Pride of Immortals Chapter 198: Physical body body

The disciples of this army flesh ate the copper armor. As his blood basin chewed, the wounds on his body began to heal automatically, and the long piercing long sword pierced the body slowly and automatically detached. He was using the blood of the zombie corpse of the copper armor to quickly heal himself.

Meng threw the half-eaten copper armor to the side, because better food appeared, and Yu came to him with a smile and said:

“Don’t waste food, this is not a good habit.”

The disciples of Junrouzong said:

“This younger brother, I remember, I will taste it when I eat you. I have already eaten two disciples of the Blood Sect. What happened to you this year, none of the strong players in the pie came in, neither Are some ordinary disciples, don’t you want Foundation Establishment anymore? I hope your flesh and blood will not let me down.”

After the temptation, although this person looks like a meat ball, it looks a little silly, but in fact it is extremely smart, and it is still a normal cultivator.

Yu Zecheng said:

“No, no, such a big meat ball doesn’t know how elastic it is.”

In the process of speaking, there is no sound. The siege hammer fired out and suddenly hit the head of the disciples of the Chinese army, suddenly knocking him back one step. But this shocking siege hammer hit the flesh-like flesh and blood body, completely absorbed and decomposed, just like using a full-strength hammer to hit thick cotton, with no effect at all.

Disciples of the Army Meat Sect said:

“What is this Magical Arts, was it developed by Blood Sect Zong?”

Yu Zecheng replied:

“Yes, there is another trick.”

An Opening Mountain Hatchet was issued immediately, “calling” a huge True Yuan axe to appear in the air, and slashing towards the other party, the military meat sect disciple immediately wanted to dodge, but this True Yuan axe seemed slow, when you saw it turned into When the axe is shaped, you can’t avoid it anymore. The disciples of the Army Meat Sect have no time to avoid it. They can only raise their hands to block, and the sound of “flapping” comes from the sound of flesh cutting.

The giant axe cut off one of his arms at once, and then cut him on the shoulder, three inches into the flesh. The runes on the body of the disciples of the army flesh radiated a strong light. If this Opening Mountain Hatchet cuts other objects, it will continuously produce multiple Magical Power effects such as armor breaking, heavy chopping, bursting, striking, smashing, etc., but all the Magical Arts effects will disappear on the body of the meat ball of this army meat disciple. , Was dissipated by the runes in the flesh and blood of the disciples of this army.

This is the strength of the other party. The runes on his body can dispel all Magical Arts effects. Regardless of whether the immortal is attacking him with Magical Tool, Flying Sword, and Five Elements Magical Arts, his thick flesh can defend against the other’s physical attacks. The rune on his body can eliminate the opponent’s Magical Arts attack, and his double defense has put him in an invincible position. It’s hard to change that all of the army’s meat sect disciples are huge like meat balls. It turns out that this is how they fight.

The disciples of the Army Meat Sect reached out to pick up their broken arm, as if the broken arm was pressed, and the broken arm was immediately reconnected, he was no longer talking nonsense, his mouth was just a spit of sputum venom, flying to Yu Zecheng .

By Yu Zecheng, it’s time to avoid attacks. He took a deep breath, and his fierce body became bigger again, and then his hands, feet, and head were all retracted into the body, and it really became a meat ball.

Yu Zecheng quickly dodged to avoid the other party’s poison attack. At this time, the other party had turned into a real meatball and began to roll up, rushing towards Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng said:

“It’s true that you are fat, and you’re rolling.”

The meat ball-like skin surface of the army meat sect disciples produces a poisonous mist. The trees and flowers exposed to the poisonous mist all wither. The meat ball rolls faster and faster, and the speed is very normal at first. It rolls on the ground. Floating in the air fiercely, rolling up in the air, just like the imperial Magical Tool, the imperial body impacted others.

There is no wonder that these six evil factions can stand up to evil for thousands of years, and there are naturally reasons for this. Not to mention that this meatball is empty, the same Refining Qi monk encountered this only to escape one way, fight, can not move, regardless of Magical Tool, Flying Sword, Five Elements Magical Arts no harm to others.

Defend, you can’t resist, this flying army disciple, carrying Taishan beyond the North Sea, forms a strong impact, hitting the broken, who will stop the death, and the poisonous fog on his body, It’s definitely not a joke. It’s hard to tell you when to give you a bad sputum.

The spinning and tumbling army meat disciple hit Yu Zecheng. He aimed at the meat ball and issued a nail-breaker cone, and then another Shura slash. The nail-breaker cone hit the meat ball, and suddenly A round hole about an inch in size appeared at the place where the meat ball was hit, but on the opposite side there was a blast, and a wound about one foot in size appeared. This nail-breaking cone was effective for him.

The Shura slashed the meat ball, and immediately cut a five-inch deep two-foot wound on the meat ball, but the power of Shura was immediately solved by the rune culture of this person. Can’t continue to cut deeper, this move is invalid.

