Pivot of the Sky: 003. The syllogism of formal logic theology (Part 1)

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Fayor is comfortable and proud. Rod-Dick rewards the craftsmen with thirty gold coins, each weighing one baht, and heavy in a bag. He placed thirty silver coins on the child’s anvil, about the size of a gold coin, but each one weighed only half a baht, and the value was only equivalent to one and a half gold coins. The rest belonged to him.

Fayor did not worry that Rod Dick would blame him. Noble Lord Dick could not succumb to the dirty and miner ’s house and stand in front of the fire, and he could send him the clerk to visit him personally It is already an honor for this family. He has completed the mission as commanded by Lord Dick, and fortunately got the tears of the gods. Lord Dick would only surprise him or even reward him. He would never pursue any trivial matters, he knew the Dick too well.

Fayor also saw the tears of the gods for the first time. He had n’t even heard of it before. Rod-Dick told him that it looked like a pale gold and translucent stone. He looked at Amon ’s house. Arrived and got it.

There was a dirty wine smell and the fire burning in the house. Fayol didn’t want to stay for a moment, and got away with the tears of the gods. Fayol is also very curious about the legendary symbol of the pity of the gods. He ca n’t help but want to take a closer look at what is magical in his hand, but also want to put it in his own wallet, but Of course he did not dare. He could only respectfully and carefully hold the gold box holding the tears of the gods.


Fayor left, and after a while, Amon also left the house, and he went to find the old maniac. Amon is still a child. He has unspeakable grievances in his heart, but he ca n’t say anything to his drunk father. It ’s okay to listen to the old madman ’s boundless madness.

He spent about half an hour in the old man ’s house and then quietly went to the west side of the town. On the west side of Duque Town is a rolling hill with green and black strange rocks, a little closer, there are not many grass slopes in the mountains to keep a small number of sheep, and it will be very sinister to go further. The stone is not high but weird, like the dense devil Jungle, the bushes growing on it are like people’s messy hair.

This kind of shrub is only two tall, but the branches are very hard. When cutting down, use a good machete and axe, and use it to make charcoal. It is the best stove fuel when smelting iron embryos. This area is called Charcoal Forest, and it is on the only way to Dusk town to the Syrian city-state. The post road of the Syrian city-state also passes through here.

In addition to the post roads where city-state warriors are stationed every thirty miles, people rarely enter the depths of Charcoal Forest. The strange and complex shrubs and rocks can completely obscure the sight within a short distance, and it looks like Full of mysterious danger.

But the old maniac told Amon that there is a cold spring in a hidden place in Charcoal Forest. The water is cold and biting, but it can cleanse and purify the human body. Bathing in that cold spring for many years can make the body stronger and more responsive. But it must be bathed in the same way that the old madman taught Amon. Otherwise, it would not only be of no benefit, but also be invaded by the cold and leave a dark disease.

The method has been taught, whether it is possible to not hurt the body, learn and tolerate the bitter ice, it is all in Amon himself. Amon once asked about the benefits of bathing in that cold spring? The old lunatic smiled and answered two words-sober up.

Amon once wanted to take his drunkard father to Hanquan to take a bath, but the old maniac glared: “Do you want your dad ’s life? He ca n’t bear it, only you can go, do n’t Tell others! “

So Amon went alone, every time in the middle of the bright moonlight, and at the beginning, he could not bear the chill that almost froze the people, but after a bath, he sat by the spring for a while. There was a rush of heat all over the body, which made people feel very comfortable and wanted to moan a little bit comfortably. Amon fell in love with this feeling, and whenever he was in a bad mood, he would always come to Hanquan.

And the cold spring water has another special feature. Although the extreme cooling can wash people clean, even a trace of dust will not be left on the body.


Rod-Dick was so excited and even ecstatic, he really got the tears of the gods, how wise, wise, and lucky! In the praise of Fayol and his subordinates and servants, the glass of wine was floating. Rod Dickburn had never dreamed of the Goddess Isis guiding him. It was made by himself, but now, he couldn’t help but think that he really got the guidance and favor of Goddess Isis in the midst.

Get the tears of the gods, the first thing he did was kneel down to pray, praise Great Spiritual God, then rewarded Fayol three **** stones, and sent someone a gift to Mayor Dasti. . Why should I give thanks again, I think the mayor of Dustin knows.

Fayor did it according to his orders. When the tears of the gods had just appeared, they were taken away on the spot, in the name of dedication to Goddess Isis. This can save a lot of trouble. Such important things are mined. If it is handed over to the Syrian city-state according to local regulations, it is difficult to get it again. Although it may not be possible to get it with Dick ’s identity and appropriate threats, it does not dare Guarantee to get it.

Of course, there are people in the Hati Kingdom who want the tears of the gods. Even in the Egyptian empire, there are more than one candidate for the Virgin chosen by each city-state, which is a benefit in itself. Contention. But how could the humble miner who mined the tears of the gods refuse Rod-Dick’s noble will and dedicate it to Goddess Isis? Everything seemed logical.

As for the mayor of Dustin, Rod Dick certainly has to compensate him. He will have to deal with him in the future. He cannot lose this friend. As for who is the miner who mined the Shenshi, and what did he get? Rod Dick is no longer guilty, he has asked Fayol to do things, generously giving 30 baht gold coins, and Fayol has done it, which is enough.

The people ’s hearts are so wonderful. Not long ago, Rod Dick was still drinking while drinking, and secretly prayed to the gods to pray to the miners. Now that he really got the tears of the gods, he forgot the miner who mined the tears of the gods. He could n’t help thinking that he really got the favor of the gods, and it was so devout to thank Goddess Isis.

