Phoenix Destiny Chapter 330: Beast Raising Array

Jiang Yuan was silent for a while, suddenly laughed, and his expression relaxed.

“Do you think, just say a few words, I will help you?” She said lightly, “No matter, with your strength, I don’t expect to be able to toss flowers, why should I be nosy? The sea of ​​clouds debate is over. Let’s go separately.”

After speaking, she turned around and entered the cabin.

Lu Mingshu looked at Yan Wugui, but saw him spread his hands and sat down on the bow again: “Go and rest. It’s time for me to watch the night.”


She did not refuse, and turned back into the cabin.

Jiang Yuan leaned on the bulkhead and looked forward with his eyes open. He didn’t meditate or fall asleep, let alone take care of her.

Lu Mingshu found a place not too close to sit down, closed his eyes and rested.

The time passed bit by bit, and Jiang Yuan went out in the middle and changed for Yan Wugui.

When it was light, the three of them stood on the bow of the ship, and they could vaguely see the shadow of the island in the lake. But as far as the line of sight, there are only a few boats in front of them as fast as they are.

“Did we come too early or too late?” Yan Wugui asked.

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Of course, it came early. How can the boats arranged in a unified way be faster than the boats specially prepared by the Jiang family?

Shortly after finishing speaking, the boat under my feet bumped slightly, and then there was a strong attack from below.

The reaction of the three people is not slow, Yan Wugui leaned into the water for the first time, Lu Mingshu jumped out, stepped on the copper leaf, Jiang Yuan pressed down with a palm, and calmed the boat.

For a while, Yan Wugui returned to the boat with the beheaded water beast.

“It’s ours, don’t you have any comments?” Before Jiang Yuan could answer, he had already taken the water beast away carelessly.

“…” Of course Jiang Yuan can’t care about him. The son of the Jiang family still lacks these two water beasts? However, how can this guy’s face look so unpleasant?

The sky is gradually brightening, the water on the lake is sparkling, and the island in the lake is getting closer, and the outline can be seen clearly.

Jiang Yuan had a meal at his feet, and the boat stopped suddenly.

“What?” Yan Wugui asked.


As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a small boat that was a little faster than them. It slid forward quickly, and suddenly it was lifted with a bang.

This is a standard boat, which is the ones that docked at the pier before, prepared by the Holy Palace. There are four people above, all of whom are not bad in strength. It was hard work to be able to come so early.

In the face of this sudden change, the four people reacted unpleasantly. Two of them worked together, one with a weathered blade and the other with a flick of their fingers, facing the water beast that had lifted their ship. And the other two, one waved his sleeves, held the boat, and fell back to the surface, the other soul mark lit up, released a red light, covered the boat, and stabilized it.

“Oh, so there is a trap here!” Yan Wugui said.

Jiang Yuan looked at the four people silently.

After a lot of effort, the four of them removed the water beasts, returned to the boat, and moved on. However, in the blink of an eye, another water beast rushed out from below, followed by another fight.

However, this is not the end. After killing this one, it probably took less than a mile to kill again.

Less than a mile, for this speedboat-style boat, it’s just a blink of an eye. In other words, they were in danger three times in a row and never rested at all.

Even the dull people find it wrong.

Yan Wugui asked: “Is there a problem with this road?”

Jiang Yuan responded indifferently, without explaining in detail.

This time, after cleaning up the water beasts, the four of them learned to be smart, and they simply stopped the boat and didn’t leave.

But their plan failed, and soon other water beasts came to attack.

Lu Mingshu watched for a long time, and suddenly said: “This section of the road, is there a special path?”

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at her in surprise.

She said: “I can’t feel too much movement, which means that these water beasts have been lurking in the water, waiting for people to pass by and get the bait.”

“What about this?”

“For such a long distance, one kill with one step is too difficult. Waiting for the people in front to smooth the path is too unfair.” Lu Mingshu looked at her, “Is there any skill for this road?”

Jiang Yuan smiled suddenly and said: “It is not a loss to make an agreement with you.”

“Hey!” Yan Wugui squinted at him, “You have to speak with your conscience. Where else can you find two helpers like us?”


Lu Mingshu ignored it, and continued: “The surrounding areas are fighting so fiercely. There is no reason why the second level is so easy to pass? Surely this section of the waterway is the point?”

At this time, Jiang Yuan finally lost his breath: “Yes. There are countless water beasts ambushing around the lake center island. Only through the fight of the water beasts can you enter the lake center island and pass the second level.”

“What about the method?”

Jiang Yuan smiled softly: “The most direct way is to fight all the way. So, it’s not that these four people are too stupid, but that they have no inside information. They could only choose this method.”

“Then you have news?”

Jiang Yuan smiled again.

This smile is a bit subtle. If they are really a repairman in a remote county, 80% of them will feel uncomfortable.

However, for Lu Mingshu and the others, Jiang Yuan had inside information, which couldn’t be better.

Looking at the four people fighting halfway through, becoming more and more fierce, Jiang Yuan finally spoke again: “There is a large formation around the island of the lake, and these water beasts are raised in the large formation. If you don’t know the skills , Just like them, kill all the way, if you are lucky, you can pass the customs, if you are not lucky, huh…”

Probably feed the water beasts.

The last half sentence, Lu Mingshu added in his heart.

“Since there is a formation, is there a way to break the formation?” Yan Wugui asked, touching his chin.

Jiang Yuan said lightly: “How can we break such a big formation? At most, use some skills to avoid uninterrupted fighting.”

Yan Wugui is too lazy to listen to her saying this: “Just tell me what you want, don’t waste time by selling things.”

He is so impolite, Jiang Yuan’s face sank slightly, and he said with a slight displeasure: “Look at it first, and then talk about it, every time the big array is different.”

Lu Mingshu saw this formation for the first course, she saw the difference, but she quickly discovered the hidden fluctuations transmitted by this formation.

Since she was taken to test the medicine by the old man, not only has her physical body been tougher, but her mental power has also become much stronger.

She simply closed her eyes and felt these fluctuations carefully.

It’s like a drum being beaten lightly.

Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!

Lu Mingshu sensed the seemingly irregular fluctuations and silently calculated in his heart. She must not be able to break the formation, after all, she is not a serious formation mage, and she hasn’t studied deeply enough. However, this large formation of animal breeding is simple and rude in itself, it is easy to get the context, and it doesn’t need to be too advanced.

After a while, a few more boats came over, some stopped to watch like them, and some rushed in.

“Brother Jiang,” a small boat approached quickly, Chu Yuyan got out of it and smiled brightly at Jiang Yuan, “It’s so early!” (To be continued.)

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