Pride of Immortals Chapter 465: Speedboat giant boat Tier 7 sea boat

Yu then Cheng Yujian flew to the edge of these big ships. Looking at these ships, almost all the immortals who arrive in this city, the first thing is to watch these ships, immortals who have spirit stones in their pockets can hardly resist the temptation of these big ships.

These great ships are exceptionally powerful. All the materials are very precious, the fine gold is the nail, the mystery silver is the thread, and the fish bone is the beam. The spirit tree of the sword, at a glance, this is a large Magical Tool magic weapon.

The sail, the bow image, the spirit blast stove, the reduced magic circle, and the ship control magic spirit are not installed. This is the customer’s choice. Such a large boat can be fully reduced to the size of the slap and loaded. In a special Qiankun bag, carry it with you, of course, the price of this boat is also amazing.

Seeing these mighty warships, you will have to take a trip to the sea of ​​the sky in the future. Now prepare in advance so that you will not be in a hurry. Buying a boat everywhere, Yu then decided to buy a boat at the moment of establishment, and had to buy a boat.

Yu Zecheng shouted at the ship:

“Boss, boss, have you come to buy a boat?”

The sound was loud, and immediately caused everyone around to look away, all eyes were disdainful, now Yu Zecheng’s Jindan vision was all put away, and it was impossible to see Xiu Wei. He had a Jindan vision some time ago. After the birth of the sword, Yu Zecheng couldn’t control it at all.

At this time, staying with Brother Three, this Golden Phantom vision gradually recovered and disappeared. It only appeared in combat, or when Yu Zecheng deliberately used the manifestation, because the sword of murder cannot be easily. Exposed, but not exposed, revealing five steps of blood. It is said that dogs that bite do not leak their teeth.

All the passers-by around looked at Yu Zecheng contemptuously, they thought:

“This is the madman who came there, and he has to buy a boat in his palm. The seaboats outside are all Tier VI and Tier VII seaboats, each of which is worth the price. Is he a Chinese cabbage? Short knowledge.”

Everyone is watching Yu Zecheng, who is grinning, is a chubby old man who runs over breathlessly and says:

“How do you call your brother, the servant under the surname Qin, do you want to buy a boat?”

Yu Zecheng glanced at him, he also glanced at Yu Zecheng, the two looked at each other, and the impact was like a celebrity cremation in an instant, both sides moved in one heart, Yu Zecheng felt that although the other person was a fat man Looking at the affable, honestly abnormal, but in Yu Zecheng’s induction above his disguise, he is as brutal as a giant shark, and always sends a fatal blow.

At the same time, the old man was surprised when he saw Yu Zecheng. He and he were the same kind of people. They were all kind of cruel combatants.

Yu Zecheng said:

“At Xiayuanyuanjian School sent Yu Zecheng, yes. This boat is so good, it looks good, Qin is in charge of it, and give me a big one.”

Qin Guanshi frowned, as if he had heard Yu Zecheng’s name there and said:

“Brother, it’s a boat or a fish, the bigger the better, you have never been to the sea outside the sky. In my life, I’ve been in the sky, and I have a lot of experience in this area. Old, I will tell you about the precautions for traveling in the sky.”

The Qin Guanshi and Yu Zecheng looked at each other, and they knew that Yu Zecheng was not an ordinary person, and his passion was like fire.

Yu Zecheng said with a fist:

“That’s the trouble for Brother Qin.”

Qin Guanshi said:

“The sea of ​​the sky is extremely endless. If you want to sail this sea, you must prepare the Sinan pointing astrolabe and the chart of the sky of the sky. Without these two, in this sky of the sea, it is completely blind to touch the elephant, maybe you will never return to the sea. Here comes. With these two things, you can observe the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens, earth, and moon through the astronomical chart of Sinan, and determine your own position. Even if it deviates from the chart, it can be slowly recovered.”

Yu Zecheng nodded, Qin Guanshi continued to say:

“Then sailing ships, although our immortal repairers can fly with swords, but when people are weak, there must be a ship that can be docked at sea. We can rest, so that we can sail the sky.

This ship is best prepared for the second category. The first one is the fastest sea boat, but also encounters a hurricane, flying fish, unable to guard the sword, and must escape, so the fastest sea boat must have, the faster The better. With this ship, you can escape from danger.

Another type is the big ship, which allows you to get enough rest, recover slowly, and even take the ship as your home. When the sea is extremely dangerous, you sink the ship into the bottom of the sea to form a cave and avoid danger. The sea was too flat, and the boat was rising to the surface, and it was sailing slowly. “

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

“What ships do you all have? Tell me about two ships.”

The governor Qin said:

“Okay, brothers are not the kind of people who want to live on the sea at first glance, so I recommend you a few good ships that need less manpower and are easy to operate.”

After talking about Qin Guanshi, he reached out and took out a slap-size water silver boat. It’s not so much a boat as a small shark. He shook the boat and turned it into an odd-shaped boat nine feet long and three feet wide.

