Pride of Immortals Chapter 792: A pair of 78 Fiendgod

Suddenly, Yu Lei opened his eyes. Drive the **** thunder, the heavenly mysterious water will extinguish the thunder, the heaven and earth will flow in one breath, the second wood mine, the nine days will dazzle the Vulcan Thunder, the innate supreme thick earth mine, the Khan disintegration form the Gengjin thunder, the five **** thunders will be released continuously.

This is the first time Yu Zecheng learned this Qishen Thunder. It was released for the first time with full power. Once released, it destroys the mountains and destroys the Yue, and it is boundless.

The Xuanshui of the Heavenly Capital is full of thunder. The Thunder is the gas of the Heavenly Capital of the Xuanshui. The Heavenly Capital contains the power of bursting, which is a roar. In this bursting roaring, even Yu Yu has an illusion in Chengdu Baili began to turn upside down, shaking and shaking.

At the same time, the air in the hundreds of miles is the air of the mysterious water. The whole world is like being in the sea, which is very dull. Will be turned into ash coke.

When the thunder rang, the opposite Zhenzhen shouted:

“Not good, be careful.”

After roaring, a huge snare was released, covering the people behind him, turning into a Taoist light, protecting the people behind him.

Other people, some of them cast enchantment protection, some issued magic weapons, some encircled Wei Jiuzhao directly, and directly attacked Yu Zecheng.

Suddenly, when the **** thunder appeared, all kinds of brilliance rose, and countless rays of light shone. But all of this was annihilated in the explosion of the five elements and one breath, and everything instantly became dull and dull.

The hundreds of people surrounding Yu Zecheng were all caught in this thunderstorm. Some Foundation Establishment monks who followed Master to see the bustling, directly in the impact of this mysterious thunder cloud, shattered their bodies and died.

Jindan True Master, some people covered their chests, and the magic sword Feijian was in chaos. Under the violent and powerful God of Thunder, one accidentally dropped from the sky.

Aquatic wood, wood fire…

The five elements and one gas **** thunder burst one after another, and the heavens and the earth flow in one breath and the second wood mine, nine days one breath dazzle the fire **** thunder, and the innate supremacy thick earth mine…

Condensation, eruption, roar, five elements of God Thunder, with the momentum of smashing everything up to the sky. Hundreds of millions of jumping divine lights fluttered in the air, and the sky was full of thunder and flame. The ground began to tremble violently, the ground swelled like boiling water boiling pot, countless earth pits appeared in the land of hundreds of miles, and less than effort, the countless earthy yellow rays of the earth shattered under the ground. A thick black of dozens of feet thick rose into the sky, and rushed straight into the sky. In this mine column, countless monks affected, silently melting the thunder fire.

The sky is full of vitality, and the thunder goes down, and the whole world is completely cleared. Above the sky, in addition to the seven great infants, there are the disciples they protect, the 100 Jindan True Master, two More than ten people were destroyed in this thunderstorm.

At the moment when the thunder fire disappeared, Yu then became a sword. Even if you have already shot, then you have to kill them all, don’t kill them, and they will cry. Knowing the pain of this skin, the thirty-year-old soul-finishing will not end, and killing these monks will save tens of thousands of hundreds of people.

This kind of monk who makes others like people and makes people like ants has no meaning. There is no difference between different ways, and he has ten years of Yangshou. No matter what the future is, in his lifetime, he wants to do something beneficial to the world. Things, what is happening now, is to completely destroy the soul-refining rituals that they have inherited for countless years. Whoever is refining souls will kill them all.

Shen Lei together, Yu Ze realized that the other party’s weakness was a so-called twelve faction alliance is not a monolithic one. Among these seven true monarchs, according to the robe on their body, and the True Yuan dynamic operation mode, It can be seen that it is divided into four groups.

Among them, Youzhen Zhenjun and others are a faction. There are three Yuanying Zhenjuns. The magic weapon he releases protects the disciples in his door, which is a step apart. The disciples of other schools, he can hardly watch at Death in the God of Thunder will not help.

That Mozong Yuanying Zhenjun and another Yuanying Zhenjun belong to the same group, they are really Mozong Zhenjun. Even if their disciples died in front of their eyes, they did not take a look at them. In their eyes, the disciples of Mozong could not carry this thunder tribulation, so there was no sense of existence.

The other two true monarchs are from their respective schools. They rescued their disciples and protected others in thunder tribulation. They faced the disciple who only protected himself from the truth. No matter what other disciples did, his heart was dissatisfied and his eyes were exposed. Endless resentment.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng grasped the contradiction. Today, you will start with the two of you. If you want to fight, fight these two Yuanying Zhenjun, and kill them both, You Zhenzhen and Nazongzhen. Jun will never lay down his life to save each other, and may even be happy that the two of them were killed, first cut the wings, and then break the main force.

Yu Zecheng rises into a fierce sword, turning into a ray of light, and slashing towards one of the Yuanjun Zhenjun.

A sword is cut off. This sword is flat and often not bright. But this sword contains endless killing opportunities.

In the moment of Jianguang’s body and body, Yuanying Zhenjun released Feijian to resist, and with a sound of Cui Ming, his Feijian was even smashed by Yu Zecheng.

