Poor Lady Chapter 1: Rebirth

Qi Surong slowly opened his eyes, looking at the red silk curtain above his head, dotted with flowers and embroidered butterflies, and the bead curtain was half-draped, as if in a dream.

Turning his head, his eyes swept across the room one by one, the diamond window, the branch mirror, the gold-encrusted red sandalwood table and chairs, the cicada-patterned jade screen…everything in front of him seemed familiar.

Qi Surong sat up, touched the soft quilt on her body, her slender fingers looked extraordinarily clear against the red silk.

She opened her hands, her jade-like skin was the same as before she was sixteen years old. But it wasn’t supposed to be the hands she should have now, hands scarred by decades of hard work.

It is said that the soul of a person will return to the place she most wants to go after death. Is she still nostalgic for the wealth and glory of the past?

Qi Surong stretched out his hand to touch his face, it was smooth and delicate, without a trace of wrinkle.

The temperature felt by her fingertips made her slightly dazed. Strange, do you still feel this way after death?

She rolled over and got off the bed, and ran her fingers over everything in the room one by one. The touch of her fingertips was so real, so real that she almost had the urge to cry.

Unknowingly, I walked to the bronze mirror, and the mirror reflected my sixteen or seventeen-year-old appearance, with picturesque eyebrows and red lips, various ages, various appearances, noble backgrounds, and extraordinary talents. , These are the capitals she was once proud of, but they are also the reason why she is arrogant.

Qi Surong smiled self-deprecatingly. After thirty years of hardships, she could truly see clearly that the most important thing in a person’s life is self-knowledge. Poverty and wealth are like passing clouds.

She is very grateful to her master, who let her spend the most leisurely two years of her life before she passed away, without disputes, hatred, insults, high or low, no conspiracy, just living for happiness, Live only for your heart.

These short two years are more meaningful than her more than forty years of life. She has done too many things wrong, owed too many people, and her life is like a ridiculous tragedy. If she hadn’t met her master, she might have died a terrible death instead of being as calm and peaceful as she is now.

While thinking, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

Qi Surong was slightly taken aback, and opened the door, seeing a colorful scene. It is the season of flowers blooming, and the courtyard is picturesque, but the beauty of the picture is spoiled by the rushing people in the courtyard.

“Miss, I’m not good!” A familiar voice came from far and near, Qi Surong followed the reputation, and saw a maid in yellow running over in a hurry and said out of breath, “Miss, I’m not good .Our Qi Mansion is surrounded by many officers and soldiers.”

“What?” Qi Surong was stunned, didn’t this happen when she was sixteen years old?

Father is a general of the Wei Kingdom, a second-rank official, but he was too upright and upright, offended many dignitaries, and was framed by others, which aroused the anger of the emperor, and finally issued an order to investigate and deal with it, not only cutting off his title, but also Officials were dismissed, and all family property was confiscated. At this time, although no official decree had been issued, soldiers and horses were sent to block Qi’s mansion. The ruin of the Qi family is set, once it fell from the clouds into the mud, it has never recovered since.

This is also the beginning of Qi Surong’s tragic fate.

Is this…a dream? Qi Surong’s expression was a little dazed.

“Oh, my lady, what’s going on? What are those officers and soldiers trying to do?” The servant girl looked anxious.

“…Ping’er?” Qi Surong stared blankly at the little girl in front of her, and called out her name with a trembling voice.

“Yes, what’s your order, Miss?” Ping’er looked at Qi Surong with eyes full of hope.

Ping’er is still alive, standing in front of her alive!

Qi Surong held her arm tightly, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and walked out of the room slowly, scanning everything around him one by one.

It’s not a dream, it’s not a dream!

Qi Surong only felt his eyes sour, and an indescribable emotion welled up in his heart.

She went back to 30 years ago?

Is this the new life God gave her?

“Small, miss, don’t be sad, things may not be as bad as you imagined.” Seeing Qi Surong’s eyes were tearful, Ping’er thought she was frightened, and quickly comforted her.

“No, I’m not sad, I’m happy, very happy.” Yeah, how can you not be happy? God gave her a chance to live again, how lucky! In this life, she will never make the mistakes she once made again, and she will never owe anyone she owed again. She wants to live her life with no regrets and a clear heart!

Ping’er looked at Qi Surong who was crying and laughing strangely, wondering if she had gone mad.


“Well, it’s all right. Ping’er, go and pack your things, we will be kicked out of Qi’s mansion by the officers and soldiers soon, and there is not much time left.” Qi Surong cleared up her expression, and turned to herself while instructing Ping’er to the room.

“Get out of Qi’s mansion?” Ping’er still couldn’t believe it, “How is it possible? Miss, shall we wait for the master to return to the mansion?”

Father is currently being imprisoned by the emperor in the palace, and when he returns, the Qi mansion will have been looted long ago.

“Don’t say too much, just do as I say, go!” Qi Surong’s voice was a bit harsh.

“Okay, okay.” Ping’er no longer hesitated, and quickly turned and ran away.

Qi Surong walked into her room, and quickly took out several bank notes from the dressing cabinet, each with a denomination ranging from fifty taels to three hundred taels, adding up to about a thousand taels. This amount is only her usual half a month’s expenses, but now it will become the capital for her and her family to gain a foothold.

