Phantasmal Genesis Chapter 443: Incarnation of the will to contain

Unfortunately, Ye Tianyi didn’t worry for too long. Hundreds of powerful auras flew into the sky, and the huge energy was released, which directly turned into a new sun hanging high in the sky.

The warm sun poured down, and Ye Tianyi once again had a clearer understanding of the strength of the Foundation. The shock in my heart could not be added.

Blue Arbitration seems to have expected it a long time ago, and naturally said: “I said, the Foundation will solve it, they have this strength.”

“Let’s go, otherwise they should find us.”

The energy of hundreds of split bodies is naturally incomparable to a star, but if it only shines on the planet of the heavenly spirit world, the energy emitted by these hundreds of split bodies is enough.

Sure enough, not long after Ye Tianyi and his party left, a split of the investigator came here and left after a pause.

However, the Blue and White Club attracted the attention of investigators, and at this time it finally attracted the attention of Meng Ke.

Since he manifested the Xuan Nv Heavenly Dao, somehow, such an organization began to appear on many planets where containment objects appeared.

They have a common name.

Blue and White Club.

The reasons for the creation of the blue and white clubs in each world are different. Some are because they purely like blue and white, some have special meanings, and some have special meanings. Some of them are directly and inexplicably named.

However, regardless of the reason for the establishment of the Blue and White Society, and what kind of belief it was at the beginning, in the end, it seems that their will is moving in the same direction.

It is as if there is a giant hand in the dark, stirring up fate, so that these blue and white societies appear.

Meng Ke was meditating, stroking the sword tire in his hand. He felt that if this blue and white society was not promoted by an unknown strong behind it, then it was probably an information characteristic.

If there is a shelter, someone will establish a blue and white society, and the two are like coexisting.

It gave him a strange feeling.

The Blue and White Society of the Heavenly Spirit World is only one of countless times. Some Blue and White Society has had great luck to obtain a powerful containment object, which has subverted the rule of the Foundation.

However, the death of the Taoist priest in the Heavenly Spirit Realm gave Meng Ke an idea.

Perhaps, a Blue and White Society appeared at first, and then they got a containment object with powerful characteristics. In the end, they felt that the enemy was invincible. So, they used this containment object to create a characteristic, so, countless The Blue and White Club was born.

In some worlds, the Foundation destroys the Blue and White Society, but it will not be long before a new Blue and White Society will be born.

The foundation has already regarded this as a hidden feature and cannot find the root cause to be solved. Therefore, the best way for them to deal with the Blue and White Society now is to imprison or observe in secret.

At this time, Meng Ke has been exposed to a lot of information, but after he determined that the birth of the Blue and White Society was an information feature, he felt it for a while, but it was still unknown.

It’s as if there are no features at all.

So, even Meng Ke cannot completely eliminate the Blue and White Society.

Fortunately, the will of the Blue and White Society is not much different from that of Meng Ke, and both have a dedication to controlling containment and guarding their own civilization, and they are not very aggressive to the outside world.

This can’t help but remind Meng Ke of the hostile gazes that appeared when she manifested the mysterious goddess of heaven.

He still doesn’t know what this is, he can only feel the deep hostility towards him from the will they were born into.

This is an enemy who was born on the opposite side of him.

“Is the existence of the Blue and White Society one of them?” Meng Ke was puzzled and hesitated.

Although he can’t kill the Blue and White Society, it is easy for him to control the Blue and White Society.

Abandoning the continual nature of the Blue and White Society, he is actually an ordinary containment organization.

Meng Ke did as he thought of it. Numerous clones with the thought and will of the Blue and White Society were born from the void, the space was directly broken, and countless clones were sent to each world where the Blue and White Society appeared.

The simple thought of clone is actually more pure and direct than the members of the Blue and White clubs in many worlds.

Each clone is a standard member of the blue and white club, and has a very high talent for understanding everything.

As long as these clones join the Blue and White Society, their talent, perseverance, and will are all the best choices. When the time is up, they will definitely enter the top of the Blue and White Society.

After doing this, Meng Ke disappeared here, and quickly went elsewhere to continue to comprehend the information.

There is also such a clone in the heavenly spirit world.

Because of what the Daoists do, there are blue and white clubs everywhere in the heavenly spirit world. Of course, many of these are the result of brainwashing.

But it is undeniable that many of these people have a more pure will to contain than many blue and white members after their thoughts are affected.

After the clone came, there was no immediate time to find the true blue and white members.

His strength grew rapidly, and he easily took the position of president in a brainwashed blue and white club.

This is the most powerful force in the brainwashed Blue and White And, they really have containment objects.

A square table, you can feel a blank Jiugongge by placing your hand on it, and the Jiugongge can fuse any matter into a new thing.

Moreover, this process can be repeated. With the same combination of materials, this table can make the same thing infinitely.

The members of this blue-and-white club have been repeatedly making a speaker that can detect whether there is a containment within five meters.

Although the distance is not great, it is also very useful in their opinion.

With the doppelganger in charge, the strength of this blue and white society began to increase rapidly.

Even the real Blue and White Club, the four major arbitrators couldn’t help but wonder when they discovered this Blue and White Club.

Of course, they didn’t come into contact with them on alert.

They want to see fellow people, but they don’t need to rely on others.

They already have a plan to kill the investigator, and things have come to this point. They have sacrificed so many people, they don’t want to fail, so naturally they will be more vigilant.

It is a good thing for the Blue and White Club to have people who came later, but they also don’t need help from others.

Furthermore, the investigators at this time seemed to be busy handling the contents of the sudden riot, and were not distracted to control them.

Meng Ke descended to the Blue and White Society of the avatar, and during this period, he quickly explored the land of all parties and constantly looked for shelters that were still in the wild.

The four major arbitrators also discovered that the Blue and White Club where the clone was located unexpectedly contained one after another.

Although every time is dangerous and dangerous, as long as the clone is dispatched, every time will be successful.

It seems that the president of the blue and white club, he is the embodiment of the will to contain…


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