At this time, he discovered the horror of this sword, a roar, his fierce legs changed into a pair of singular feet, and turned into a composition of lightning, no human-shaped legs, this leg moved, drifted instantly . Actually avoided the sword of Yu Zecheng.

Those pairs of thunder and lightning legs, among which countless blue and white thunder lights circling around, the zizi electric light shining, under the operation of this leg, this Yuanying Zhenjun is really like electric light.

Wei Tuotian’s hairy legs, more than a moment later, he remembered the name of this technique.

Want to run? It was not so easy, Yu Zecheng turned into a golden light, golden light thunder escaped, chasing behind, instantly two people, one with legs like electricity, one with a golden light, soaring in the air in tandem.

These two are in tandem, striking like lightning.

Yu Zecheng’s right hand made a finger, and the other person’s Yuan Ying Zhenjun couldn’t help but a cold, a kind of feeling that life and death was in front of him, this Yuan Ying Zhenjun had been through a hundred battles, and his heart was in awe. Then there must be a killing move, and at this instant, the head is changed into a strange fiendish head.

This head is extremely fierce, with blood glowing on the head, as if a group of blood circles surrounds its head. This is the blood sea Asura dharma body, as long as the blood light is not extinguished, the real body will not die.

Yu Zecheng pointed a sword, Qingming sword, almost to the extreme, the head had just changed, and there was a clear sound, and suddenly a burst of blood burst out of his eyes, and the entire head was deformed by this sword.

However, under the influence of the blood sea Asura body, the head immediately returned to its original shape, but the blood circle around him lost one-third of the blood gas. When this flesh disappeared, it was when he died.

Yu Zecheng continued to prepare to issue the second sword, that Yuanying Zhenjun could only retreat, because he knew that as long as his momentum was completely lost, the opportunity was occupied, as long as his Wei Tuotian Fei’s legs stopped a little and was chased by the other party On, that is sure to die.

He shouted while casting a spell:

“Save me, save me, save me. Just block your breath.”

But besides a single Yuanying Zhenjun flying over there, the other five people were immobile, and they all made the appearance of rescue. In fact, they all sat on the hill and watched the tigers.

At this time, Yu Zecheng issued a second sword. His hands were raised, and that hand was changed, turned into a strange hand full of scales. The Mohu Luojia poison dragon arm, which can make the poison dragon steam the sea, Let five hundred miles of heaven and earth be turned into a sea of ​​poison, and all souls will be destroyed.

But this powerful Mohuroga poison dragon arm is now used only as a cover to block the opponent’s sword, and uses the flesh and blood to block the killing sword.

Another sword, Qingming sword, only this sword can hit the opponent in this high-speed flight.

Suddenly this sword penetrates the poisonous dragon arm of Namokhura, and once again explodes the head of the blood sea asura body, the blood chakra is now one third left.

As long as there are at most two swords, kill this Yuanying Zhenjun.

This Yuanying Zhenjun is also unambiguous, and the fierce voice shouted:

“My eight Fiendgod sects withdrew from the thirty-year-old soul-cultivation activity and will never participate. If this vow is violated, the martial arts will die and the eternal life will dissipate.”

At the same time, the head of Yuanying Zhenjun changed his head and turned back to his original appearance. His eyes were sincere, as if he could speak. In an instant, the idea of ​​begging for beggar and shaking his tail for mercy came to Yu Ze. Into the brain.

The other party was completely served, the heart shattered, and the clothes were completely served, and the oath sounded all over the room, killing no more than a point, and there were six Yuanying Zhenjun who didn’t have to waste time on him. Yu Zecheng received the sword light and let it go.

However, he did not know that the pitiful look for mercy was due to Gan Dapo’s cloud technique. Unconsciously, Yu Zecheng still got involved, and he was compassionate and let him go.

Yu Zecheng stopped after the golden light, this Yuanying Zhenjun still fled backward, shouting while fleeing:

“Yuzhen palm teaches, weeping blood demon You can’t save your life, my eight Fiendgod squads withdrew from the thirty-year-old soul-cultivation activity, and will never participate in it. All my eight Fiendgod sect disciples , Return to the mountain immediately.”

The last sentence, from a distance of three hundred, he was turned into a sword by Yu Ze. He killed with a chill, and he broke the covenant, broke out of the door, and ran away.

He went this way, and immediately eight Jindan True Master also walked away with the sword, followed his whereabouts, and left the place together, these are eight disciples of Fiendgod.

The moment Yu Zecheng let go of this person, Jianguang turned around and went straight to the only person who rescued the eight Fiendgod Zong Yuanying Zhenjun, and turned towards him as a platinum sword.

Yuan Ying Zhenjun saw the friend he rescued and turned to escape. The other five people just watched the battle. I wanted to find out the depth of Yu Zecheng’s mind. Monk Xuanzhou, but now he has a feeling that only one person is against the enemy.

Yu Zecheng rushed in front of him, the sword light turned, and in a flash, thousands of rays of light were released, just like the sea of ​​light, rolling towards the other party.

But in an instant, the other party silently chanted the curse, also produced a sword, the same Guanghai Jianyu, also swept toward Yu Zecheng. (!)

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