Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 34: A single move affects the whole body, the fastest update to the latest chapter of protecting our clan leader!

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Two days passed calmly.

Wang Shouzhe spent the past two days cultivating himself in the Changning Villa, drinking spiritual tea and practicing exercises. It was rare that he lived a relatively comfortable life.

But in the past two days, the situation in the outside world has changed suddenly. As the wheat grain filling intensified, the first wave of insect plague broke out with lightning speed, spreading throughout the Changningwei area, and every family was panicked.

As production cuts are inevitable, except for the staple foods that are strictly controlled by the Daqian government, the prices of other agricultural and sideline products have begun to rise. Even the business of Wang’s fish stall’s salted fish and smoked fish has suddenly improved a lot, and prices have also increased significantly. promote. In the absence of staple food, salted fish and smoked fish that can be preserved for a long time can also maintain the continuation of life.

All commercial and rice shops have stopped selling grain to external parties. The rice store in Dagan Guanying began to sell limited quantities. There was a long queue in front of the official store, and the city guards had stepped in to maintain order.

Wang Shouzhe was drinking tea and listening to the news gathered from all walks of life, and his heart was in turmoil. If it weren’t for the fact that there was a baby bump like Wang Luojing in the family, I would have already started to suffer, right?

How can I look at the ups and downs of the storm as leisurely as I do now?

“Fourth brother, Qian’s Trading Company sent someone to deliver the letter.” Wang Shouyi went to the backyard to deliver the letter in person, and at the same time he frowned, “In addition, the inventory of salted fish and smoked fish sent by Uncle Six, these two Half of them have been sold out today. I see that several fish stalls from other families have begun to restrict acquisitions or significantly increase prices. Will our fish stalls also have to increase prices?”

Salt of salted fish also needs to be restricted?

Wang Shouzhe frowned after taking the letter. It seems that the news of large-scale reduction in grain production has caused panic. This scene is not unfamiliar to him. He has witnessed too many times on earth when ordinary people go into panic buying when faced with disasters or rumors.

And salted fish and smoked fish sell out too fast, right? The inventory that has been shipped over these few times must be about eight or nine hundred tons. Before the price increase, the price of salted and smoked fish was 20 to 30 cents per pound depending on the quality of the fish, and the price per load was usually between 20 to 30 coppers.

Now the price has risen to 30 to 40 tons of copper, and it is selling faster.

“Where are the live fish and fresh fish?” Wang Shouzhe asked.

“Live fish has not increased, but fresh fish has generally increased by 20%.” Wang Shouyi reported, “Many people buy fresh fish and pickle or smoke it themselves, or reduce the loss of staple food and eat more fish, so salt and The price of firewood has also increased.”

Sure enough, one move affects the whole body.

The outbreak of drug-resistant aphids has instantly affected all aspects. When the price of basic supplies such as salt, firewood, and carbon increases, everything will rise accordingly.

“Second brother, you can just increase the price according to the market.” Wang Shouzhe said, “As for the sales limit, salted fish and smoked fish are sold according to the external limit of 20 dan every day, but in fact, the internal price is 50 dan.”

“Fifty Dan? That’s a full five thousand kilograms…” Wang Shouyi said in surprise, “Can Uncle Six keep up? Even if Uncle Six could, there would be no time for smoking and pickling in the Dingpu warehouse. ”

Now is the peak fish season. If the fishing brigade at Wang Dinghai operates as in previous years, if ten boats work hard, a few thousand kilograms will be stable. On average, one fishing boat can catch hundreds of kilograms of ordinary fish. That’s all.

Most of them will be pickled or smoked in the Dingpu warehouse. Under normal circumstances, the limit of the fish drying and smoking workshop there is only 800 tons per month.

But Wang Dinghai has fully replicated the fixed moving kite, and even ordinary people can operate that kind of thing. The output will continue to increase every day. During the peak fish season, it is not uncommon for the entire fishing team to add up to tens of thousands of kilograms.

“To increase the manpower and space for fish processing, we can use the vacant land and rooms of Xingsheng Farm in Fenggu Farm. In addition, all the domestic servants and idle members of the family will be sent to me to ensure the output of smoked fish and salted fish this month. More than two thousand loads.” Wang Shouzhe ordered, “Second brother, you can take full charge of this work.”

“As long as Uncle Six can keep up, I’m not afraid.” In an instant, Wang Shouyi also ignited fighting spirit, and he was making two thousand tons of smoked and salted fish a month. It takes at least three to four thousand tons of fresh fish to make it. After the fish is slaughtered, smoked and dried, the weight will be greatly reduced.

