Power and Empire Chapter 387: Kudan (1)

The low and deep sky makes the extremely bright and hot summer noon become like night.

The wind was mixed with raindrops, crackling on the bare cliff. The soldiers lay tired and rested on the bare rock.

Although the mud water under them has soaked their armor, there are even fragments of rocks from time to time, mixed in the turbid water, rolling down, leaving the soldiers on the ground with mud all over their bodies,

But everyone can no longer control these. The fighting for several days has almost overdrawn their physical strength.

For a few days,

The continuous torrential rain and the continuous harassment of the Samor army on the opposite side have kept these soldiers from closing their eyes for two days.

Stian Tuksa was sitting in the tent, and the rainstorm outside finally stopped, but the mountain torrents that followed were more terrible than the rainstorm,

The falling debris flows on the steep mountain slopes, marking wide trenches,

It’s like being cut into countless pieces by someone using a huge war knife,

Soldiers are constantly being swept away by mudslides,

In such a harsh environment, the line of defense just built was quickly destroyed, but Samer’s fortified forces are pressing harder step by step

“What should I do?” Stian Tuksa’s fingers kept tapping on the armrest of the seat. For the first time, he regretted his plan to obey the Vatu Pass.

Sudden rainstorm,

Like a pair of magic hands from the gods,

Let the position advantage that I am proud of instantly turn into an irreversible disadvantage,

“Why is this!” Stian Tuksa felt unprecedentedly frustrated

Watu Mountain, the perilous rainstorm,

The advancing Samor army was crucified,

I also crucified my own army of fifty thousand,

This is what Stephen Tuksa didn’t expect,

The morale of the army is obviously declining rapidly, and it can even be said to have dropped to a freezing point.

The hastily looking Adjutant Anteris walked in from outside with a paperwork,

The tall antelope leather boots on the feet step on the precious red carpet, leaving yellow stains in the dazzling red,

“Anteris, what’s going to be such a panic!” Stian Tuksa rebuked with a displeased face, “As an elegant and noble nobleman, have you forgotten even the basic etiquette?”

“I’m sorry, my lord!” Deputy Anteris stooped to apologize for the continuous heavy rain and the deteriorating situation. Let the nobles who are serving as attendants look ugly,

The Samor army in the north has approached the Kudan area in the center of the north. The entanglement and disadvantage of the war have made them feel sick,

For the Steian family, this is just a battlefield where the two armies fight,

Ears to the nobles who have lived in Kudan for generations

Watu Pass. Is their last line of defense,

If Stian’s army is defeated again at the Vatu Pass, their lair of nobles, the vast and fertile Kudan Plain, will soon become the battlefield of the two armies.

At that time, the two sides caught each other and killed each other, and the huge soldiers with tens of thousands of strengths would turn the entire Kudan into a mass of wasteland.

The farmland that is about to be harvested will become wasteland trampled under the feet of soldiers,

While the horses neighed, the beautiful manor was burned down in the military disaster.

The strong castle can hardly escape the attack of the Samor army,

The title of the Kingdom’s First Siege Army was not blown out,

The enemy’s corpse mountain and blood sea have verified the strength of the Samor army for countless times.

Whenever I think of these,

The adjutant Anteris felt terrified,

For these northern nobles whose family business is concentrated in the Kudan area, it is definitely a terrible disaster.

The Samor army, which has never sold the face of the nobility, will definitely use the most cruel means.

Take revenge on these nobles who once supported their enemies,

The hearts of all nobles fluctuate with the battle. What’s more, these attendants in the army who know the situation at any time


The nobles in the north are no longer optimistic about the Steian family. The Samer in the south is too strong. Everyone can see that the Steian family, who has lost the support of the Miaoerdians, can no longer compete with the south

The immediate collapse of the battle is proof, but the nobles of Latour County can’t help it.

In order to strengthen their ruling foundation, the **** Sian family has moved all their families to the northern county of Vinnato.

This made the nobles of the northern Latour county have to sacrifice their lives to the Stian family

“My lord, this was urgently sent by the law enforcement team!” Adjutant Anteris handed the report to Stian Tuksa

“The law enforcement team?” Stian Tuksa raised his head from the table.

