Poor Lady Chapter 90: Shang Clan

“What? Zhuo Fan is missing?” Yilun glared at his subordinates angrily and asked, “When did you disappear?”

“Last night.”

“You disappeared last night, did you report it today?”

The retinue bowed his head and replied: “The young patriarch just rushed back to the camp last night, he was exhausted, and his subordinates did not dare to disturb him.”

“Did you send someone to hunt them down?” Yilun’s eyes were full of storms. Although he knew that Zhuo Fan was not sincerely cooperating with him, but when he suddenly heard the news of her escape, and chose to flee when Bo Ya was in distress, then The feeling of being teased and betrayed made him angry.

“Yes, Zhuo Fan just disappeared, and his subordinates sent two teams to search along the way, but so far no trace has been found.”

Yi Lun frowned and pondered, Zhuo Fan must have wanted to rush back to the pass when he left Boya. In the vast and sparsely populated Western Regions, if there is no one to guide the way, people who are not familiar with the environment will easily get lost. If Zhuo Fanruo really fled in the direction of Weiguo, it is impossible for his people not to track him down, unless he did not flee to the pass.

“Continue to search, not necessarily to the east, you need to pay attention to several other directions.” When Yi Lun gave this order, he didn’t know that Qi Surong actually did not leave Bo Ya, but was replaced by a Bo Ya woman. Clothes, hidden in the inner camp, together with Dr. Tut and Gu Jinyun to take care of the wounded.

Since Yilun attacked the Qingying Allied Forces, there have been conflicts between the two sides, and the casualties have continued to increase, but there are only two or three real doctors, so most of the work of taking care of the wounded is taken over by married women from the Boya tribe. .

Qi Surong changed into a Bo Ya ethnic costume to uglify his appearance, and under the cover of Jin Yun, he successfully hid in the treatment camp.

Another advantage of taking care of the wounded is that it can end the battle in the first place. Dozens of days later, the battle between Boya and Qingying became fierce, and the situation was slightly unfavorable for Boya, and Yilun finally gave up hunting Zhuo Fan.

Gu Jinyun and Qi Surong knew that the opportunity was ripe, taking advantage of Yilun leading troops to leave the camp, they disguised themselves and escaped from Boya, intending to bypass the southeast of the Lambluo Lake and then enter the pass. Before leaving, Gu Jinyun left a letter to Dr. Tut, saying that he had regained his senses and desperately wanted to find his family, so he hurriedly bid farewell. For Dr. Tut’s kindness, Gu Jinyun will keep it in his heart, and will definitely repay it in the future. He is well aware of Tut’s character, he is free and easy, never participates in the struggles of various ethnic groups, and only focuses on medical skills. Gu Jinyun’s departure only made him a little confused and regretful, and then he put it behind him.

Gu Jinyun has lived in the Western Regions for more than a year, so he knows the route well. Everything was going smoothly, but when they passed the Lambro Lake, they encountered the patrolling soldiers of the Shang clan.

In Qi Surong’s memory, the Shang clan was just a small tribe and did not participate in the alliance. This is one of the reasons why she supported Jin Yun’s choice of this escape route. If it was the previous life, the patrol soldiers of the Shang clan would definitely not have made things difficult for the two travelers casually, but because of the fight between Boya and Qingying, all clans in the Western Regions were on alert, and any idlers would be subject to interrogation.

Before, for the convenience of fleeing, Qi Surong was still dressed as a man, while Jin Yun shaved off all his beard and regained his handsome face, no longer the stupid look he had when he was stooping silently.

The two were brought into the camp of the Shang clan, and the person in charge of interrogating them was Dagan (equivalent to the big leader) of the Shang clan.

“Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going?”

Gu Jinyun replied: “The two of us are caravan followers. I just made a deal with the brothers of the Huxia tribe and are about to rush back to the pass.”

“Which caravan, what business?”

“Wu’s house in Yancheng, cloth and porcelain.” Qi Surong said. The Wu family of Yancheng had met her in the pass, and although they had never cooperated, there was no doubt that they had business dealings with the Western Regions. Choosing to answer cloth and porcelain is for safety and to avoid the precious gold and silver transactions from attracting the other party’s covetousness.

“Oh? The Wu family in Yancheng, what evidence do you have?” Dagan looked slightly relaxed, obviously he had heard of this firm.

Qi Surong replied: “The two of us have no proof.”

“No proof?” Dagan frowned.

“My lord, don’t worry, although there is no certificate, there is a business approval document signed by the official.” Qi Surong took out the document and presented it with both hands.

Dagan took it over and looked at it, and continued to ask: “The document is not fake, but there is a document, why is there no certificate of the business name?”

“The two of us are just attendants, responsible for delivery, ordering and messaging. The main handover is in charge of the steward, so there is no certificate.”

This reason is reasonable. Dagan returned the documents to them, and said coldly: “It’s an extraordinary time recently, I can’t let you go casually, you stay here first, and let you go when the situation is clear.”

Jin Yun and Su Rong looked at each other in dismay, with a wry smile in their hearts, they finally left Bo Ya, but they were trapped in the Shang clan again.

Seeing their intentional expressions, Dagan comforted him kindly: “You can rest assured that my people will not make things difficult for you. You can leave within half a month at most.”

Ban Yue, who knows if Yilun will spare time to arrest them? But the matter has come to this point, and being anxious will not help, so we can only stay in the Shang clan for a while.