If Uncle Liu can really increase production, it will be a great opportunity to make money. How can Wang Shouyi hold him back?

In previous years, the catch during the fish season was the cheapest, so a large amount of ordinary catch would be made into smoked and salted fish, and then kept and sold slowly. In previous years, the total output and sales of smoked and salted fish were only about two thousand and a few hundred tons. The total sales volume of fresh fish and live fish is only about 2,000 tons per year.

The overall turnover is difficult to exceed one thousand gold, of which about half has to be allocated to the accounts of the fishing brigade.

But things are different now.

If we can really produce more than 2,000 dans this month and sell 1,500 dans of smoked and pickled fish, then based on the increased price of 40 coppers per dan, we will have a turnover of 600 dry gold.

This does not include selling fresh and live fish… This month is very likely to reach the normal annual turnover.

That’s why Wang Shouyi felt that his blood was burning! If you don’t fight now, when will you fight?

“Okay, then everything is done. Second brother is running around.” Wang Shouzhe wrote an order from the clan leader, signed it, stamped it with the clan leader’s seal, handed it to him and said, “With this, you can mobilize the generals and servants. , Withdraw dry gold from the family accountant.”

“The dry gold is not needed for the time being.” Wang Shouyi took the order letter and said excitedly, “This time the salted fish in stock sold out too fast. I still have a small two hundred dry gold in my account, which is enough for operation.”

“Second brother, you are busy, but don’t make any mistakes and omit any omissions in the accounts.” Wang Shouzhe warned casually.

Wang Shouyi’s body trembled, his eyes became serious and he hurriedly said: “Fourth brother, don’t worry, as a member of the family, I will never violate the family rules. Every month I will hand over the accounts with the accounting office hosted by the fifth aunt. , I dare not make any omissions.”

“Thank you for your hard work, second brother.” Wang Shouzhe saluted him solemnly, “This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime. Whether our Wang family can escape the fate of decline depends on the whole family trying their best.”

Wang Shouzhe is still very satisfied. Although his second brother has mediocre cultivation talent, he is very dedicated to the family business. Compared with the old and rough Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai, he is much more careful and steady.

“Fourth brother is serious, these are all my duties.” Wang Shouyi hurriedly returned the gift and said, “In this case, Brother Yu will retire first and deal with various matters.”

After he left, Wang Shouzhe composed himself, then opened Qian Xue’an’s letter and asked him to meet at the [Jucai Manor] outside Changning Guard City. The secret note left on the letterhead showed that Qian Xue’an had completed the agreement.

However, although he believed in Qian Xue’an, he did not dare to take risks this time, and he focused on safety in everything.

Immediately, he dressed up a little and left the city directly. Instead of going to Jucaizhuang first, he rode a black horse in the direction of Shanyang. After walking for a while, I saw Wang Zhong outside a small manor a few miles outside the city.

“Wang Zhong, how did things go?” Wang Shouzhe asked.

“To report to the family master, fortunately, the young patriarch Gongsun has come as promised and is waiting in the manor.” Wang Zhong said slightly excitedly. He had been waiting outside the manor for seven or eight hours.

The Wang family’s power is mostly on the south bank of Anjiang. If they want to find multiple transport carriages on the north bank, they can only rely on the Gongsun family of Shanyang. Now that his relationship with Gongsun was in the honeymoon period, his little request would not be refuted.

Entering this small leisure estate belonging to Shanyang Gongsun’s family outside Changning City, he met Gongsun Qiang and said, “Shouzhe has met my uncle. I’m tired of waiting for a long time.”

“I haven’t waited long, Shouzhe, you mysteriously asked for twenty carriages this time, or a heavy-duty carriage to transport ore. What is your intention?” Gongsun Qiang is an impatient person with low emotional intelligence. When they met, Just curious.

“It’s nothing special.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “It’s just transporting 50,000 to 60,000 tons of old grain.” Since he was involved, he naturally couldn’t hide the quantity.


At this moment, Gongsun Qiang’s eyes almost popped out of his head. “Cheap nephew,” don’t you know that it’s hard to find food now? You still have 50,000 or 60,000 dans in one breath…


He had the urge to swear. Compared to his eldest nephew, the patriarch, he felt that he, the thirty-eight-year-old “young patriarch”, had lost all his age.


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