Pride of Immortals Chapter 701: Guiding the compass glacier adventure

The avalanche is miles away from those people. They calmed down. Those people looked at the big bear and said one after another:

“Brother Zhang, what is that, I have never seen such an ugly polar bear. How to look like a wild boar.”

Brother Zhang replied:

“No, it should be an illusion, that is our illusion. This Arctic bitter cold place, and the polar bear that can feed such a big, must be an illusion.”

The leader on the side said:

“Don’t stop thinking, don’t stop, go quickly, and you’ll be done as soon as you stop.

Hurry up to absorb the spiritual power of the spirit stone and get ready to go. We still have a quarter of the way. Persevere and we will win. “

No one dared to stay here. If you stay in the snow and rest for a while, you will never be able to walk again.

Everyone gasped for breath, and some began to absorb spirit stones before they asked Brother Zhang’s young man. Take out the fairy wine, which is brewed in a special way. The snow does not freeze here. Take a few sips, and then the original blue face regained some blood.

The big brother said aside:

“Xiaoyuzi, don’t drink it anymore, Wancheng Bingfeng Ridge in front is that dangerous place, you drink it like this, but when Xianjiu drinks, there is no way to go to the Ice and Snow Shrine, after Wancheng Bingfeng Ling, as well as Miyun thunderstorm and endless hail valleys, can be a hundred times harder than now.”

This big brother knows the path to the Ice and Snow Shrine in great detail, and Xiao Yuzi replied:

“Thank you Brother Zhang for your advice. I can’t hold it anymore. I can’t be eliminated. I have to take a sip. If not, I will come in ten years.”

The big brother sighed and said:

“Individuals have personal fate, let’s continue, persevere, persevere in order to win. Captain Li, take a break, it’s time for me to open the way, I will go for a quarter of a minute. Change for Xiao Yuzi.”

After he finished, he was not advising the young monk to cover his head with a fur cap, put on a snow mirror, and move on.

While walking, he was breathless, and while walking, he released an aura of light, which separated the ice and snow. Under the influence of this aura, he strode forward and advanced in the snow.

The eleven people behind him followed him in a line, and a chain of climbing ropes was used to tie everyone together. Like a group of ants, he used his aura to split the snow and move forward.

In Yu Zecheng’s reaction, this person was familiar with the road of the Ice and Snow Shrine. Originally, he had to be a hero halfway, killing the Demon Bear and asking for directions, but now the Demon Bear was flooded by ice and snow and had to appear directly.

Suddenly a red light flashed in front of these people, and one stood proud of the void. Watch them.

This eldest brother is the highest, and the first one found that it was shocking at first glance. I saw this person standing in the void, within a radius of a circle, all the endless ice and snow disappeared.

At this time, all the talents found that the storm blowing their lives was gone. This was precious breathing time, and everyone gasped for breath.

The man seemed to have a strange light all over him, the light was like fire, but the fire was not bright, but it contained a terrifying breath of death.

Under the baking of this fire, everyone suddenly felt that his physical strength was slowly recovering, and Brother Zhang’s eyes lit up immediately, knowing that this person was helping everyone, and letting everyone get angry, it seems that this time he will be able to reach that Ice and Snow Shrine.

Brother Zhang respectfully said:

“Meet the senior, don’t know what the senior has to tell the younger, the younger will complete the task.”

Everyone is like this, this person is so prestige, it’s the Jindan True Master, the fire behind it is the Jindan vision, after all, they are just group repairs, and they can’t see that this is the true king of Yuanying Of the law.

This is Yu Zecheng’s Samadhi Fire Giant. Now the Fa is successful. Many things do not have to appear on their own. It is enough to have them.

Yu Chengcheng hasn’t spoken for a long time. These monks are uneasy. In fact, Yu Cheng was restoring their strength. Help them.

Seeing that they are almost the same, Yu Zecheng said:

“Are you going to worship in the Ice and Snow Shrine? Is this the ceremony of buckling the Immortal Gate of the Ice and Snow Shrine?” The big brother felt Yu Zecheng’s kindness and immediately replied loudly:

“Yes, seniors, we are all people who participated in the trial. The younger Zhang Yundong, please tell me what the seniors have commanded, the younger go to the chase and go all out.” Bow. Yu Zecheng said:

“Okay, you’re a bit brave, in fact, there’s no big deal. I just went to the Ice and Snow Shrine to visit friends. Some of you are not sure about the direction. You can still move so firmly in this heavy snow. In addition to knowing the direction, is it right? What guides Magical Tool?”

