong Mo to prevent him from worrying too much.

Hemerocallis’s Horcrux had collapsed in the last battle, and her heart and left arm were temporarily fused with their bodies. So far, its strength is only about one-fifth of its original strength, which is much weaker.

Su Yin has woken up. It seems that after killing too many ordinary people, he fell into deep self-blame. However, when he encountered an alienated creature underground, he fell into a state of “rage” during the battle. The battle process was very violent and bloody. It is estimated that a second personality has been generated.

Ji Lu was stabbed by a long red needle and was extremely weak. However, at this time, because Hemerocallis fulva had lost its original Horcrux, he accidentally reconnected with the blood-red long needle and became Hemerocallis fulva’s new Horcrux. He already knew the specific effects of this blood-red long needle and how to remove it. .

The long red needle is called the ‘True Red Needle’. It is unclear how it is condensed, but the effect is generally known. This kind of true red needle will secrete a toxin that destroys the human body. There are thirteen needles in total. If you take thirteen needles, you will die. But Ma Teng obviously didn’t believe it.

The way to remove toxins from Ji Lu’s body is to control the true red needle to absorb the toxins again. However, because Hemerocallis is not yet able to master the new Horcrux well, it can only suppress it temporarily.

Finally, Ma Teng told Hong Mo that Hemerocallis found a trace of Sun Tingchuan’s consciousness in the true red needle. Although it was destroyed directly, I hope Hong Mo will pay attention. Maybe the Nine Star Bead he obtained also has Qin Shasha’s consciousness.

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