Power and Empire Chapter 405: Fool? (2)

Master Marshal! The Vikiyas are not as unbearable as Apollodi said!

The commander of the Fourth Army, Kurdish, who was sitting under Marshal Berrante, could no longer stand Apollodi’s arrogant remarks. He stood up excitedly from his seat and interrupted Apollodi’s unceremoniously. Words

“In fact, the infantry of the Vijaya army is very strong, and even not inferior to the ruders in the south. I believe that the generals here have a deep understanding of this.

“We just lost the Battle of Vijaya Northern, and now we can no longer lose the northern grasslands because of our arrogance! This is a crime against the kingdom! It is a blasphemy of trust in His Majesty the King!

His Majesty the King handed over 180,000 troops to us, let us lead them to victory! Instead of letting some arrogant guys squander it

The Kurdish is the oldest among the generals of the Northern Army, and he is also a guard in the era of King Haraus or the Wandering Prince. Following His Majesty the King to fight in the north and south, he has outstanding military merits and can be described as a veteran of the Northern Army.

Many generals of the Northern Army have been taken care of by him. This time he was the main force of the Northern Army that accompanied the Marshal to the rescue.

With one-third more troops than other regiments, and with more than 5,000 heavily armed reloaded knights, it can be seen that he has an extraordinary weight in the eyes of His Majesty the King and the Ministry of the King.

Seeing that it was his words, it was how Apollodi relied on his status as a son of a wealthy family, did not dare to continue talking nonsense, only murmured dissatisfiedly in a low voice.

“It’s not because of seniority, if according to the title, I am a family of dukes! You are just a little marquis!”

The Kurdish pretended not to hear Apollodi’s whispers. For a dude of a rich family like Apollodi, Kurd has seen too much in this life!

I don’t have any abilities, it’s completely relying on the family tree to climb to the high position in the army,

Such a situation is rare in the Northern Army, which has been fighting all year round, but it is everywhere in the several Central Army regiments near Kyoto. Most of the officers are family children with mixed seniority in the army.

Because according to Swadian’s knighthood inheritance law, if it is a knighthood family with military rank, its descendants must have served in the army for more than 2 years

With his dim eyes, Kurd looked at the solemn Marshal Burrant and the generals present, completely ignoring the gloomy Apollodi, and said firmly in his voice.

“If it is not necessary, I don’t think it is a wise choice to fight both Kujit and Wikiya at this moment!

“But” the Kurdish voice changed, and the tone increased, “It’s not that we don’t want to, the Vykiyas will stop. Now they are massing forces on the border, no matter what the intention, we must prepare for the worst. !”

The words of Kurdish won the approval of the generals of the Northern Army, and they nodded their heads. The situation that was full of sneers when confronted Apollodi just now was completely the same as above, and the same on the ground.

“It’s really a bunch of little people!” Apollodi sat down in the seat with a sad look, and the northern generals who watched secretly laughed in their hearts

“If it is not for the face of the Apollo family, then you are eligible to speak up! Now you know! In front of these real military bosses, your kid is the dish!”

“Well, the old Kurdish Marquis is right.” Marshal Burrant nodded. Kurdish is the leader of the Northern Army generals. Now that he has said something, Burrant, the Marshal, has to express his opinion.

“I decided to mobilize the Kurdish Lord’s Fourth Knights and Wimble’s Eleventh Knights to the west assault line. These two armies are mainly cavalry.

Especially the Kurdish lord’s knights have a reorganized and reloaded knights. These powerful cavalry are not very useful in attacking Aichamore, but they can effectively restrain Vikya’s infantry group.

Marshal Burrant’s words paused, and he looked at it intentionally or unintentionally. Apollodi, who was talking nonsense just now, took a look and continued, “At the same time, we must immediately strengthen our surveillance of the Vikya side. This task is very important. I decided Establish a dedicated person in charge, who of you is willing to take on this task!

As soon as Marshal Burrant’s voice fell, a Northern Army general stood up and said, “There is a suitable candidate in his subordinates! Since Captain Apollodi knows Vikia so well, it is better to hand over this important task. Responsible to Master Apollodi!”

“Haha!” As soon as the general’s voice fell, there was a sneer from the venue,

For this 10th Knight Commander transferred from Kyoto, the generals of the Northern Army have long been displeased.

Seeing the smiles of the generals around him, Apollodi seemed to be aware of the deep disgust of the entire Northern Legion towards him,

“Well, if there is no opinion, this matter will be handed over to the head of the Apollodi Army!” Burrant can also take the opportunity to throw this ignorant wealthy boy into someone who doesn’t see his heart. Go where it’s annoying,

Otherwise, if you continue to make trouble like this, it will be an insult to all Northern Swadian generals.

“Okay, I will be responsible for this matter!” Apollodi knew that he could not retreat, so he nodded with an awkward face, and got up angrily. The central account of the meeting,

Just stepping out of the tent door, Apollodi’s anger disappeared without a trace, replaced by a look of contempt

“My lord, things are going well, right?” A figure emerged from the shadow of the tent in front, a low voice with a hint of flattery,

“Well! Tirnarante! Your idea is really good! It’s even more effective than I expected.” Apollodi saw the dark shadow coming out and patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction

“In the minds of these northern fools, I must be an unlearned dude. This is very beneficial to our plan!