The camp of the Shang clan is only one mile away from the Lambro Lake. Compared with Bo Ya, it is a little less serious and step-by-step, and a little more peaceful to live and work in peace.

As that Dagan said, Su Rong and Jin Yun were not made things difficult, but they were not allowed to move around at will. The usual food and drink expenses are almost the same as that of ordinary tribesmen, and when they are in high spirits at night, they will be invited to participate in the bonfire party.

Su Rong and Jin Yun have been on guard during this time, not daring to be careless. Now in the Shang tribe, they have a rare breathing space.

Jin Yun competed with the members of the Shang clan for wine, boxing, horse racing and martial arts, and quickly integrated into their camp. And Qi Surong is a woman after all, so she always keeps a certain distance from them, but she has a wide range of knowledge, so it won’t make people feel bored. After a few days, the two made a group of brothers and sisters.

“That Miss Ale seems to have a crush on you.” In the tent, Qi Surong leaned on the blanket, looking at the man who was grooming with a half-smile.

Jin Yun let out a “huh” and didn’t reply.

Qi Surong stretched out her foot to rub against his calf, and casually said: “She is very beautiful.”

Jin Yun paused, put down the towel, undressed silently, then sat on the cushion, and began to take off his shoes.

“Why don’t you talk?” Qi Surong rubbed his toes against his waist again.

Jin Yun suddenly grabbed her ankle, dragged her body, and with a low cry, pressed her all over her body.

“Jin…” The voice behind was blocked, and the tongue invaded the mouth, sweeping wantonly.

Jin Yun untied her hair bun, opened her skirt, revealing the tightly bound chest strap inside, her fingers paused for a moment, then quickly loosened the knot, and untied the strap in circles.

“Don’t, what if someone comes in?” Qi Surong’s cheeks were slightly flushed, and she covered her chest with her hands.

“The night is quiet at this time, who will come to disturb people’s dreams?” Jin Yun’s voice was hoarse, and he pushed her hand away, completely tore off the corset, and a pair of snow-white jade rabbits immediately jumped into his eyes.

His eyes were blazing, and he lowered his head and smiled.

Qi Surong let out a low gasp, brushed his hands over the scar on the man’s back, his eyes showed pity, his body relaxed, and he unreservedly catered to the man’s movements.

Jin Yun’s breathing became more and more rapid. Before entering, he could still maintain his rationality. After entering, his movements changed from slow to fast, and gradually became wild.

At this moment, the footsteps of patrol soldiers came from outside the tent. Qi Surong bit her lower lip tightly, not daring to cry out. Jin Yun withdrew slowly, and then pushed forward abruptly.

Qi Surong covered her mouth and gave him a hard look. The corners of Jin Yun’s mouth raised slightly, he pulled her hand away, and held her lips. The two bodies were tightly entangled, and the mattress made regular friction sounds.

The outside of the tent is dark and deserted, and inside the tent, it is full of spring colors.

The next day, Qi Surong had a sore back and a sore back, and lay on the bed without getting up.

Jin Yun kissed her on the back and said softly, “Sorry, I couldn’t control it.”

After two years of separation, the moment I touched her, I realized that I was in love with her.

Qi Surong turned around and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissed him back, and said with an annoyed smile: “Forgive you this time, if you are so unrestrained next time, I will definitely not forgive you.”

“Next time?” Jin Yun’s eyes darkened, and he poked his big hand into the quilt.

Qi Surong immediately sat up and pushed him: “Help me get the clothes here, I have to change my appearance quickly, it will be terrible if someone finds out.”

“Yes.” Jin Yun regretted secretly.

After getting ready, the two of them washed up and walked out of the tent.

Jin Yun raised his head and suddenly saw a person walking by in the distance.

“That’s it?” Qi Surong said in a low voice, “A member of the Qingying clan?”

Jin Yun nodded, and the other party’s felt hat was pierced with the unique feathers of the Qingying tribe.

“I’m afraid they came to the Shang clan to form an alliance.” Jin Yun frowned. According to the information he collected, the Shang clan is not currently in the alliance, but it is unknown whether it will be shaken in the future.

Although Qi Surong doesn’t remember the names of all the allied tribes, but the Shang clan is definitely not among them, because someone in later generations revealed the secret that the patriarch of the Shang clan had a sworn feud with the former leader of Qingying. Perhaps the Shang clan would rather exterminate the clan than agree to form an alliance with it.

Compared to Jin Yun’s worries, Qi Surong was a little more sure.

Sure enough, not too long later, the envoys of the Qingying clan were dragged out of the main camp. The man angrily reprimanded the members of the Shang clan for not knowing what to do, and there was a threat in his words.

Jin Yun was a little puzzled: “The Shang clan is just a small tribe, how dare they have the guts to be an enemy of Qingying?”

Qi Surong thought for a while, and said with some reservations: “I heard that the Shang clan and Qingying have enmity, and it is unlikely that they will form an alliance.”

“Oh?” Jin Yun glanced at her, but did not ask the source of the news. These days, he has a deep understanding of his wife’s methods, whether it is the ingenious disguise, rich experience in business, or the unchanging mind, they are all convincing.

Thinking of the reasons for her rapid growth, Jin Yun felt a pain in his heart, and held her hand tightly.

“Since that’s the case, we might as well push the boat along.” A gleam of brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Qi Surong was taken aback for a moment, then said: “Do you mean…”

“Yes, as you think.”

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