The adjutant Anteris saw Stefan Tuxa with a blank face, and whispered in his ear quickly

“This morning, the law enforcement team formed by the Latour knights found more than a hundred deserters on the mountain on the right. At that time, they were executed in accordance with the orders of the adults. All these cowards were executed, but Lord Valiaitu sent people just now. The dignitaries of the law enforcement team said that the more than one hundred deserters were escorts to **** their son back to the territory, and one of them was the son of Lord Valiaitu. The law enforcement team asked me to ask the Lord how to deal with this matter! “


This unexpected news. Let Stian Tuksa get up from his seat,

The corner of his mouth felt bitter, looking at the adjutant and asking, “Are you saying that the law enforcement team killed Valiaitu’s son as a deserter? Don’t you know. Valiaitu is the leader of those lords, and there are One third are from Valiaitu. Don’t you think it’s not messy enough now!

“At this time, the sons of Valiatu were killed. These knights of Latour County are too bold!”

Stian Tuksa turned his head. The face is terrible, horrible,

Seeing the murderous look on Stian Tuksa’s face, Adjutant Anteris felt cold.

Stian Tuksa has always been known for ruthlessly ruling the army,

This time, the knights of Latour County were specially added to the law enforcement team. In addition to enhancing the strength of the Stian regular army, it was mainly used to limit the strength of the lords.

Without the commanding soldiers of the knights, even if the lords want to oppose the Stian family, they will not form enough combat effectiveness.

Anteris also believes that under the situation of Zhuang Ouchong, Stian Tushengsa… will choose without hesitation. Killing mystery one of the knights of the nonstian family came to calm the lord’s anger

“My lord! This incident was totally an accident.” Adjutant Anteris waved his hands in a flustered manner. He himself is also a nobleman of Latour County.

“My lord, we should see from this incident that those swaying lords are simply unreliable. They only think about their own territory and interests. When we really encounter difficulties, we can only rely on these pursuits. Glory knight! Since the lord is unreliable. Why don’t we envelop the knight, please let us know about this matter!”

“Cover the knight!” Stian Tuxa blinked, as if feeling Anteris’s point was somewhat reasonable.

Through the understanding of this period, Stian Tuksa can clearly feel that these lords of Latour have no intention of fighting with them,

In the eyes of their lords, they are no different from the Samorians on the opposite side,

It’s just another bowing object.

The method of controlling knights is obviously more wise than bothering to control those useless and greedy lords. At least the knight’s loyalty can be clearly seen in battle

Just give rewards. These knights will do the same

“This is a good idea. Stian Tuksa nodded. As a general, he is more willing to believe in those brave knights on the battlefield

Looking at Adjutant Anteris for a while, he suddenly said in a deep voice, “Anteris! If I remember correctly, the deputy captain of the law enforcement team is your cousin! You should also be from Ratu County. Right”.

“Yes, yes. My lord”.

Stian Tuxa’s words caused Adjutant Anteris to shiver, and breathe coldly all over, like a frog being stared at by a poisonous snake.

In addition to serving as an adjutant, Anteris is also the liaison officer of Stian Tuxa in Ratu County. Over the past few months, Anteris has a very thorough understanding of the character of this famous general from the north. His bold personality is different. This young and mature general seems to always look at people with doubts. Killing and fear seem to be the general’s hobbies

Always be wary of all Latours,

Including my adjutant.

But one thing,

As long as there is a favorable situation, the general will be very generous.

Anteris hopes he has made no mistakes this time,

Or else

Your head will become a small pendant on the flagpole in the military, which will flutter in the wind like other miserable people.

“Hehe, you are very nervous!” Stian Tuksa saw his adjutant face as earthy. The corners of his mouth twitched. He knows his image in the hearts of others,

For this result, Stian Tuksa feels very enjoyable

After all, he is still too young, a sixteen-year-old little devil, and wants these Latours to listen to their own words,

I have to resort to some extraordinary means,

Many times, he even secretly envied the Kingdom Falcon who had always wanted to put himself to death, at least the one who had the name of a fool when he was sixteen and lived a carefree life.