I recommend our brother the Clipper, the fastest flying shark sky flying boat. This ship is a seventh-order sea boat, built from the muscles of the Great King Shark, and it is made of seven-degree gold sacrifice. It can be said Made from countless rare materials.

There is a space law circle in it, and the ships entering and leaving have been teleported. They can jump 30 miles in an instant, and they can also cut into the dimensional space for ten breaths. Avoiding blows, you can also dive into the sea. It can sail 20,000 miles in half an hour above the sea, and can rush out of 800 miles in 30 breaths. It is our fastest clipper.

This ship is graceful and luxurious. Among all the shipyards in Sanzhou surrounding Yuanhai, this ship has the highest speed. It took us 30 years to build such a fast ship with the anger sharks, but the price is a little expensive. Some, 360,000 spirit stones. “

The fat old man saw Yu Zecheng expressionless and continued to say:

“If brothers think it’s expensive, I’m recommending two clippers to you. Our fifth-tier seaship Tianlong and third-order seaboat Qingfengyin are also superb clippers…”

Yu Zecheng said:

“No, I want this flying shark sky boat. Let me talk about the big boat again.”

Qin Guanshi smiled and led Yu Zecheng into the center of nearly a hundred large ships, and in front of the largest ship, he said:

“There are so many of our big ships, there are all kinds of them, but looking at the brothers who prefer Ningtou not to be a phoenix, I would recommend one of our best seaboats, the Angry Sea Shark , This ship is named after our help, it is the best warship, and can be rated as an eighth-order sea ship.

We now have a ship available for sale here. This ship has been refined by us for two hundred years. Instead of a ship, it is a large Magical Tool with a total of 173 parts. Together to form this boat, we will attach all maintenance secrets, if that part

We ask the expert to extract the land veins of an island into this ship and use it as the power source of this ship. Since then, this ship no longer needs to consume spirit stones.

The streamlined hull is three hundred feet long, seventy feet wide, and thirty-two feet high. It is divided into ten-story boat houses. It has 16 Taiyi blue cannons and 365 flying sharks. An angry sea fangs main gun can be said to be powerful.

This ship has a primordial-level magic ship, which can command 365 puppet magic balls, and can perfectly operate this ship, with seven masts and thirteen sails. It can sail for three thousand miles in one hour. The bow image is the sea statue bow image specially created by Shen Weizong and Dazuo Buddhism. It definitely has first-class protection.

The materials used in this ship are:

Bronze wood, celestial silk, purple shark skin, Honghuang iron…”

A little introducer of the old man, led Yu Zecheng to go up and down the ship. Spiritual Qi in the ship is very thick, not worse than some small and medium-sized schools. The Qin Guanshi explained the magical use of this ship while measuring Yu Zecheng. Look.

Yu Zecheng followed him a little bit and carefully observed the ship. It was completely an expression of being the owner of that year. There was no hint of asking about the price at all. It seems that this is definitely a big customer.

Yu Zecheng looked at this big ship, a shark-like hull, a huge hull, and all of them showed the hard work of making it. This ship can be bought.

Yu Zecheng turned back and said:

“How many spirit stones is this ship?”

Qin Guanshi said:

“6.66 million spirit stones.”

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

“This price is not affordable, and the final bottom line is that these two ships are worth a total of six million.”

Qin shopkeeper smiled and said:

“Yeah, there is no guise, and the price cannot be reduced. It is inevitable that customers will be unhappy. The two ships have a total of 600 spirit stones and a price. We are responsible for all follow-up matters.”

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

“I bought it, well, six million spirit stones.”

After he finished talking, he took out six hundred high-level spirit stones and handed them to the old man. The old man reached out with a smile and said:

“It takes six hours, everything can be arranged, after the arrangement, you still need to perform the sacrifice, and then everything is completed.”

Yu Zecheng turned around and said:

“Tomorrow morning, I will come to pick up the boat.”

Walk and walk into Fang City after talking, just like buying a Chinese cabbage.

After Yu Zecheng left, two big men appeared to the old man and reached out, saying:

“Master, this guy is too stocky, six million spirit stones, without blinking his eyes, at night we…”

After the hand, I waved my hands It’s self-evident. The old man shook his head and said:

“Tell all disciples not to offend him, and immediately arrange this boat for me to the best condition.”

The next big man said:

“We are so easy to give him the boat, he is alone…”

The old man said:

“I was never afraid of the deep sea shark emperor, but I had a pair of eyes with him, but there was a feeling that he was more terrible than the deep sea shark emperor, so I believe my instincts are supernatural, and no one is allowed to mess with it. He, everything is ready for me, and he must leave him satisfied tomorrow.”

Unwillingly said:

“Just let him go?”

The old man smiled and said:

“We don’t mess with him, but we can inform them. So no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with us.” (!)

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