The disciples of the Army Meat Sect were turned around by this nail-breaker cone, dropped on the ground, and rolled on the ground. This should be painful. It bounced five or six times before it seemed to recover and flew towards again. Yu Zecheng rushed.

Yu Chengcheng suddenly issued three additional armor cones. Who knows the moment these three armor cones hit the meat ball, his body became thinner, and the armor cone suddenly penetrated the meat ball However, the power of the armor-piercing blast has already penetrated the meat ball, and it has only caused a weak penetration damage to the meat ball. This guy only adjusted the body function in the few jumps, thinking of a solution. In a blink of an eye he broke the nail cone.

The huge meat ball body of the disciples of the Army Meat Sect is about to hit Yu Zecheng, and the fierce Yu then rises into the Yu Jian, avoiding the opponent far away, then the meat ball is stunned, screaming:

“You are not my six disciples, you are a spy.”

Then burst out. Continue to chase Yu Zecheng in the air and slam into him frantically.

What to do, what Magical Arts attack him? Yu Zecheng pondered while Yu Jian escaped, fierce blood stains came to mind, yes, can stain all Magical Arts blood stains, just deal with this big meat ball, can’t you weaken the effect of Magical Arts, do I stain you, see if it is yours The weakening effect is strong, or my dirty effect is ruthless.

How to use pollution. If you used the previous method to bleed blood at him, it hadn’t been sprayed on him. I was afraid that you would have been smashed into minced meat, and Yu Zecheng doubted that after the bronze armor was pulled over, there was no resistance. Waiting to be swallowed, this army meat sect disciple is afraid of other capture Magical Arts.

What should I do? If there was no way for Yu Zecheng before, but since he was promoted to Peak in the Refining Qi stage, since he created a new Magical Arts with three techniques in one, Yu Zecheng has stopped sticking to stereotypes and changed and improved his learned Magical Arts from time to time. For example, the invisible siege hammer is one of them.

Just do it if you want to, Yu Zecheng carried out the blood staining technique. This time it is no longer a collection of blood in the mouth, but a spur of blood, but it is gathered on the right middle finger, and the blood gas slowly gathers in one point. Any resistance reaction he imagined seemed to be the way it should be, and Yu Yucheng understood why this was the case. In fact, this is the real use of blood staining, otherwise he will spray blood with his mouth again and again. value.

The **** changed from white to reddish purple during the operation of this bloodstaining technique, and then changed back from reddish purple to the original whitedish finger. In this way, for three consecutive times, Yu Chengcheng had a kind of Feeling, it’s done.

Yu Chengcheng turned around, imperial qi, Shura cut, and then cut out the moment, Shura cut in that crescent form. It instantly turned blood red, and the middle finger’s blood spattered automatically, blending into this asura. Moreover, the **** has no damage, blood spurts out spontaneously, comes out through the body, and immediately a dirty script appears in Dan Tian, ​​and finally Yu Zecheng realizes the true meaning of bleeding stains and gets the dirty script.

The Shura chopped it off, and a five-inch deep and two-foot-long wound was cut on the flying meat ball. The Shura slash of the Shura cut was dissipated by the runes on the meat ball, but On the wound, a bright red blood color appeared. This blood gas slowly spread on the meat ball, and it also dissipated while spreading.

The disciples of the army flesh screamed, and suddenly fell in the air, and began to roll on the ground. This blood stained his body, and the dissipative runes on the body also fought back. Both began with his body as the battlefield. Fight.

He was rolling on the ground, at this time his head and legs were all stretched out, the meat ball began to become smaller, and returned to the previous appearance. Suddenly, the arm that was cut off by Yu Zecheng suddenly fell off automatically. Although it was connected with Magical Arts, it was now contaminated by blood staining and Magical Arts failed, so it fell again.

The disciples of the Army Meat Sect roll take out a Qiankun bag, open the bag, desperately pour medicine into the mouth, and eat with a big mouth.

Yu Chengcheng didn’t look around. He started to bounce, jumped three meters in a row, jumped five times in a row, and finally no longer bounced. Yu Zecheng found that his blood stains all disappeared during this bounce. .

It seems that the other party has lifted the erosion of his blood staining technique, but immediately something unexpected happened to Yu Ze. Although the blood staining technique disappeared, the dissipative runes on his fat body continued to spread. Bright, fierce “chirp” sound. The whole body is like a fart. From his nose, mouth, ears, below, and back, a white gas begins to burst out, and then the body automatically lies on the ground in a large shape, and the face flushes up, as the gas is discharged , The body began to shrink sharply.

Although this military meat sect disciple is not a meatball, he is also a super fat man. He starts from his forehead and stretches a blood line downwards, extends below, and then divides into two, from the inside of his legs Stretch towards the heel.


There is also a chapter in two minutes. (!)

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