Become a local lord at the age of eighteen, and with outrageous luck, like the **** of fate, deliberately handing over the kingdom to him

“It’s really an unfair competition!” Stian Tuksa sighed inwardly, and calmed down to his adjutant’s voice.

“Don’t be so nervous. As you said, now only the knights are the most reliable. Go and tell your cousin, I don’t need to pursue this matter,

“Thank you, my lord, you are the most wise and kind!”

Adjutant Anteris could not conceal the joy on his face. He immediately knelt on one knee and gave the most respectful knightly ceremony to Stian Tuksa sitting in his seat

“But it must be kept secret” Stian Tuksa waved his hand to him, accentuating his tone, “Anyone who might leak the news must be dealt with! You know the importance of this matter, if you let Valli The old guy Ai Tu knows about this, the entire barracks will be messed up!”

“Unfortunately, if possible, I would really like to see that old thing and know the sadness of my son’s death”. There was a sneer at the corner of Stian Tuksa’s mouth. This Valiaitu always likes to be the leader of Elato. If it weren’t for the sudden explosion of the Western War, he would have cleaned up these guys!

“We are not strong enough now. Before taking control of the knights, we still need to rely on these lords! Stefan Tuksa said to Adjutant Terri as much as possible.

“Little is now a critical moment. You immediately go to the barracks in Valiaitu for me, saying that his son has asked us to **** us back to Kudan and is safe now. As long as I defeat the Samor this time. I personally take him to Kudan to celebrate his meritorious service. I will personally recommend the Valli family as the governor of the west and hand over the entire Ratu County to them!. My lord…” Adjutant Anteris shouted with a touch of expression, Stean Tucker. Sa obviously took this matter to himself, which made Anteris feel a touch of excitement that can’t be concealed

Seeing the adjutant’s gaffe, Stean Tuksa said, “What are you shouting, don’t think I’m helping you, in fact, I’m helping myself. The most important thing now is to stabilize the hearts of these knights, as long as you can Hold steady. I can agree to their previous request. Let the knights form a dominion! Let them form a new knight order. You can tell them as long as they defeat the Samors on any condition. Our Stian family can consider it!”

“Yes, my lord, the little one knows how to do it! Adjutant Anteris suddenly realized, and quickly nodded in response. Suddenly, the two heard a rumbling of war drums outside, and the two looked at each other at the same time. Adjutant Anteris I saw a deep helplessness in the eyes of my chief.

“Boom!” The sound of the war drum is getting closer and closer, and the whole valley seems to vibrate with this booming sound

“These **** Samors! Can’t they make people quieter!” Stian Tuksa stood up with an ugly face, and took his weapon from the guard outside the tent

“My lord, the Samor Army has begun to move forward again.” A messenger ran in embarrassment

The sky is covered by dark clouds,

On the plain not far away, layers of black battle formations are like rolling waves, pressing towards the Vatu Pass.

Countless dense spears tower up like a forest,

This magnificent sight makes the faces of the Stian soldiers on the hills look like earth

In the past two days, reinforcements from the Samor people on the opposite side have continued to come from all directions, rapidly increasing from the original 10,000 to 70,000

The powerful Samor army can already be divided into two teams, always moving a certain distance every few hours just like before.

The rumbling of war drums is like a reminder,

Forcing the exhausted Stian soldiers, they had to run out of the tent and line up in the rain and exhaustion,

As the opposite Samor army is getting closer and closer to the mountain pass, the pressure on Stian’s army is also increasing. Everyone knows that the opposite Samor has already attacked. “Do you think this plan to push the mountain? How is it?” The fat man in the army turned around and asked Crolithart, the commander of the mountain army who had rushed to the army yesterday.

This step-by-step strategic plan was made by Fatty himself.

The main force in the west plus the two western flag regiments that have just been reinforced have already surpassed the Vanstian army on the opposite side in total strength.

The first thing to fight in a tough battle is momentum and morale.

There is no doubt about the outcome of this war, the more you have to stabilize before the war

“Stand up a shield!” A loud cry from the infantry commander was heard in front, and layers of heavy shields were laid down. Formed a solid shield wall, the forefront of the Samor army has advanced to about five meters from the Vatu Pass.

