Pride of Immortals Chapter 183: 8 nonsense

Six months later, one person walked out of the Valley of the Ghost King. The man was unkempt and his clothes were ragged, but he was elated and radiant.

He walked out of the valley and immediately saw the sun on the sky lying on the ground, smelling the breath of dirt and panting.

This man is Yu Zecheng. This time he has been in the Valley of the Ghost King for half a year. He has fought in the Valley of the Ghost King for five months. Among them, more than a dozen have almost fought in the Valley of the Dead. All the eighteen ghost kings in the valley were arrested by him, and all ghost soldiers and ghosts could not escape, but they were all refining their souls, and he also entered the ghost world, and had been in the ghost world for more than a month.

These ghost kings and ghosts will all be turned into ghosts by him. The body has opened 36 big caves, and some have been cultivated for more than a hundred days. The purple ink Jiao can be completely summoned.

However, Yu Zecheng only summoned sixteen purple ink larvae, and did not continue to summon. It is not that he cannot, but that he does not want to. In the six-month battle, Yu Zecheng has broken through the primary level of congenital realm, formally entered the intermediate level of congenital realm, and started the next cultivation of Blood Astral Art Eighth Layer fairy bone regeneration, preparing to sacrifice the third fairy bone.

After Yu Zecheng resolutely entered the Valley of Ghost King that time, his body blood resonated with the purple ink dragon, and the Astral Point Appearing performance characteristics appeared, turning this purple ink dragon’s Inky Flame purple fire into a magical power for Yu Zecheng, Yu Ze Cheng Wushitongtong, the body Blood Astral Force mutation, turned into a strange inflammatory energy, this is the purple fire Inky Flame purple fire.

This fire is divided into two parts, one part is Inky Flame, the other part is purple fire, and the rest can feel that this Inky Flame purple fire has a lot of knowledge, but he can’t grasp the mystery, only to ask Master to ask questions in the future. .

Yu Zecheng’s current secret sect secret method is neither a five-element Qiankun hole-breaking tactic, nor a witch-soul-raising method. Instead, he put the two Harmonizing together, plus his own All Heaven Executing Spirit Forging Demon Way, a magic technique that combines three secret methods.

According to the rules of the Immortal Realm, Yu Zecheng could have a resounding name for this thaumaturgical art, but he didn’t play it because this thaumaturgical art is unreproducible. Whoever wants to practice must first find a congenital treasure world. Is it possible to make it. With the exception of Yu Zecheng, no one will practice this technique anymore, so he doesn’t even get the name of this Magical Arts.

Yu Zecheng’s Pangu World has also undergone significant changes. In the sky above the pool, there are eleven small fireballs. Each fireball represents a purple ink jellyfish. They are all small, only ping pong balls. Size, but they are very lively, flying in a certain area in the air above the pool, there is no regularity at all.

Every time Yu Yucheng turns into a hole, there is one more fireball in that area, and finally reaches thirty-six fireballs, which are flying in the air.

Yu Zecheng’s last soul-cutting was a month ago, and he captured all the ghost kings here. He wanted to see if he could hit the 37th big cave, but he couldn’t succeed anyway. With this extra soul, Yu then used his golden water sword as its shelter. Through the acceleration of the time pool, Yu Zecheng can now control two flying swords at the same time, but the consumption of True Yuan is also double, but the consumption of these True Yuan is not a problem for Yu Yucheng.

After the Ghost King Valley was cleaned up, Yu Zecheng entered the Nether World under the trend of curiosity. This is a month. In the Nether World, not only the evil ghost family, but also other creatures. , You can communicate with your heart.

In this month, Yu Zecheng saw various strange creatures, traveled various strange worlds, and even made two outland friends.

But I also learned the lesson. The ghost emperor here became a building when Yu Zecheng entered the nether world. At the entrance of the Valley of the Ghost King, Yu Zecheng was allowed to pass again and again until Three days ago, Yu Zecheng was the only one who did not operate the Profound Soul Armor and suddenly launched an attack on him.

Suddenly, Yu Zecheng didn’t respond, relying on the real water robes on his body and the automatic protection of the Twelve Runes, escaped this attack, and the ghost emperor was glorified by the ninth-order flying sword of the automatic protector, Sword beheaded.

At this time, Yu Chengcheng realized the dangers of this world. The more advanced and cunning the ghosts in this ghost world. After slashing the ghost emperor again. Yu Zecheng received Master’s sword and shadow book, and the food was almost exhausted, so he returned to the Valley of the Ghost King, where he escaped, and finally walked out of the valley, and once again saw the sun in the sky.

When you leave, you have to get a souvenir every time you come here. The only disadvantage of this ghost world is that most things have no substance, even the beheaded ghost emperor, except for the ghost crystal, there is nothing left. Next, Yu Zecheng finally had no choice but to pick up more than 20 small stones at random and leave the nether world.

Lying outside the valley, Yu Zecheng breathed heavily. It’s still a good world. This ghost king valley will not come in his next life, but this time the harvest is great, True Yuan is sufficient, until the Foundation Establishment period True Yuan reserve is no longer Is the problem.

After a short break, he rose up with his sword and went straight to Tiandao Peak to return to his cave house. The master gave him the sword and shadow book, informing Yu Zecheng that he had gone out of the mountain to reach the advanced level of the dragon and tiger realm, let Yu Zecheng pass by, and check whether he has made progress recently.

Yu Chengcheng first returned to his cave house, and saw the two puppets, as well as his own inner room, a feeling of returning home spontaneously, and here is more friendly than there.

Take a good bath, take a nap, and trim your hair. After finishing his appearance and putting on a fitted vest, he went to the courtyard to see Master.