“If someone is always watching, we can’t do anything!” Apollodi looked around cautiously, lowered his voice and said, “The most important thing we need to do now is to let them relax their vigilance. Fortunately, I can move to the invisible place! Do you understand this?

“Yes, the subordinates understand that the Northern Army has always been the line and backing of the prince. They always guard against the adults in the second prince camp, so we must find a way to relax their vigilance! “Tirnaland’s characteristics should be in harmony with Tao

“Well, you understand!” Apollodi glanced at Tirnarante in amazement, and he understood a little bit more about the second prince sent Tirnarante to help him this time

Apollodi said, “The great prince has already overpowered the second prince in strength. If the Swadian Northern Army again pacifies the northern grasslands this time, the second prince will have no chance at all!

So no matter what, we cannot allow the Northern Army to achieve such a great achievement so easily. You once said that Vicia’s Samor Falcon is ambitious and will never sit back and watch Kugit be destroyed. So He will definitely intervene!

Now that the battle in the south is tight, the second prince has no time to take care of the north,

We can only hope that your guess is not wrong. As long as Vicia pulls the back leg, even if the Northern Army can win, it will be a miserable victory at best,

After this tense period has passed, His Royal Highness the second prince will have enough time to take his hand from the south,

Suppress the ever-expanding power of the prince, and as long as you ascend to the throne of the king, your previous request to restore the Tyre family is a matter of one sentence! , This is your chance to do meritorious service, you have to seize it

“Yes, what the lord said! The subordinates will do their best to never let the second prince down!” Tirnarante nodded faithfully, until he looked at Apollodi’s back. Tirnarante’s face was full of flattery just now, with a smug smile,

Since coming to Swadian, this Viking hero has relied on the second prince camp represented by the southern forces, and quickly gained the trust of the second prince by relying on his talent for conspiracy.

Following several suggestions on power struggles, Tirnarante also found out part of the situation in Swadian

Although Swadian looks extremely strong from the outside, pressing the Kingdom of Ruud in the south, entering the Kujit grassland in the north, and using one country to stand alone against the two great powers, it can be said to have unlimited scenery.

In fact, there are many factions inside,

Continuous wars continue to consume Swadian’s national strength, and the two princes are not good at each other, fighting for power with each other,

This is also due to the balancing policy adopted by King Harous throughout the year.

The mother of the eldest prince Acrisas is the eldest daughter of the Aceli family, one of the three largest dukes in the north, and the queen of the royal family under the Swadian royal family alone and above ten thousand people.

This in itself is a very successful political transaction under the cloak of romance,

When King Haraus was wandering in the north when he was the three princes, the leader of the northern forces, the Acry family caught a glance at the prince Haraus, who looked cynical but actually had hidden ambitions.

In the name of a genuine prince, a group of northern lords demanded the ambition to rise,

The two came together before the same political interests and staged a sudden change that determined the fate of the kingdom,

The various forces in Paravin, Kyoto, are still fighting for the vacant kingship at a critical moment in the struggle for life and death.

The third prince Harous, who was considered to be without threat and took refuge in the north,

But suddenly, with the 20,000 elite cavalry of the northern lord, he raided the grand prince Tatugit, who had already won a full victory at the time, and was cruising on the outskirts of Kyoto.

This was an extremely successful raid. From the Northern Territory to the sudden attack, the 20,000 cavalrymen followed the chaotic and disorderly situation. It only took a short period of 2 days.

The timing of the entire battle was extremely well grasped. The unprepared elder prince’s 60 thousand direct army was in chaos under the sudden assault of a large number of cavalry.

Even the prince who thought he was in control of the situation and could be crowned king the next day did not escape this military disaster,

Although the external propaganda was killed by the disintegrated rebel army,

According to internal sources, it was King Harros who used his own saber engraved with the royal emblem and inserted it into his eldest brother’s chest.

I really want to always hide in the fabric of the winner

This is a naked power struggle, in which there is only victory or defeat, no family affection, and some only the blood and cruelty of success and failure, and the viciousness of conspiracy to succeed!

At that time, the commander of the assault cavalry forward was the current Swadian Marshal Burrant. His genius military talents performed in this battle.

20,000 cavalry swept all the forces in Kyoto, using horseshoes and spears to push Haraus to the pinnacle of power

That night! Except for a few royal princesses who have no inheritance rights, nearly half of the male members of the royal family have their heads cut off by the insurgents.

The **** cleansing that followed immediately stained the stone bricks of the entire Paravin street with blood red.

Thousands of heads of officials at all levels have fallen, and the power center of the kingdom ushered in a new structure in the **** storm,

Recent years have passed since this incident, but many Palavins still talked about what happened back then.

