Phoenix Destiny Chapter 704: Blood Pool

Passing through all the way, they finally reached a closed stone gate.

Seven people, Xiao Ling and Yang Chang had minor injuries, and the others were still in good condition, but their profound energy was exhausted.

Xiao Ling said: “The master here is really amazing. His cultivation level should not exceed the material realm. It has been a hundred years. The same level of us came to break through, and it actually cost so much.”

Zhou Ruying rarely raised the bar, nodded and said: “This person is very good at organs, he is a personal talent.”

“That’s weird, he is so powerful, what about the person who hits the door?” Xie Xing rested his chin in thought, “Looking at the previous traces, the two are not good at fighting. Is the other one also good at organizing? Can’t dismantle it all the way?”

“Looking at the remaining traces, they are most likely the same inheritance.”

Master Xuangan was a little excited: “So, their inheritance may be very powerful!”

“Probably.” Zhou Ruying has no interest, and yells, “Hurry up, let’s recover. Other places are ruined, and they are well preserved here. Maybe there are good things.”

Everyone recovered from what she said.

After waiting for some time, everyone recovered. Zhou Ruying took a deep breath, gathered his palms, and slapped him up.

She didn’t use ten percent of this palm, but also eighty percent. Who knows, this Shimen actually doesn’t move.

“Oh, awesome!” Zhou Ruying walked back and forth twice, “It can’t be opened.”

Lu Mingshu said: “Since the owner here is very good at organs, this door is probably also an organ?”

“Do you know how to solve it?”

She nodded: “I will try.”

Lu Mingshu carefully searched the past, and finally found a black box by the door.

She pushed away the stone and said: “This should be the mechanism.”

“Hurry up, then!” Zhou Ruying urged.

Lu Mingshu fumbled for a while, then withdrew his hand.

“Why won’t it open?” Zhou Ruying was anxious. She wanted to finish her work quickly and get out from here, being depressed and uncomfortable in the underground atmosphere.

“I can’t drive.” She spread her hands.

Zhou Ruying gave a “cut” and laughed: “I also said that you will, it won’t work in the end!”

“I just said to try.” Without giving her a chance to argue, Lu Mingshu looked at Yang Chang and Master Xuangan, “You two, come and try.”

“Us?” The two pointed at themselves, confused.

This girl is much stronger than them, and she can’t open the mechanism. Where can they open? Besides, they don’t know anything about institutions!

“It’s you.” Lu Mingshu was sure.

“Why are we?” Yang Chang asked, “Miss Lu, we don’t understand institutions!”

“You don’t need to understand, reach in your hand, release your profound energy, and try to touch the mechanism.”

She had a positive tone, and the two of them would be skeptical, but they still followed suit.

Zhou Ruying tilted her head for a while and understood: “You mean, they and the master here are likely to practice the same kind of exercises, the nature of the profound strength is also the same, maybe they can touch the organs?”

Lu Mingshu nodded.

As soon as I finished speaking, the stone gate really shook.

Everyone was overjoyed, Master Xuangan and Yang Chang immediately urged Xuan Li to bet.

Soon, Shimen sensed it and opened it staggeringly.

An inexplicable smell came out.

Lu Mingshu glanced at Xie Xingchen, both eyes were a little heavy.

This smell…it doesn’t look like a good thing inside.

“Great!” Zhou Ruying flicked her hair and said chicly, “Go! Let’s see the results of our struggle!”

Seven people crossed the stone gate and entered this secret room.

Zhou Ruying, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

Qiao Luoying, who was following her, suddenly let out a scream.

But in this secret room, there is a huge blood pool, with dark red liquid flowing in it, and the smell comes from the nose, and there is something floating and sinking in it, which is actually a stump!

Everyone’s face was not good-looking, Xiao Ling covered his mouth, Qiao Luoying was wobbly, Yang Chang opened his mouth and retched, and the mysterious master turned his head.

“It’s disgusting!” Xiao Ling finally swallowed, pale and said, “Is this the place where the blood corpses were refined?”

“It seems to be.” Zhou Ruying’s face became heavy, and she couldn’t squeeze a smile.

The stumps inside are densely packed, seemingly alive, and those hands, feet, and pieces of flesh are squirming in them.

“What to do?” Zhou Ruying looked at Lu Mingshu.

Xie Xing pondered: “If there has been no owner for a hundred years, it means that the stump meat here has been soaked for a hundred years?”

“Well, it seems to be.”

“According to common sense, the owner dug up such a large blood pool to provide nutrients for the residual limbs, right?”

“It makes sense.”

Xie Xingchen raised a question: “You said, they have been soaked here for a hundred years, are they very powerful?”


Zhou Ruying rubbed his arms: “You guy, goosebumps are made to tell you.”

Xie Xingshen smiled and said, “Is there any truth in what I said?”

“Yes! Too much!” Zhou Ruying was angry.

“Then should we leave as soon as possible? Now the blood corpses have not been assembled. What if we are rushed by our breath, start the assembly?”

Yang Chang felt sick and hesitated: “But we haven’t got anything of value yet.”

Xie Xing Shen said: “We walked all the way, where did we find something? Maybe the owner took it away long ago.”

“It makes sense.” Zhou Ruying didn’t come for anything anyway, so she immediately waved her hand, “Then let’s go.”

Xie Xingchen said so, and Zhou Ruying agreed. The others had nothing to oppose and could only follow.

Master Xuangan is very reluctant to give up.

After so many years of guarding at Lone Eagle Cliff, it is impossible to say that he has no thoughts.

Actually, they haven’t searched this secret room yet…

With this thought, Master Xuangan glanced quickly, hoping to find something, of course, he knew that the possibility was very small.

Well, there really isn’t much, so I can only leave. Wait–

Master Xuangan turned his head back suddenly: “There is something!”

Everyone looked at him.

Master Xuangan points to the blood His hands are shaking: “Look there! In the middle!”

Following where he was pointing, the others saw something gleaming, but they couldn’t tell when they looked closely.

Zhou Ruying said: “Are you dazzled? Maybe it’s nails?”

“No, definitely not!” Master Xuangan was very excited, and grabbed Yang Chang. “We found a note in that tomb at the time, and it vaguely mentioned that there is something here, right?”

Yang Chang nodded hesitantly: “Yes.”

If it weren’t for this, they wouldn’t have been thinking about it for so many years.

“It must be that the owner here is inconvenient to take away! Then he will find a safe place to hide. Is there a better place than this blood pool? After all, no one will go to the blood pool, right?”

Of course. This blood pool is not only disgusting, but also corpse poison. Who wants to go down?

“If there is something, it must be here!” Master Xuangan concluded.

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