Phoenix Destiny Chapter 284: Go now

Finally, Lu Mingshu let out a sigh, stopped looking at the map, sat down, stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, as if resting.

Xie Changhui was anxious and couldn’t help asking: “Miss Lu, what did you see?”

Lu Mingshu did not answer. After a long time, when Xie Changhui thought she would not answer, he opened his eyes: “What do you think?”

Xie Changhui was a little disappointed, and said: “I have discussed with Xiahou Ling, this road is familiar, with the master’s skill, no one can rob him.”

Xie Lianzhen was stimulated to break through the state of the gods before, and then fell into a frenzy and fell back into fusion. Now his injury is healed, and he is only one step away from being out of the gods. Moreover, as Lord Lian Zhen, he has a lot of life-saving things on his body, and he can’t move him when he is out of the divine realm. This inference is very tenable.

“The terrain of Beiming is complicated, I believe I don’t need to say. There are countless branches in the Ming River, and there are many fierce beasts lurking. May be lost.”

Getting lost in Beiming can be big or small. If you are lucky, you might open a new route, but if you are not lucky, it will take more than ten or twenty years before the younger generation will come here, as written in some books. Luck is a little bit worse, maybe you won’t encounter it in your life, just like this disappeared in the vast mist of the Ming River.

Xie Changhui finished speaking, but saw that Lu Mingshu’s expression disagrees.

“Ms. Lu has another opinion?”

Lu Mingshu nodded: “I am afraid you are too optimistic about this.”

“How do you tell?”

She stood up and moved her finger across the map, from Zhongzhou to Yuyang Mountain: “Which is the most dangerous road on this road?”

Xie Changhui thought without hesitation: “The second half.”

Lu Mingshu nodded: “From Zhongzhou to Bailuzhou, I don’t know how many people have traveled this route in a year. Merchant ships, tourists, and wandering rivers and lakes have become so familiar with each other. On the contrary, it’s the second half, because No one dares to go to the legend of Yuyang Mountain, and there are powerful beasts on the road, and they dare not.”

“Ms. Lu said, did the son go missing on this road?”

“No.” She categorically said, “Bailuzhou is the site of the Ye family. Even if those people don’t see it, will the Ye family’s eyeliner not be aware of it? As far as I can see, Lord Lianzhen must have not passed through Bailuzhou. .”

“What does that girl mean?” Xie Changhui was a little uncomfortable. Although the son often disappeared before, it was just that they could still feel the approximate whereabouts if they didn’t check it out. This time it was different, it was too abnormal.

“I don’t know if you found it.” The finger returned to the line that Xie Lianzhen passed. “The trace you found is just a short section of Beiming, and this short section has happened to be familiar. Yes, he has no reason to get lost. You said that he went to find me. Since he has a clear purpose, how can he walk an unfamiliar waterway? This road is the nearest.”

Xie Changhui was startled: “Miss Lu, you mean, the son is not lost, then he…”

“Take out the impossible options, and the rest is unthinkable, it’s the truth.” Lu Mingshu said softly, “I suspect that he was robbed.”

“…” Xie Changhui couldn’t imagine, who could rob Xie Lianzhen? Even if the person is very strong, as Xie Lianzhen, others would not dare to move casually, right?

For a long time, Xie Changhui said: “Then what should we do? Can we just wait? Xiahou Lingshi has been looking for a few days…”

“Of course I went to look for it. Xia Houshan can’t find it, maybe we can’t find it either.” Lu Mingshu said, “No matter how much you guess, I don’t look for it truthfully.”

I originally thought that even if Xie Lianzhen disappeared, there would be no danger, at best it would be difficult to find. Hearing what Lu Mingshu said at the moment, he was probably in danger, and Xie Changhui was a little panicked. He has no master. Hearing Lu Mingshu say this, there is nothing wrong with it: “Okay, let’s go right away.”

“The big ship is too slow.” Lu Mingshu said, “There should be that kind of light boat on this ship? Take it out, let’s go one step ahead.”


“Yes, just me and you.” Lu Mingshu said, “The more people you bring, the more troublesome it will be. This is not something that can be done with more people.”

Xie Changhui thinks about it too. If it was robbed by someone and Xia Houshan hadn’t found it after looking for it for so long, then it would be useless for him to take someone there.

“Girl, wait a minute, I will give orders.”

Lu Mingshu nodded and watched Xie Changhui walk out of the room quickly.

She looked down at the map and sighed for a long while.


There is no doubt about Xie Changhui’s ability to do things. After only a stick of incense, he came back.

“Miss Lu, Qingzhou is ready, we can leave now.”

Lu Mingshu stood up: “I have nothing to pack, so I can go now.”


Here the canoe was let down, and there, Lu Mingshu bid farewell to the five members of the downwind fleet, and the two of them jumped off the boat, drove the canoe, and drove south quickly.

Xie Changhui has never driven a boat. Fortunately, the design of this light boat can be steered with profound strength.

What makes him depressed is that since Lu Mingshu got on the boat, he didn’t care about everything and just practiced himself. After a few days, apart from taking a rest and eating, I never relaxed for a moment.

Xie Changhui really wants to complain. This girl, Lu, is too good at employing people, right? Want him to be the guardian of the fifth sect of the Seven Realms, the number one person below the suzerain, is she being used as a boatman like this?

But he can’t say. How much the son valued this girl Lu, he saw it with his own eyes. I am afraid that the son would be happy to sail the boat when he came by himself…

However, she was so calm from start to finish, which made him a little uncomfortable.

“Miss Lu, don’t you worry about your son at all?” Xie Changhui asked during the daily rest time.

Lu Mingshu drank the tea silently before asking: “Is it useful to worry?”

Xie Changhui was a little annoyed: “The person you care about is Isn’t it human nature to worry about it? You don’t worry, do you care about him at all?”

Lu Mingshu said coldly: “What do you think I am doing here? Listen to your question?”

“You…” Xie Changhui glared at her.

“It is said that Xie Changhui is the actual suzerain of the fifth sect of the Seven Realms. He is reliable and calm. As far as I can see, it is not as famous as meeting.”

“…” Xie Changhui said in his heart, if it weren’t for the son, I would be ridiculed by you here? Forget it, women and children are the most unreasonable, especially when they are both occupied.

With a full stomach, Xie Changhui continued to sail the boat.

Lu Mingshu closed his eyes and looked like he was going to continue practicing, but his mind sank and he entered the heavenly wheel.

Xie Lianzhen’s disappearance is too urgent. If her speculation is true, then she must try her best to improve her strength-the person who can take Xie Lianzhen away, even if she and Xie Changhui are tied together, they are not opponents. (To be continued.)

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