The direct consequence of this coup d’état was that Haraus sat on the throne as he wished, and the northern lords, who had always been suppressed by the south, became the kingdom’s upstarts.

It gradually moved to the south to become Swadian’s most powerful power group,

In order to get the recognition of the various forces in the kingdom as soon as possible,

The first thing Harrods did when he came to the throne was to marry women from several big families in the north and the south, which laid a hidden danger for the disputes between the North and the South in Swadian.

The second prince’s mother was the daughter of the Wikick family, the first family in the South at the time,

In the past few decades, although King Haraus tried his best to adjust, as his body grew older and the northern forces gradually lost control,

The struggle for the throne of kingship has become more intense. This time the war against the southern country is the result of the southern forces’ strong demand for expansion.

Tirnarante, who is good at conspiracy and struggle, can faintly feel something worthy of fun from it,

The war in the north and the south exploded at the same time. Is this a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement?

Did the generation of hero King Harous also use this old method to decide the heir?

This is an opportunity!

Thinking of this, Tirnarante felt the blood in his heart boil,

Blant was able to use this to climb up to the position of Marshal of the Kingdom, couldn’t he do it?

“My lord! Master Apollodi asked me to tell you that he will leave for the border of Vijaya tomorrow morning. He needs someone who is familiar with Vijaya! He wants adults to accompany him!” a Swadian knight Pushing open the curtain of Tirnarante’s tent, Xiang is still meditating on Tirnarante,

“Go to the Vikija border? Where are you going?” Tirnarante wondered if he should be over-excited. He heard hallucinations and said with an ugly face.

“Master Marshal has just issued an appointment, and Captain Apollodi is now in charge of investigating the recent changes on the Vijay border. We no longer have to look at the faces of these northern generals.” The knight’s face showed a look of joy, full Face Xiyi waved to Tirnarante

“To be honest, I don’t like these arrogant Yankees either. Although the grown-up’s family is a northern rich family, the adult’s wife is a member of the southern Aventus family. For this reason, the family even canceled the adult’s Heir status,

I was sent forcibly this time. Everyone knows the sinister intentions. Winning is the credit of the family, and losing the adult is the scapegoat. If it weren’t for the decree of His Majesty the King, the great talent would not come.

Now it’s alright, we are free! Winning or losing has nothing to do with us.” The knight’s face paused, showing a greedy face, and said to Tirnarante

“I heard that the blue rum on the Vikija border is very famous! And there is the only place where you can enjoy the enchanting dance of Salante dancers in the folk tavern! This time it is A knight tour is complete!”

The knight seemed to be full of anticipation for Vicia’s trip, but he didn’t see Tirnarante’s pale face at all.

Julysaw, on the northern border of Vikia,

Clusters of ankle-high grass trembling in the wind, blue Malan, pink chrysanthemum, small-petal cat’s eye flowers, plain and pale wild chrysanthemums bloom one after another,

The wind blows over, and the brightly colored flowers all bend down, and the whole ground is a golden and green sea.

A black line appears on the vast grassland horizon,

“Quick! Speed ​​up!” Cerisi anxiously beat her horse. Behind her, there are more than a dozen Coherit guards in full body armor.

The war horse brought a whirlwind to break up the blooming wild flowers everywhere, and the petals of various colors danced in the wind

The heavy horseshoe shook the earth and crushed the peace of the grassland

“Look, miss, it’s our star and moon flag!” A Khergit guard looked excited, and shouted, pointing to the flag flying on the wall in the distance,

“Bless the longevity! Achrist is still ours!” Scyris saw the tall and thick city wall in the distance, and a Kujit star and moon flag was flying in the distance, and she sighed with relief.

After getting a clear statement from the fat man who promised to help, Ceres rushed back to the Kujit grassland non-stop to tell the people in Aichamore about the possibility of burning Rudato Mountain mentioned in the fat man’s analysis. ,

This fortress of Achrist is an important stronghold outside Aichemore,

Now it seems that because the obfuscation tactics designed by Fatty really worked, the temporary large-scale build-up of the Vijaya army on the border really made the Swadians suspicious and had to postpone the time of the attack~IndoMTL.com~ At this time, several patrolling teams of Kujit light cavalry also spotted this team of cavalry eagerly approaching, and they rode horses to surround themselves from all sides

“Atekler, hold the flag! Tell these rangers who I am!” shouted the guard who followed Ceriss,

“Hoo” a three-star arc-moon flag embroidered with gold thread borders spread out from the guard’s hand in the wind,

“Attention! It’s a man of the royal court! The guards are in the form of a guard formation.” A patrol captain of the Khergit cavalry squadron saw the unfolded three-star arc moon flag, his face tightened, and he waved his hand to the cavalry behind him. /

Hundreds of Kujit Rangers surrounded by “huh” rushed to both sides like separate waves, parallel to Ceris’s team,

Form the left and right sides of the wings to guard the group of Sceris in it

“Tell Atrisk’s guard officer that Sir Seris will see him!” a guard of the court of Kujit shouted to the ranger guarding nearby.

[Niu Wen No Ads Novel Dedication]

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