Nantian True Master is still the same as before, there is no big difference, and no change in the breakthrough state is seen. Yu Zecheng shouted loudly when he saw Master:

“Master, Master.”

Then rushed over quickly.

Nantian True Master looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

“A year and ten months, it has reached the innate intermediate level, not bad, I am not wrong about you.”

Yu Zecheng said:

“Thank you Master for compliments, congratulations to Master Longhu Dacheng, and wish Master an early refining of Yuanying.”

Nantian True Master sighed and said:

“It’s not easy to talk about, try your best. By the way, I heard that you recently went to the Valley of the Ghost King to try it out. You must be careful there. You can’t escape from the Valley of the Ghost King and enter the ghost world. The ghost king in the ghost world is very cunning. Ferocious, they cannot enter the Valley of the Ghost King, they can only be stationed there to guard.”

Yu Zecheng thought:

“Master, you said earlier, I have finished.”

But Yu Zecheng said:

“The disciples understand that the discipleship trial is over and there is no need to go to the Valley of the Ghost King.”

Nantian True Master touched Yu Zecheng’s head and said:

“The man is taller and older, but unfortunately I can’t help you in the Refining Qi period. Although I can deliver True Yuan for you to help you raise a level, but after Foundation Establishment, you will be unable to move forward and stay in the Foundation Establishment period. That’s not helping you or hurting you.

How is your destruction of Nine Skills, see you are murderous, and countless resentments haunt you. This evil spirit must have killed less. “

Yu Zecheng replied:

“Master, I have completely mastered the Nine Techniques of Destruction, and I have all killed the 18 ghost kings.”

Nantian True Master said:

“Okay, you and I will go to the True Buddha Sect tomorrow. You have too many evil spirits to kill. This ghost evil spirit is different from other regional evil spirits. They have a supernatural power that is Nirvana curse, killing their own. There is a ghost spirit left on the enemy. This kind of ghost spirit on your body is more than 10,000. Although it will not have any impact on you in the near future, there will be great hidden dangers in the future after Foundation Establishment. You and I will arrive at the true Buddha Sect tomorrow. Being good at overkilling evil spirits will turn away all your resentment.”

Yu Zecheng listened to his ears and replied:

“Thank you, Master. By the way, Master, please help me see the magical power I have received recently. What’s the use?”

After talking about it, you will have the luck and blood True Yuan force and release a Inky Flame purple fire.

Nantian True Master. After looking at it, I even reached out and touched this Inky Flame purple fire. The Inky Flame purple fire that can refine the ghost king has no effect on Nantian True Master.

He thought for a while and said:

“Yes, this flame is called Inky Flame purple fire. Generally speaking, this flame is only possessed by the dragon family. I don’t know how you got it.

This fire requires the secret co-operation of the Celestial Dragons. It is divided into two parts, one is Inky Flame, the other is purple fire, and Inky Flame is also known as the ground fire, but it is a strange flame of the earth’s lungs and the center of the earth. For the purpose of restraint, it can even melt the soil material into magma.

Purple fire is also known as heart fire. This fire is a kind of fire-making, which has super melting power and can burn everything. This Inky Flame purple fire already contains two kinds of fire, waiting for you to find another fire after Foundation Establishment, and integrate it into this fire, you can get three flavors of real fire in the Foundation Establishment period, then it is extremely powerful. “

Yu Zecheng put away the flames and suddenly remembered Master Lei Bingyun, so he said:

“Master, I saw a senior half a year ago. She seems to have some opinions about you, and she is crazy, she is a woman, she is about this tall, and the Jindan vision is…”

Yu Zecheng will see the woman after a little bit of narrative, and suddenly found that the face of Jindan True Master began to change, becoming more and more serious, then Nantian True Master began to ask Yu Zecheng in detail about the woman, detailed In one of her actions, an expression, and finally when Yu Zecheng talked about the woman’s ridiculous laughter that took away Lei Bingyun, Nantian True Master fell down on the chair all at once, her face sad, as if she was heartbroken.

Just when Yu Zecheng began to doubt whether Master really had a leg with that woman, Nantian True Master said:

“Yes, I sent swordsmanship to make people have endless fighting power, and they can fight against the sky, and against the ground, and against people. There is no defeat, because if you lose, you will die.

But the biggest enemy I send is yourself. When you are lost in this power, you can’t control your state of mind, you can’t see your heart, then you will be lost, you will no longer regard yourself as an ordinary person, lost. In this infinite power, it is not far from death.

The biggest special feature of losing is madness. If you see me sending my disciples to be crazy, then he has already lost. The woman is my best friend. It is almost the same as your relationship with Feng Lingjing. You treat Feng Ling. Quiet choice, when I was the same, this is one of the reasons why I chose you.

She was crazy like that half a year ago. It seems that she can’t pass the Heartbeat realm of the Jindan period. Just a few months, my close friend will die, and my heart is sad. “

Yu Zecheng said:

“Master, did you just watch her die? Save her?”

Nantian True Master said:

“How to There is no way to save. She loves me deeply and hates me so much that she never listens to me.”

Yu Zecheng said:

“She doesn’t think of herself as an ordinary person, then let her feel the life of ordinary people, can’t she save her?”

Nantian True Master said:

“The life of ordinary people? This is the way. I lived through the Heartbeat period on this basis, but how can she be able to live the life of ordinary people?”

Yu Zecheng thought about it and said:

“Ordinary people have joys and sorrows, pains and joys, seeing her crazy, but Zhang’s okay, depending on her appearance or her virginity, Master you push her to let her taste what it is like to be a woman, This may change her back to an ordinary person.”

Nantian True Master‘s complexion changed. After counting the interest, Yu Zecheng was upset with his hand and said:


Then the sword rises and disappears into the sky. (!)

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