Rod-Dick did not leave the tears of the gods in his hands, and then it was sent to Gabriel. He knew very well that there must be many people who wanted to compete for the tears of the gods. Earlier, Isi won The recognition of the Silk Temple is the most important. He planned to leave Duque Town immediately the next day, and he did n’t want to have something out of nowhere. Unexpectedly Gabriel told him that Echo-Maria was sick. He had to rest in this town for at least three days. The desert makes a hard journey.


Early in the early morning of the next day, the people in the town just got up shortly, and the cooking smoke was floating over every household. People heard the bells of the Temple of Mu Yun at the northern end of the town, which was a signal to call the residents of the town to gather.

Mayor Dustin, who was enjoying a hearty breakfast surrounded by four servants, was very displeased to hear the bell. Who disturbed his comfortable leisure? There are only two people who are qualified to ring the bells of Mu Yun ’s Temple in Duque Town. Dusit is the Master of Gods officer of the town and the nominal high priest of Mu Yun ’s temple, but the priest horse is responsible for the specific affairs of the temple. But Rob-Xiao Gu.

Xiao Gu also serves as the clerk of Duque Town and the Temple, responsible for writing and registration, recording the taxes paid by the townsmen each year and the property dedicated to the Temple. The clerk’s identity is higher than that of ordinary civilians, and can be regarded as a noble aristocrat, and Xiao Gu is also a priest of the temple. His identity is more noble than that of the ordinary clerk, and he is the second person in the town.

Do n’t underestimate a clerk, because he can read and write text, whether it is in Hatti or in Egypt, usually only nobles have the conditions to learn writing. Fayor Judah, the chief clerk of Roddick, can almost sit on par with the nobles of the Hati Kingdom, the mayor of Dust, although he is only a staff member.

Duke is just a small town. It is impossible and unnecessary to have so many aristocratic officials. Mayor Dasti does not want too many people to share the power here, so the simpler the better. According to the city-state decree, the clerk is a must, and the priest of manage temple affairs is also a must. Then let Xiao Go be a single person, and Dusti also knows that the lord of the Syrian city-state has a good opinion of Xiao Gu. Said that Xiao Gu had received bribes.

More funny is that after the Horus Temple has been built in the town, in order to save manpower and concentrate power, Mayor Dasti is still the priest and clerk of the manage Horus Temple specific affairs. It’s still Xiao Gu.


Mayor Dusti changed his luxurious coat and brought the servants to the square in front of Mu Yun ’s Temple. The people had already formed a large circle here, and Amon and his father looked down. Standing at the forefront of the crowd, Xiao Gu faced the crowd above the high-level temple.

People gave way to Dusty and he shouted unpleasantly while walking: “Xiao Gu, why did everyone ring the bell early in the morning to call everyone? Lord Dick is still in town, you are not afraid Disturbed the distinguished guests? “

Xiao Gu hurried down the stairs and bowed to Dusty: “Honorary Master of Gods, Lord Lord, someone blasphemed our patron saint, the great Mu Yun goddess.” Then he lowered his voice, “Town Long, you do n’t know yet, someone in the town mined a legendary tear of the gods, but it was not turned over, and it was privately presented to Lord Roddick. You know, even if it is a contribution, it should be It’s you or me … “

Dasti quickly interrupted his words in a low voice: “Xiao Gu, don’t mention this! Lord Dick wants the tears of the gods, he will stay in the town, can you stop me? But we did n’t hand over the city-state according to the regulations. In case someone is pursued, who is responsible? The miners who mined it voluntarily contributed to Goddess Isis and testified by Master Dick to save you and me trouble. You can rest assured that Master Dick ’s gift will be tonight Will be delivered to your house, will not disappoint you … Is there anything else? “

Xiao Gu froze for a moment, then nodded humbly: “If you know, you will do as you say. But there is one more thing that has to be dealt with, because someone has violated the dignity of the gods …”

People on the square only saw Xiao Gu and Dustie whispering a few words, and then saw Xiao Gu turn around to raise the tone: “Amon, the son of the miner, violated the tradition passed down from generation to generation in Duque Town. Oracle, without the grace and blessing of the goddess Mu Yun, opened the mine core privately and took out a **** stone. I verified it last night and it was acknowledged by his father himself …. Dear Lord Dusti has come , Everyone thinks, how to deal with him? “

Dasti frowned, but didn’t speak. He could only make a majestic look. He felt disgusted that Xiao Gu had grown outside this time, but there was no way to stop it. When it comes to the subject of blasphemy, everyone must be careful not to let Xiao Gu grasp his handle. Moreover, this is indeed the rule of Duke Township over the past and involves the dignity of the patron saint. He thought in his mind-Xiao Xiao, what kind of article do you want to borrow this thing, is it for me?

Xiao Gu looked at Amon as he talked, like a ruthless eagle looking at the trembling rabbit, although Amon bit his lip and did n’t tremble-he had n’t looked at the child well. The town of Duque produces a steady stream of **** stones, symbolizing endless wealth, but only four people in this town can write: Dustin, Xiao Gu, the old maniac Nietzsche and the child Amon.

Dasti can only write tablets of clay tablets used in Hati, Barron, and Assyria. This kind of text was first carved on the tablet with a knife, but Xiao Gu can write two kinds of instruments, except The sword book also includes the pen book used by the Egyptian Empire, which was written on the cursive paper with a pen. These were taught by the old maniac, but now, the old maniac has also taught Amon both of these words.


ps: At 0 o’clock tonight, add the second half of this chapter to the new book list!

Characters in this chapter ——

Marco Rob-Xiaogu: The clerk of Duque Town is also the priest and clerk of the Temple of Horus and the Temple of Mu Yun in the town. He can write two secular scripts of sword and pen, and master the corresponding The writing style of God.

Aristotle: A young traveling sage from the mainland, Roddick ’s entourage and staff.


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