In her last life, she couldn’t accept the fact that Qi’s family was seized. She was immersed in the huge blow, and never thought about money. Since she was a child with no worries about food and clothing, she always thought that money was a vulgar thing, not worth mentioning.

Thinking about it now, I am really stupid and naive.

Looking across the jewelry box, Qi Surong could only shake his head regretfully. The person who seized the Qi family this time was his father’s deadly enemy. He seized all the belongings of the Qi family and was not allowed to take away any valuables, including even her mother’s dowry.

Qi Surong could only pick out a few pieces of jewelry at random, and hid them in his bosom together with the bank notes. Then she packed some clothes, took the custom-made set of embroidery needles, picked up her guqin, walked out of the room, and walked quickly towards the courtyard where her mother lived.

There were eight or nine people standing in the mother’s room, chatting about something, while the mother was sitting by the bed, crying to herself.

“Hey, the eldest lady is here, what should I do!” A beautiful woman said.

Qi Surong ignored her and went straight to her mother.

“Rong’er, your father…” Qi’s mother held Qi Surong’s hand, her face full of sadness.

“I know, mother, the Qi family is in trouble, we must make preparations early.” Qi Surong tried to keep himself calm, but his eyes lingered on his mother’s face.

Mom, I finally see you again!

“What? The Qi mansion is dead?” Before Qi’s mother could speak, a woman in a beautiful dress beside her interrupted and shouted.

The others were also shocked.

Qi Surong looked at them, and said indifferently: “If I were you, I wouldn’t waste time here. Go and pack some valuable things as soon as possible, and prepare to leave Qi’s residence.”

“Why are you so sure?” the beautiful woman asked. The Qi family has been officials for generations, and it is a famous noble family that has been passed down for generations, but the number of people withered, and finally only the line of General Qi remained. With the Qi family’s influence in the imperial court, how could it end up like this?

“It’s up to you whether you believe it or not, I’ll stop here, please leave, I want to be alone with my mother.” Qi Surong didn’t like them. They are concubines taken by their father. After the Qi family was investigated in their previous life, they abandoned their father one after another because they couldn’t bear the hard life. Some even owed a large amount of money in the name of their father, and the money was taken away by them. , the debt fell on their family.

Of course, not everyone is ruthless. At least two people are willing to share troubles with their father, but they are driven away by their father in the end. They might live better if they left the Qi family who were charged with crimes.

At this time, Qi Surong reminded them to pack up their valuables, not for their own sake, but to hope that they could leave her and her parents early when they had money.

She remembered her last life, most people didn’t have time to pack their things. Because of this, these concubines will continue to follow their father until the last value is squeezed out.

Qi Surong sent them away, looked around, and asked, “Mother, where is Subao?”

Su Bao is the younger brother of Su Rong and his mother. Although Qi’s father has many wives and concubines, he is very strict in the matter of offspring, and does not allow women other than his main wife to leave his blood. So up to now, he only has a pair of children, Su Rong and Su Bao.

“Subao is still sick, resting in the room, and the nanny is taking care of him.” Mother Qi replied sobbing.

Qi Surong knelt beside Qi’s mother’s legs and said softly: “Mother, listen to me, the emperor will not spare the Qi family this time, we have to find another way out.”

“But, your father hasn’t come back yet, should you wait for your father to come back before making plans?”

“Mother, trust me, father will be fine.” Qi Surong said solemnly, “What we have to do now is to prepare as much silver as possible to prepare for our future life.”

Mother Qi peeked at Qi Surong with a look of hesitation. She has lived in the compound all her life and has never traveled far, but now that she suddenly wants to leave the Qi’s mansion, she feels very confused.

Qi Surong is very aware of Qi’s mother’s temperament, she is more than virtuous, but lacks courage, she is indecisive and has no opinion. Because of this kind of character, she used to look down on her mother all the time, thinking that she didn’t have the prestige of being a mistress, so she couldn’t stand on stage. While rarely disrespectful, her eyes and expressions often give away what she really thinks. My mother was always trembling when facing her, not daring to say a harsh word. She was afraid of her, afraid of her own daughter.

Thinking of this, Qi Surong felt that she was very sad. What right did she have to look down on her mother who had worked so hard to raise her?

“Mother, now that the Qi family is facing unexpected changes, our family should be more united, no matter what kind of difficulties we face, we must never leave. As long as the relatives are still there, everything can start all over again. You say, right? “Qi Surong persuaded gently.

Qi’s mother stared at her blankly, she still had that familiar pretty face, but she felt completely different, as if the child had grown up and matured overnight.

Qi Surong stood up and said to Qi’s mother, “Mother, let me help you clean up, and then we will go find Subao together.”

Qi’s mother hesitated to speak, but finally agreed silently.

First she helped Qi’s mother tidy up her clothes, and then took out a stack of banknotes from the dark cabinet familiarly. Qi’s mother didn’t have much money in her private house, but her dowry was very rich, but it was a pity that she couldn’t take it away. Qi Surong touched the jewelry in the jewelry box and the neatly stored silks and satins in the box, and secretly made up her mind that one day, she must help her mother restock these items.

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