The big brother immediately replied:

“You don’t know, Senior, now it’s the Ice and Snow Palace holding the ceremony of buckling the Immortal Gate, so the Ice and Snow God Array is activated, the entire Arctic sky is in a restricted range, the geomagnetic transformation, and the snow and ice are crazy. Follow the normal speed navigation, certain Will get lost.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, the Ice and Snow Palace sold the positioning compass in Fangshi outside the North Pole, so that the monks who passed through it would not be disoriented, and the positioning was purchased at the time when the Xianmen Gate was held. Compass, please senior…”

This elder brother was still talking, he said that while taking out the positioning compass, he would sacrifice to Yu Zecheng, and the kid drinking immortal wine on the side, his eyes swift. Immediately, he took out a positioning compass, ran forward, threw himself on his knees, and lifted it high. He sacrificed the compass first.

The big brother suddenly became stupid, and hurriedly stopped talking. He also took out a compass and lifted it up to sacrifice.

Yu Ze’s accomplishment was stunned, and then he smiled and stretched out his hand, and he immediately put away both compasses.

The big brother glared fiercely at the kid, almost crushed his teeth, and continued:

“Senior, this is the thing, this compass can only be used for one year, please pay attention to the senior.”

As the so-called beneficial must-have prize, Yu Zecheng stretched out his hand and wanted to find something to reward the two of them, but once touched, he evolved the Pangu world, his body was as bright as the wild, and he didn’t even have a spirit stone. One piece, what reward?

But this is not Yu Zecheng’s character. He stretched out his hand and flew out two beams of light into the minds of these two people. A voice sounded in their heads:

“This is the method of operation that captures congenitally in one breath. You two have a good practice, and after the cultivation, you can catch the flying sword and capture everything. This method is a public magical abilities. After you started, you said that you bought it in Fangshi. That’s it.”

Then the Samadhi Fire giant availed, and suddenly two points of light fell on the two of them, saying:

“This is the Samadhi Spark, which can keep you through the glacier without hurting. Practice well, refine it into your body, and you will have a lot to do in the future.”

The fierce person before him flashed, disappeared without a trace, the endless gust of wind struck again, and suddenly everyone began to tremble and continue to hurry.

Only the elder brother and the young man looked at each other, and the eyes of them both were filled with rejoicing. The north wind of this call sign no longer felt cold for them.

Yu Zezheng was very careful about the two bright lights. Except for the two of them, no one else saw them, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for them. Mu Xiu and Lin Feng will destroy them. Thank you, but harm. Yu Zecheng withdrew his two bodies and continued on his way. No wonder his car couldn’t find a direction. It turned out that it was forbidden to fully open here, so he lost his way.

With these two compasses, Yu Zecheng slowly activated. The pointer on the compass began to rotate, and the direction was automatically displayed. Sure enough, the Magical Arts of the Ice and Snow Palace was magical.

However, this compass guide will not be a problem. Yu Zecheng continues to drive the golden lantern changes direction from time to time, flying towards the distance It’s all the mountains of Bingfeng, what might be Bingfeng Mountain, and then flew over a plain, and finally broke through a strange valley with fists and big hail, and finally a huge palace appeared in front. The palace is huge and can be described by the city. From afar, it can be seen that there are countless ice crystals. The cold weather here has disappeared. Then the sun is above the sky. Under the sun, the palace emits six colors of light. In addition, there are still some pale white gases rising nearby, and the colorful glow in the sky makes this palace like a fairyland on earth.

The Xiaguang Yu then took a closer look, but it is not an ordinary Xiaguang, but it is actually a divine light passing through the sky. This is probably the Arctic Aurora. It is said that this light is magical and sometimes has strange lethality. Can blind people blind. The palace is surrounded by the huge glacier. The icicles on the glacier are circling. The strange thing is that there are green plants on the glacier. It is simply incredible.

Yu Zecheng watched the view of the Ice and Snow Palace in the distance. Suddenly there were several escapes, and he immediately fixed a figure in front of him. There were four people, two men and two women, all Foundation Establishment monks.

One of them bowed and politely said:

“Senior Ice and Snow Shrine Deacon Xueqing Square. May I ask the senior name of the surname, to

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