The densely packed Stian soldiers at Yamaguchi are already clearly visible,

“My lord’s method is good!” Crolithat looked excitedly at Vatu in the distance and said, “We only need to advance one hundred meters in the afternoon, which is our longbowman’s attack range. At that time, we will make a special effort. Five hundred giant shields assembled from nearby tall nanmu are of great use. Calculated by every longbowman hiding in the shadows, it is enough for 1,500 longbowmen to establish a solid line of attack!

“If I support you ten thousand regular infantry again. How long will it take you to break through this line of defense” The fat man continued to ask

Cro Lisart looked at the distance, the Stian’s line of defense that had been hit by the flash flood was scattered, and the corner of his mouth sneered. “For this kind of fragmented line of defense, I believe that the mountain longbowman only needs You can tear it open in two rounds,

If another ten thousand regular infantry attack the gap, at most half a day, I will be able to occupy all of the mountain pass. I only hope that the adults will not forget what they promised me when the time comes! “

“Oh, what a big tone! Don’t you think I just want you to open Watu Mountain?” The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his sister stared at the distant sky with bright eyes,

The Watu Mountain in front of him is no longer considered by the fat man.

Fatty now considers how to get the most benefit.

Otherwise, the attack on the mountain would have been ordered long ago,

Watu Pass is a Jedi!

The fat guy has been dragging him all the time, and he wants the opposite Stean Tuksa to throw in all the last strength of the Steien family.

The Northwestern Front and the Northwest have assembled the last strength of the Stian family, just like the last backbone of the Stian family,

To break it, is to break the hope of the rise of the Stian family,

Bring this once glorious northern tribe into a situation where it will never be restored

According to the battle report, the Saronian regiment in charge of the northern front passed the victory. In the just-concluded battle, with 60,000 Samor elites, they repelled the 100,000-strong counterattack of the Sian army.

This proves the fat man’s judgment that the Stean family, who is deeply trapped in the northwest, is now at the end of the battle.

This tycoon who once dominated the north,

At this moment, it is like a desperate beast, struggling with the deadly rope of Samor, which is getting stronger and stronger.

Now as long as the fat man gently squeezes his fists, he can dig the northern pearl of the Kudan Plain from the throne of the Stian family.

Let this area with the most prosperous population and commerce in the north into the embrace of Samor,

“What I want is the entire Kudan Plain! Can you take it down!” The fat man looked at the triumphant Stean Tuksa, and suddenly asked sharply.

“Kurdan Plain!” Crolitsart looked dazed, his eyes hesitated, Kudan Plain was the heart of the Stian family. It is also the stronghold of the Stian family. The Northwind Banshee Knights of the Stian family are not so powerful.

“As long as the city of Kudan is taken down, I will add another million military expenses to you”

The fat man saw that Crolithart was a little moved, he secretly laughed at the army commander from the mountain hunter, he still likes to be cheap,

This time, the two Northern Army Banner regiments that accompanied me into the northwest have been as exhausted as the Stean army on the opposite side because of long battles.

However, Crolitsart’s mountain army has been replenishing its energy for a long time~IndoMTL.com~ This time we opened the Vatu Pass defense line,

Not once a sharp opening force is impossible!

Please don’t be as aggressive as you are,

Fatty knows that for this special unit of the Mountain Regiment, it is better to just throw money out of it for pure encouragement.

The fat man took out an essay from his arms, put it in front of Crollisa, and continued to tempt him, “Do you know what this is? This is the appointment letter of Ratu County,

“Lato County’s appointment book!” Crolitsart’s expression became excited,

The fat man nodded and said, “Yes, Latour is the most important hub in the entire north. It is much fatter than the Huberaban in Salong! Right next to the northern commercial center of the Kudan Plain, I believe that Latour County will do it. In the garrison, your mountain army will increase its strength and become the three big Samor armies that are truly as famous as the Northern and Southern Army!”

“Okay! I did this!” Crolitsart almost snatched it over, affirmed with a firm expression, looking forward to how many days and nights, his own miscellaneous mountain army finally has its own station.

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